Chapter 12

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"Liam-m-m." I choked.

"T-t-hat w-w-asn't supposed to c-come ou-t-t." He put his palm on his forehead.

"Wait, Liam! That wasn't supposed to come out like that either." I smiled, and grabbed his hand off of his forehead. "I really like you Li," He smiled, at my comment, "But I'm not ready to fall in love yet,"

"And you don't have t-t-oo." He studdered out, I could tell he was nervous. "But, I-I have another question." He placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb.

"Go ahead," I smiled,

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He half smiled, it was his fake smile, his I'm not really sure what I just did smile.

"I'd love to Liam," I smiled brightly, as the butterflies were mad in my stomach, and I watched his crooked smile, turn into a smile that showed his teeth, and reeched from ear to ear. That was his real smile.

He threw me over his shoulder, and spun me around, "You have no idea how happy I am," He put me back down on the ground, and wrapped his arms around my waist, I smiled, and pecked him on his cheek. It began raining, and he beant down and pushed his forehead against mine, and I stood on my tip toes, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he pushed his lips against mine, slowly our lips moved in sync, and I ran my fingers through his soft brown hair, and the wind began to blow harder and harder. I faintly heard my back door open, and we stopped kissing, and looked at the tall shadow in the doorway. 

"What are you guys doing?" I heard Harry's husky voice ask, he must have just woke up.

'shit' I heard Liam mumble, "A tornando is supposed to hit!" Harry finished, ushering us inside. I glanced at the sky, to see it was a deep dark shade of green.

Liam got a hold of my hand, and we ran inside, Liam gestured for me to go in first, and we walked into the living room turning on the news, slowly Alicia's moniter was making noise, she woke up. Probably because the wind, I ran upstairs, Liam quick at my heals. I walked slowly into her room, and noticed, all the picture frames in her room were on the floor, "Why are the picture frames all over the place?" Liam asked, picking up a pink one, with me and Alicia before I left for X-Factor. "I like this picture by the way," Liam winked, slapping my bum. "Thank you, and I have no idea." I smiled, picking up Alicia up, I wrapped her in a blanket. I began to rock her back to sleep, and Liam stood behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. His body began moving in sync with mine. 

"You would make a great mother," He kissed my cheek, and watched as she slowly feel asleep again. 

"You think so?" I looked up at him,

"More than anyone." he smiled, "But only wit-" He didn't finish his sentance before we heard tornando sirens. 

"Oh my, lets get the boys and get in the basement!" I ran out the door, and down the stairs to see the boys all awake.

"Come on, we have to get in the basement!" Harry hollered, grabbing the comforters off the boys.

We all followed after Harry, and walked downstairs.

I was behind the group with Louis, and Liam,

"Look who began the daddy of the group now." Lou laughed, and I began to giggle, followed by Liam.

"We have a bathroom down here, let's go in there!" I pointed towards the door with my head.

"Alright good idea!" Harry walked through all of us, and opened the door.

"Miranda, I want you and the baby in the tub." He pointed.

"Looks like I'll be going with you." Liam smiled, and hopped into the bathtub, and patted his lap. Inviting me over.

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