Chapter 10

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Hi everyone, 

Sorry for the late update, but I was away last week, and I didn't have internet.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Daido was approaching Tatsuya's office when he saw Aiko leaving his office.

"Good morning, Miss. Olsen. Is Mr. Minamoto in there?"

When she saw Daido, she smiled, "Good morning Mr. Hayashi. Mr. Minamoto is in his office, and he actually just told me to get you, and tell you to bring your report."

Daido lifted his hand in which he was holding a folder. Despite everything being digitalized, highly confidential files were still in paper, to prevent any hackers from getting them. "I was just about to bring it to him."

"So, is there a new 'breakthrough' in the case?" She asked with a glint in her big blue eyes.

Daido chuckled, "It's pretty much a dead end with no real suspects, but I shouldn't be talking about my case."

"Well, I hope you get some leads soon," she had a supportive smile on her face, but Daido saw in a split second, right after he said 'no real suspects', relief in her eyes.

Daido kept his poker face. He knew that Aiko was hiding something and he knew he was going to find out what it is. "I will talk to you later Miss. Olsen, we don't want to keep Mr. Minamoto waiting." They bowed to each other and Daido went inside Tatsuya's office.

Tatsuya lifted his eyes from the tablet when he heard someone knocking and entering the office. "Mr. Hayashi, I saw that the case file wasn't waiting for me on my desk. Was there a problem?"

"Mr. Minamoto, I wanted to talk to you about the case before letting you read it."

Tatsuya turned his hands as to say 'well, what are you waiting for?', "Yes, please go on. We don't have the whole day."

"There aren't any solid suspects. The SSC guards described a person that attacked them, one of them was confident it was a female, and the other one claimed it was a male, the third one wasn't sure. The intruder wore a kitsune mask, so none of them saw the face, also they were about five feet nine." Daido made a pause.

"So, what was it that you wanted to tell me? All of this sound like something that I can read in that file you are holding."

"Well, that part yes, Mr. Minamoto, but not this part. The Jack guy, who works at the front desk of the archive, let two unauthorized girls in the archive. However, both of them are at least 4 inches shorter than what the SSC guards described, and Jack saw them leave approximately 2 hours after the guards said they were attacked, which was also only minutes before they set off the alarm for an intruder."

Tatsuya lifted one eyebrow, "And were you able to find those two girls?"

"Yes, Jack personally knew one of them, and I talked to both of them. One said she saw someone leave the restricted area and enter the staff only room. Her description mostly matched the description of the guards."

"So the two girls need to be interrogated more, and their apartments need to be searched for the kitsune mask and the stolen files! I don't get why are you standing here! You need to go to the judge and get the warrant! Daido, this really is so much unlike you!"

Daido lowered his voice. "Sir, I already searched their home. Every single corner of it, and I found nothing."

"So you need to interrogate them once again, and when did you get the warrant?"

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