Chapter 9

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Fumiko was standing at the metro station at 5am. She still had no idea whether to go to school or to go to the lab. Trying to rationalize and divide pros and cons of going to the lab, she realized that she couldn't think of a single reason, aside from less time for studying, not to go to the lab. Fumiko was starting to think that it was her lack of sleep that made her hesitant towards this.

"Don't turn around. Just stand still and continue facing forward." A familiar voice came behind Fumiko.

"I hear from your voice you aren't wearing a mask, Mitsuki." Fumiko stayed calm and faced forward, despite the burning curiosity to our around and see Mitsuki.

"Hence the reason you should be facing forward, Fumiko."

"You do realize that once the metro comes I'll be able to see you in the reflection." Fumiko was irritated that this girl thought she was the one setting the rules.

Mitsuki chuckled, and Fumiko could feel the air from chuckle tickle her neck, "Why so annoyed? Besides, I'll stay here for less than two minutes, and the next metro comes in two minutes."

At that moment Fumiko realized that one metro left just moments before Mitsuki approached her, "Were you waiting for the metro to leave, so you would have exactly two minutes?"

"As a matter of fact, I did. Now, let's not waste any more time. Why are you hesitant, lab is what you want, isn't it?" Mitsuki's voice beceme serious all of a sudden.

Fumiko could feel the blood leaving her face, "You are definitely stalking me," she said just above a whisper.

"Look, Fumiko, I just happened to talk to a friend who told me about your amazing lab report, and that you've already been offered a part time job at the government's lab, which is about as good as it will get, and that you said you will have to think about it. So why?"

"That is none of your business." Fumiko was practically hissing the words.

"Don't get angry, I just wanted to tell you that it is a great opportunity," she made a little pause before adding, "and you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't go now."

Fumiko started to move her head around, but then she felt a hand on the back of her neck and on the lower part of her head. "I am pretty sure I told you not to turn around. Will you go?"

Fumiko calmed down and stopped trying to turn her head, "Yeah, I will."

Fumiko could hear a smile in Mitsuki's voice, "I'm glad to hear that. I think it's time for me to go. Also, don't forget to keep your head high."

Fumiko reached her hand back and grabbed her by the arm, still not turning around to look at her, "Wait, why aren't you letting me see your face?"

Mitsuki came closer to Fumiko and whispered, "So you can have deniability."

Fumiko let go of her hand, and moments later, when she turned around Mitsuki was already gone.


The whole government research centre was a bit secluded from the city, so much secluded, that Fumiko realized she has never even seen it. The train went through the bamboo forest, then it was on the bridge above the lake, and in the middle of the lake there was a small island which had tall buildings. All of them looked like a refinery, but without any smoke. Fumiko was the only person on the train who had school uniform on, everybody else was in very business attire.

On the stop right at the end of the bridge, everybody left the train. There weren't many signs as to where is the research lab, so Fumiko decided to follow where most of the people went, and then ask someone. Lucky for her, she saw Dr. Klevel hurriedly walking in the distance, and she decided to walk over to her. Dr. Klevel was quickly moving between the tall skinny buildings, and it was hard for Fumiko to keep up with her.

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