Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Running through the door I found Zayn on top of Harry hitting him directly in the face. Right away Liam ran over to Zayn and began to peel him off of Harry. “Stop, stop! Please!” I screamed as tears started to run down my face, as soon as Niall seen me crying he grabbed me and pulled me into his embrace. He whispered that it was going to be alright, “What the fuck is wrong with you Zayn!?” Louis began screaming, “He went too fucking far!” Zayn said. “What in the bloody hell do you mean he went too far?” Liam asked, picking Harry up and looking at his blood covered face. “Harry starting going on about how him and Miranda practically had sex in the kitchen!” Zayn spat, being held back by Lou. “WHAT!?!” Liam turned to me. “It was a little harmless make out. Nothing major! Why does it even matter?” I scream out, going to hug Harry and taking him upstairs to clean up his face. “Miranda….why did you tell them that?” Harry asked when I had him sitting on the sink in my bathroom, me cleaning his face with the peroxide. “Harry, I could ask you the same thing.” I start as tears start to water up in my eyes again. “Well, um,” Harry began as he looked down, “Please don’t cry, but Zayn was pushing me farther into what happened the other night when we slept together on the couch. And I just let it out. Please don’t be mad.” Harry said, and I stopped what I was doing. “You didn’t have to tell him that…Harry.” I said, looking to the floor and putting away the first aid kit. “Miranda, I had too. Or something probably majorly worse would’ve happened than what just happened.” He pulled my head up with his index finger. “I really am sorry.” He whispered, putting his forehead against mine.  “Harry, just stop. I just….don’t have feelings for you like that anymore. Since what happened with Zayn I can’t like you anymore. I’m sorry.” I said, pulling away. “Miranda…wait.” I heard him calling me as I walked out of the bathroom and into a spare room and fell on the bed, crying. I heard someone come into the room and sit next to me, and felt them rubbing circles on my back, attempting to calm me down.  I rolled over to see a blonde blur. “Niall?” I ask, my voice cracking. “It’s okay princess. Shh, it’s okay. Go to sleep, I’m here.” He said, rolling me back over and cuddling with me, and I fell asleep into his chest, mentally and emotionally exhausted. I woke back up to Niall staring down on me with dark circles under his eyes. “Hey…” I said, kissing his nose. “What’s wrong?” I ask. “You didn’t move. At all. I was really worried.” Niall said, sitting me up. “Well, I was exhausted. What do you expect?”  I said, grumbling. “Well, okay. It’s okay. I’m sorry for grumbling.” Niall said, going behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. We sat in the embrace for a while, then Louis walked in. “Um Miranda? Can I talk to you? Alone?” He asked. “Sure Lou.” I said, releasing myself from Niall’s grip and going into the hallway with Lou. “Whats up Lou?” I ask, smiling. “Well, what happened between you and Harry?” he asked staring into my baby blue eyes, “We weren’t even close to having sex, I’m not like that.” I respond tears filling my eyes once again. “Hey, don’t cry, please.” Louis said tensing up, “Harry is a dick, and shouldn’t have put you out there like that, making it seem as you’re a slut. No wonder Zayn hit him.” Louis finally finished. “Lou, please don’t say that, he’s your best friend.” I reply. “He sold you out, and that, it just doesn’t fly with me. I can’t stand it.” He said grabbing my hands, “I honestly can’t believe he would do that, I don’t care that he said I made out with him, but saying we practically had sex, it just hurt, a lot.” I say staring into his beautiful hazel eyes. “I know beautiful, you don’t deserve this.” Louis said, as a tear fell down my cheek. “That’s it, I’m done. Harry’s done, he made you cry, and it’s all over for him now.” Louis said tensing up more than before, and leaving the front of me walking towards where I knew harry would be. I quickly ran in front of him, and tried to hold he back, but I couldn’t so I screamed for Niall, he came running out, and stood in front of Louis, “What’s going on?!” Niall exclaimed, “Harry, I’m going to beat the shit out of him, he made Miranda cry, and now I’m pissed.” Louis said trying to push through Niall and myself. “Lou, stop please.” I heard a voice ring out, but not Niall’s, it was Liam. Louis finally un-tensed his muscles, and sat down on the floor. “He’s my best friend, and now I want to beat the shit out of him. I think I need to talk to him,” Louis’ voice rang out. He ran his hands through his hair, and stood up. “Whoa! Where are you going?” Liam asked, holding Louis’s arm. “I’m going to talk to Harry. Let me do it, I’m old enough.” He said, pulling his arm from Liam’s grip and going into Harry’s room. There was no screaming, from what we heard. “He might’ve suffocated him.” Niall said, his ear to the door. Niall reported what he heard, and from what he said, Harry must’ve felt pretty bad about what happened, because Niall heard Harry apologizing to Louis. I walked away, furious. I walked into my room, and slammed the door. This couldn’t be happening at a worse time. We were going to start touring in 2 weeks. 2 weeks. I had just won the X-Factor, my life was supposed to be good! But instead I caused the world’s most popular boy band to fight. This is just great. Fucking GREAT. I thought.  I got up, and walked into the hallway where Niall, Liam, and Louis were standing. “He feels really bad, you know.” Liam said. “I don’t care! I don’t even care anymore. For all I really care, he’s dead to me.” I said, on the verge of tears again. Man, I was emotional. “I almost suffocated him with a pillow. I told him, ‘Harry, until you fix things with Miranda, which probably wont happen, we can’t be friends. You made a beautiful soul like her bawl her eyes out and all you can do is sit here and mope about it. Actually do something.’ And then I got up, leaving.” Louis said. “Lou! It’s your BEST FRIEND. You can’t leave your best friend because of me. I’m not worth that much.” I said, frowning. By this time, Liam and Niall had left. Louis moved closer to me and grabbed my hands from my sides. “You’re completely worth it, and so much more.” He leaned in, whispering in my ear. “Lou….” I started. “Shh. Don’t talk. You’re amazingly gorgeous, beautiful, funny, sweet, kind and so many more things that I can’t even begin to explain. ”  He said, kissing my head. “I can’t right now Lou….” I said, shaking my head, and walking away. “Miranda..” He said. “I’m sorry Lou.” I said, walking downstairs into the living room where Zayn, Liam, and Niall were at. I sat on the couch next to Zayn, and leaned my head on his shoulder. “By the way, thank you.” I said, smiling. He let a laugh, and I giggled at his laugh. “Come on, we’re going to the beach.” Zayn said lifting me up over his shoulder. “Oh my, Zayn, put me down.” I laughed. “Nope! Do you guys want to come with us?” he asked looking over at Liam and Niall. They both agreed as they stood up, “I’ll go get Lou!” Liam said walking towards the bedroom the boys had their clothes in, “Alright!” Zayn hollered back with me over his shoulder. He laid me down on the bed, and kissed my forehead. “Oh my goodness, all these boys, I can’t, I can’t do this. I never knew this could happen, and now I’ve got a feeling when we go on tour, this is going to be worse, and I’m the reason to blame.” I think to myself, but on the outside I just say, “Thanks for the ride,” and giggle. “No problem babe!” He responded, “I have to find my bikini,” I say getting off the bed, and walking over to my suitcase. “Bikini?” Zayn said as his eyes got wider. “Yes?” I say as I let out a small giggle. “Now I’m excited.” Zayn replied with a smile. “Oh my,” I reply giggling even more, “Found it!” I say standing up, and once again Zayn took me over his shoulder, “Let’s go get the boys,” he said and I couldn’t stop laughing. At that moment Louis, Niall, and Liam walked out in their swim trunks. “Ready?” Zayn asked walking down the stairs with me over his shoulder. “Yup,” the boys all responded in sync. They all walked out to the car, and finally Zayn set me down by the Land rover. I got into the passenger seat, and Louis began driving. “What beach are we going to?” I ask politely with a smile. “It’s a secret place, it’s a surprise. But we only know about it, so no annoying fans,” Louis said with a warm smile. “Alright,” I say with a laugh, “It’s beautiful there!” Niall added in. “Yeah, it truly is a very nice place,” Liam said and I looked back to see the boy’s perfect lips formed into a smile. “I’m excited.”  I say with a smile. “Me too.” Zayn said with a wink, “Whoa pal.” Liam said looking over at Zayn. “I was just kidding,” Zayn said giving Liam a slight glare. “Let’s turn the radio on!” I say trying to change subject, thank god it worked. I turn the radio on, and one thing was on. We all started to laugh, and they all sang their solos. It was hilarious. Because they didn’t sing them normally they sang them in the most awkward voices ever. Finally arriving to a small path Louis began going faster and hitting every bump. “Oh…my…goodness…” I say with my voice stuttering between every bump we go over, I start laughing and going over one last bump, it gave me butterflies, and it reminded me off the butterflies I got from kissing Liam. Finally arriving at the beach, I saw the perfectly white sand. And not a person in sight. It was so pretty, Liam got out of the back and grabbed the blanket and giant parasol. I walk over to the one changing booth, going in, I lock the door behind me. And I strip my dress, underwear, and panties off, then putting my pink and yellow bikini on. Walking out I didn’t see anyone, “Guys?” I holler out. And then out jumped all of the boys from the side of the changing booth and nearly give me a heart attack. I fall on the ground and I couldn’t stop laughing. And I began walking back with the boys, and I put my things in the front seat of the car, where I sat. I turn back to where the boys where, and they were gone, AGAIN. “Guys, If you scar-“ I started before Liam grabbed me and lifted me over my shoulder and began running towards the beach. “LIAM!” I started “Put me down!” I started laughing and all the boys were laughing at me, and I heard Liam’s feet hit the water, and the soon after that I was under the water. I came back up to find all the boys around me. Splashing and being crazy. Then Louis came up with the craziest idea. “Let’s play chicken!!” he screamed out. “I’ll get Miranda!” he screamed once again and put me on his shoulders. Liam put Niall on his shoulders, and Zayn stood in-between us. “Ready? Set? GO!” Zayn screamed and Niall interlocked his fingers in mine and we both started pushing. But before I lost Louis tripped Liam, and they both fell. As Louis and I cheered for our victory, Liam and Niall came up screaming cheaters! And all we could do was laugh. Finally the sun was going down, so we all walked back to the beach and parasol. I grabbed out a towel and the rest of the boys followed. I wrapped the warm towel around me and cuddled up to Niall. The sky looked beautiful, filled with pastel pinks, yellows, and oranges. “I have to get my clothes.” I say getting up. “No, no sit down I’ll get them.” Louis said with a smile. “Thank you!” I say with a smile. “You’re welcome babe!” he said walking towards the car. I heard the car door shut, and Louis scream “Look everyone I found Miranda’s knickers!” and he held up my pink lacey underwear and matching bra. “Oh my goodness! Lou! Give them back!” I say running towards him. All the boys were laughing, and trying to get a good look. I tried to get them, but he held them above his head, and out of my reach. As I jumped my cheeks got even more red by the second. Finally giving them back, I frowned. “I’m sorry beautiful.” He said with a frown. I walked towards the changing room, and slipped my damp bikini off. I slipped my underwear and bra on, then my dress. I walked out to see they were packing all of the things together. “Are you ready to go Mrs.Victoria?” Liam laughed. “Oh my, yes. Lou, I’m gonna get you for that!” I joked. We walked back to the Land rover, and Liam got in the front so Niall sat in the middle, and I rested my head on his shoulder, and slept the rest of the way back. “Were back doll.” Louis said sweetly opening my door. I opened my eyes, and then stepped out of the car and walked up to the house, where we left Harry. Walking in, everyone gave him dirty looks. Except for me, I can’t honestly be mean. I just don’t have the heart. I sit down on the couch next to him, and everyone gave me confused looks, even him.

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