Chapter 6

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“Guys, can I talk to Harry, alone?” I asked. The boys nodded and got up, leaving me in the living room with harry. “Listen, Har-“ he cut me off. “I really didn’t mean what happened earlier, Miranda. Zayn just pushed me too far and I let it go, and I feel really bad, and I just want things to be okay between us again.” He finished, looking at me with his big green eyes. “Harry, I do forgive you. But the rest of the boys are really mad that you sold me out like that even when we didn’t do anything close to what you told Zayn. And that’s what made me mad in the first place. You shouldn’t have told anyone about it.” I said, looking down. “I know. And I’m sorry. It just came out, like I said. I just want you to be happy, and that isn’t something I’m giving you right now, am I?” He asked, pulling my face up to meet his.  “Harry… I can’t. we’re fine now, but I just cant be like this anymore. We’re friends and nothing else.” I say, feeling the tears welling in my eyes. He leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled back. “No, Harry.” I said, getting up and walking out of the room, into the arms of the boys waiting outside. I cried into Zayn’s shirt, and the boys crowded around me into a group hug. “It’s okay princess, you’ll be fine.” Niall said, stroking my hair. I pulled back from Zayn’s tear stained shirt. “Sorry Zayn.” I said, turning to Niall. “It’s not that. I know I’ll be fine. It’s just that. I told him were still friends, which we are. We can never be anything more, ever again. I feel bad, but it had to be done.” I said, wiping my eyes. “I know.. and I’m sorry that it had to come to this, but he’s missing out on a great girl.” Liam said, hugging me. “Thanks guys.” I said, smiling weakly. “I’m going to get some pajamas on, I might watch a movie, so if you need me.” I said, walking upstairs and going to shower, then going into my room, changing. I walk out to see Niall laying on the bed. “Oh hey princess…. I just wanted to watch a movie with you, and just be here for you.” He said, beckoning me into his arms. I crawled into the bed, and into his arms. I looked up to see the movie Grease on. “I was in this play before, my school did it!” I laughed. “Really, who were you?” he responded with a wink. “I was Sandy,” I laughed. “No wonder, with your beautiful face, hair, and of course that gorgeous voice.” He said while kissing my temple. “Thanks,” I say and peck his cheek. Finally the movie ended, and it was 12:30. “I think the other boys are asleep.” Niall said as he moved his body so it was hovering over mine. “You’re flawless.” Niall said as he began making out with me, at first I was surprised, but then my lips went in sync with his. He began kissing and nibbling on my neck, finally finding my sweet spot he bit down, causing me too let out a small moan. Niall laughed a bit pleased with himself. “Niall, I have to go home in two days, I can’t have hickeys all over my neck, especially with all the boys, they’ll know what went on. “Ugh, fine.” He said coming back to my lips. His hands started to move down my chest, and started playing with the hem of my shirt. He began slowly pulling my shirt up, and then my friend Maddison called me. I giggled into the kiss realizing my ringtone for her was Liam talking. Niall also began laughing uncontrollably. “It’s my friend Maddison,” I say out loud, she was only one who had that ringtone. “Hello?” I say trying to hold back my giggles. “MIRANDA!?” she screamed through the phone. “Are you alright?” I ask trying not to laugh. “Are you with the boys!?!” she asked still screaming. “Oh my goodness, Maddison calm down.” I say laughing, and Niall told me to put it on speaker. I did as he told, and Maddison was still screaming through the phone. “Well are you!?” she asked. “Well I’m with one.” I said laughing. “OH MY GOD! WHO, MIRANDA! WHO TELL ME NOW!” she began screaming. “Maddison, aren’t their people sleeping at your house,” I ask trying to hold off on purpose, and Niall cannot for his life, stop laughing. “MIRANDA! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU.” She screamed even louder, “Well, I’m with Ni-“ I was stopped by her screams, and we both started laughing beyond belief. “MADDISOOOOON! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG!” I heard her mom in the background, and I started laughing even harder, “Mom, Miranda is with Niall freaking Horan on the other end of this phone line. Do you know what this means!?” she screamed back, but finally calming down, “Um maybe that I’ll need ear plugs when she comes back from the airport? And that you’re in some deep shit? No.” she said back with anger in her voice, and I started to come down from laughing. Trying to catch my breath, “Miranda, make sure you use protection, please, and I better be able to meet them!” she said before the line went off, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Niall finally stopped laughing, and Liam walked in with a confused look on his face, looking at our beat read faces, “What happened?” Liam asked beginning to laugh a bit himself. “My friend crazy.” I said calming myself down. “Well I was wondering if you wanted to come downstairs and watch a movie, just you and I?” Liam asked. “Go down there, I’m tired, I’m going to bed.” Niall said, laying his head back on the pillow my head was once on, “Alright,” I said standing up, and walking towards Liam, he grabbed my hand and we ran down the stairs, “Here put your shoes on,” Liam said with a smirk on his face, “Okay,” I started with a smile, “But where are we going?” I ask, the smirk turns into a smile, “It’s a secret,” “Oh my, alright.” I finish the conversation and we both walk outside to the car, Liam started the car and we were on our way. I noticed it was the same way to the beach, and when he turned onto the path we did last time. We were going to the beach. I didn’t want to ask anything, because I just wanted to be surprised. And Liam pulled up to the spot we went last time, went to the trunk and got out two blankets and one pillow, I could see where this was going. “No movie, huh?” I joked, “Maybe later, right now I just wanna look at the stars with the most beautiful girl I know.” He said grabbing my hand and we walked towards the beach, laying the blanket down, then the other on top of that one and finally the pillow. “I thought you could use my chest? Is that alright? If not, you can have the pillow, oh my gos-“ Liam began but I stopped him, “Your chest is fine.” I say sitting next to him on the blanket, “Are you sure?” Liam asked one last time. “Yes, I promise.” I say one last time, and lay my head on his chest. “It’s so pretty Liam! Thank you for taking me out here,” I say breaking the silence. “You’re welcome beautiful, but can I ask you a question?” Liam asked. “Of course,” I answer. “Well I was wonder-“ he started but I cut him off once again, “Liam are those headlights! What if their the cops! Liam I’m scared.” I say jumping up, and him after. “It can’t be the cops,” he started “Were the only ones that know about this place.” He was standing in front of me and had both of my hands in his. The lights soon turned off, and we heard the door shut, clutching myself closer to Liam, he knew I was scared. “I’m gonna go over there.” He said, “Please, no, please don’t leave me Liam.” I say clutching myself against his body. “Alright I won’t, I’ll stay with you.” He replied. “I’m really scared Liam.” I say with tears working up in my eyes. “I won’t let a thing touch you.” He said. Finally whoever drove the car could be seen, but nothing but a figure, it was too dark to see anything else. “Miranda? Liam?” a voice rang out, and we both knew who It was, Harry. “Really Haz?” Liam replied, anger in his voice. “I was just going to come out here and relax. But then I saw the land rover was here, and I was curious. Why are you two here alone?” Harry replied, “Well, sorry I wanted to do the same, but I didn’t want to come alone, so I asked if she wanted too.” Liam replied, “But I think we’ll be going now.” He finished. I looked up at Liam with a confused look, “We don’t have too.” I let out, half regretting it, half not. Liam looked at me confused, “Oh, I thought you would want to leave, we can stay, but Harry you’re going to have to sit on the sand, there’s not enough room on the blanket.” Liam replied. We laid back down on the blanket, and harry on the sand next to us. Staring at the sky for about a half hour, I felt a small nudge. “What?” I whisper looking at Liam, “Look at Harry,” he said trying not to burst out laughing, I turned my head, and looked at a sleeping Harry, his mouth wide open, and lightly snoring. “Let’s play a prank on him.” Liam suggested. “Alright!” I reply sitting up. “Okay, let’s just leave him,” Liam started, “We’ll say that we tried waking him up a bunch of times, and he didn’t. So we just left.” He finished, “Oh my Liam, that’s so mean! But let’s do it!” I reply with a smile, “Can we at least leave him with the blanket?” I ask, “You’re just too nice! That’s fine though.” Liam replied. I laid the blanket over Harry, and Liam and I walked back to the land rover. “Liam it was so pretty, I loved being out there, thanks so much for taking me.” I say glancing over at Liam, only to see he was doing the same. “I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else,” he replied, I looked down and smiled. Liam started the car, and we were on our way back home. Finally  pulling back into the drive way, we walked in together, “I’m really tired, I’m going to see if Niall is still awake,” I say rubbing my eyes, “It’s five in the morning!?” Liam questioned, “Oh my, I guess so.” I say with a giggle, “I better be going to bed,” I finish, walking over to Liam, I gave him a quick hug. “Promise, we can do that again?” Liam asked, “Of course!” I start, “I would love that!” I say and walking up to my room. Niall was sleeping, so I took of my jean shorts, and slipped on a pair of my pink pajama shorts. I slowly go into bed, and scooted towards Niall, I felt and heard shuffling, crap! I woke him up! I thought to myself. He just slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me as close to him as we could be, but didn’t say a thing. Thank goodness, I thought to myself once again. I closed my eyes, and I was out.

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