Chapter Two

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Chapter two.

It had been 7 weeks into the X-factor, and we got our celebrity singers we got to work with, I was thinking a solo female artist. But instead it was 5 band members, and it happened to be the ones I was obsessed with. One direction. Finally meeting them was crazy cool. They were so nice!  Well, Louis and I got along great, he’s so funny, even though he kept trying to hook me up with Harry, but me and him did talk about why he broke up with Eleanor, and he gave me some really good advice. Liam, he was just too nice, me and him talked about a lot of stuff, but the most heart breaking thing we talked about was our break-ups, his with Danielle and mine with Jacob. He almost cried several times, and all he could say was I guess all she was in for was the money. And I really felt like we went through the same situation. Zayn, oh my goodness! He’s adorable, he now being single too, was being a HUGE flirt, and I just giggled.  Niall, I really always liked him, I loved his hair! It’s just so blonde, and fluffy! He’s really outgoing like me, and all we did was crack jokes, he really is a funny guy. And finally Harry, we just couldn’t stop staring into each others eyes, his green eyes, they just memorized me, it felt like love at first sight, but NO! I couldn’t let love get in the way of my career. But every time I smiled he would follow with the same cute smile, and all I got was butterflies. But I honestly admit, they were all flirting, thank god they were all single. About two hours later we figured out our song, and it had been my idea, pour your sugar on me by Def Leppard. It was a dirty song, but Simon said that instead of doing slower soppy love songs, to try Lady gaga or Beyonce. And to me, this was my chance. And we planned it all out, PERFECTLY. A week later, everything was perfect, better than perfect. It was finally the day of the of the X-factor. My stylist handed me a short skin tight red dress, and a black belt with silver rhinestones that read across “Miranda” and by the “M” there was a rhinestoned kiss mark, and by the letter “A” was cherries. It was a very cool dress, but I know that younger girls look up to me, so I was hoping that it wasn’t gonna be that bad, but it was, it was very showing, and since the boys carry me out at the beginning I hope nothing shows.  My stylist was curling my hair and teasing it beyond belief, and then Louis walked in with Niall, I’m not sure who did the wolf whistle. But I’m pretty sure it was Niall, because after the whistle was Niall saying this, “Who’s that hot blondie?” I just looked at him and shook my head while I laughed. “DON’T BURN HER PRECIOUS HAIR!” Louis screamed. The hair stylist jumped, but thank god she didn’t burn me. “Serenity once your done with this piece of hair, let me up I’m gonna get them.” I said to her with a smile. She finished the piece letting my hair free from the curling iron, I ran up to Niall and jumped on his back. “I’m gonna kick your guy’s butts!” I said with a laugh. “We sorry, but honestly you really do look beautiful.” Niall said with a smile. “Thank you Niall!” I said giving him a hug. “I wonder if Louis knows I’m not chasing him anymore.” I said making the both of us giggle. “Let him run, he needs the exercise!” Niall said with a smirk. “Alright, I don’t want to hold her up. I’ll see you in about a half an hour.” I reply. “Sounds great!” He replied with a smile as he went to tell Louis to stop running. Walking back into the styling room, I found my stylist was in there, but I saw some movement coming from behind the curtain I had changed behind. I opened the curtain finding Harry! He picked me up in a tight hug and spun me around. “You look gorgeous right now!” said harry with a big bright smile. “Thank you,” I started “I love the wholey jeans, and that shirt brings out your muscles.” I said with a mischievous smile. “What these jello bags?” Harry replied with a wink. I just smiled. “I have to go find my stylist,” I started “I’m not finished yet.” Harry smiled, “Well alright. But promise me you’ll see me once you’re done?” he said. “Of course I’ll find you once I’m done.” I said with a smile. Harry leaned in for a hug, and it felt like I didn’t want to let go, at all. Finally loosing myself from his grip, I walked to find Serenity. “I’m sorry doll, I had to use the bathroom, and I was almost out of hair spray. So I went to get some.” She said apologizing. “Your fine! I was just talking to some of the boys!” I reply to her apology. I sat back down in the chair and she began to curl and tease my hair once again. We just had talked about the performance, the boys, and we cracked some jokes. Finally finishing my hair, it had been time for make-up, the make-up artist came in and I said goodbye to Serenity. “Hi Cacey! How are you doing?” I asked. “I’m doing just fine, how about you?” she said with a smile. “I’m doing great! But I’ll be quiet so you can do my make-up.” I said with a giggle. “Alright it won’t take too long for me to do your make-up You don’t need too much, because you are naturally beautiful.”  She said with a beautiful smile. I just smiled, Cacey is beautiful herself, she used to be a model. I always wonder why she stopped. But I never wanted to ask, because I didn’t want to bring back any bad memories for her. About 15 minutes later she finally finished. “You look hot!” she joked. “Oh my goodness! Thank you!” I laughed. I hugged her and went out to go find the boys. I walked out to find Zayn. “Zayn, wait up!” I hollered. “Well hello beautiful.” He said with a wink. “Thank you,” I start with a smile, “I guess you’re not as the boys say, huh?” “The boys say  that quite a lot, and I can be quite vein, but I sure am glad you can get past it.” He said putting his arm around my waist. “Calm down Tiger.” I say with a laugh. “Is this too much? I’ll take it off.” He said pulling his arm away from my side, “No, its fine. I was just kidding.” I say with a serious look. “I don’t want to do it in front of the boys, we all like you.” He says. “What do you mean,” I start, but get cut off, “We all like you, more than just a friend. And I’m not kidding when I say that. When you walk out of the room, it goes silent, and we’re all thinking about you. You’re just flawless.”  I look at Zayn, then look at the ground, but then I reply “You’re kidding? Right?” “No, watch once you walk into the room their faces they all light up, did you see mine just 5 minutes ago?” he asked. I just looked down, what else am I supposed to say? “You aren’t mad right? Zayn asked with a knot in his throat. “No, no!” I start, “Just its crazy that you all like me, because you all are too nice, and sweet, and if I date one of you I’ll lose the rest of you as friends. And the one I do date won’t be close with anymore either. It would just be a wreak.” “Well I’ll just make sure that I’ll win your heart over first.” He says with a smile as we walk into the room with the boys. I followed what Zayn said, and looked at all their faces, all smiles. I took the only open spot, next to Niall. “You know you could have sat on my lap?” Louis says with a laugh. I just smile, but Niall looks at him and gives him a glare. But not a good one. “Well let the beautiful lady sit wherever she likes.” Niall replied. Louis just rolled his eyes. Quickly changing the situation, I ask if they want to rehearse. “Yes.” They all replied. Liam starts the song, and then harry, then finally me. The whole room stops, and you can tell. Finally the ending comes up where harry and I get really close, and it turned out great. “That was really good you guys!” I start, “I’m cold is anyone else?” Worst mistake I’ve made. They all start ripping off their hoodies, and Liam is the first one to put his on me. But of course there had to be the smart remarks, “I think she would have wanted mine more.” Harry said to Liam. Before Liam could say anything, I replied “Guys, guys. I’m fine. I’ll survive, let’s just keep rehearsing.” And we did but you could tell everyone in the room except me was tense. And we were saved by the bell, “10 minutes guys! Everyone backstage right now!” a manager said. “Here get on my back!” Zayn said with a laugh. “Are you sure?” I say with a worried look. “Of course! Hop on!” He replied. “Oh well, Yolo!” I laughed while jumping on Zayn’s back. He carried me all the way backstage. But I could tell the other boys we’re mad, because they didn’t think of the idea first. Once Zayn put me down, it was Niall’s turn I guess. He came and put his arms around my waist from behind. “Your gonna do great princess.” He whispered in my ear, but loud enough for the others to hear. “Thank you Niall, that’s so sweet.” I reply. Before anyone else could say something, we we’re saved by the bell once again. “Miranda and One direction, back here, you’re on next.” A crew manager said. Walking back there I held two of the boys hands, everyone was holding hands though, thank god. I had no  idea whose hands I were holding, but one was extremely soft, and the other were pretty big. But I’m not sure, but I’m positive they knew it was me, because I have some small hands. Well I’m only about 4’11” or maybe 5 foot, but I haven’t grown since 6th grade. And now I’m going into 10th, so I don’t plan on getting any taller. My mom and I are the same height, and my dad is pretty short. Finally hearing Colbie Caillat and Skye get off, I know its time for us to get on. So I let the boys pick me up and they walk onto stage, but I get carried. Seeing the judges faces light up to me was awesome. And I can’t wait to preform tomorrow it’s my final performance and we’ll find out who wins. Me, Skye, and Matt, they’re both very good. But I’m excited to finally go back to Michigan to see my friends and family. No matter which place I take, I’ll be happy to have made it this far. Finally walking of the stage, the judges LOVED our performance. And they were happy that I didn’t pick some mushy slow song. And to hear me hit the notes as well as I did, was great to them. Walking back to the room with the boys was great, what a laugh. When we finally got back to the room I sat in a two person love seat with Harry, but being so tired I fell asleep on his lap. He woke me up at around midnight. “We have to go back to the houses beautiful, they’re about to close it up!” harry said with a smile. “Here, I’ll carry you.” Liam said while slipping his arms under me. I honestly didn’t want anyone to start anything. But I was just too tired to care. So I just put my arms around  his neck and he carried me to the limo. But I didn’t fall back asleep. While we were in the car, all the boys had been joking and laughing. But I didn’t notice until 10 minutes into the ride that Zayn wasn’t in the limo. “Wait, where’s Zayn?” I asked concerned. “He said that he wanted to surprise us all once we got back, so he left early.” Liam answered. Going back to the condo that the X-factor rented out for us, the boys asked if they could stay, or if they should just get a room in the hotel down the street. “You guys can stay at the condo! That’s fine with me! There’s an extra bed, and then there’s the couch, and the chair. But since there is one of you left, one is going to have to sleep in my room.” I say. And all their eyes lit up. Crap, worst mistake I’ve ever made. All the boys started to scream out things like, “I’ll keep you really warm,” or “Don’t let Niall sleep with you he farts and talks in his sleep.” But I have no idea who said what, but finally stopping the commotion, I say “It’s a California king bed, we can try to fit 4 of you in there. And the one that doesn’t get to sleep with me tonight gets to sleep with me by ourselves, after the show.” “Okay well I want to sleep with you tonight.” Harry said, followed by Niall and Louis. “Alright, anyone have a problem with Zayn?” They all shook their heads. “So I can sleep with you tomorrow, just us too?” Liam asked. “Yes sir.” I say. He just smiled. Finally arriving back to the condo I thanked the limo driver, and walked inside. But of course I find a way to embarrass myself at least once a day, while looking back because Niall called me I managed to trip over the curb and fall onto the cement. I just start laughing, and I couldn’t stop, the boys all asked if I was okay, and then they just started cracking up. Now I have an ugly blue and black bruise on my leg. “Would you like me to kiss it better?” Louis. I laughed “No thanks,” I was interrupted by Niall, “Bro your 21, she’s  15, stop.”  “Niall, it was just a joke, no pun intended.”  I start, “And to me age is only a number, so it doesn’t really matter, But no offense.” Niall was quiet after that. I find the keys in my purse and I unlock the door. I put my purse on the coffee table, to find a note that read “I made you chocolate covered strawberries, with a smiley face.” But Niall found them in the kitchen first, and belched out “Zayn made chocolate covered strawberries, where is the bastard? He needs a hug!” I start giggling uncontrollably. But I finish reading the note, “Oh he wrote a note saying that he made them, and that he had to go to the grocery store to get something he forgot.” I respond to Niall. “Well he’s getting ambushed when he walks in!” he says while shoving a strawberry in his mouth. I walk out into the kitchen, and grab a strawberry and take a bite. “I’m going to go put my pajamas on, don’t eat all the strawberries guys.” I say with a wink as I walk out of the room to the stairs. I walk into my room and lock the door behind me, and then I un-zip my suitcase. Finding my pink tank-top and my orange san Francisco shorts. Then I start to undress, pulling my shoes off, and then my dress. But Zayn then jumps out of the closet with some sort of mask on, and I screamed and before I know it, I found myself laughing and the boys pounding on the door. “Are you okay?” I hear Liam call out. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t talk, so I just unlock the door. And then Louis had jumped to conclusions and got into Zayn’s face and started yelling, and Zayn didn’t back down. I jumped in between them, and said that it was a joke, Louis finally calmed down, thank god. Finally realizing I was still in my bra and underwear I ran to my clothes and put them on. After finishing the strawberries, I went upstairs, and the four boys followed. “Goodnight Liam!” I hollered from upstairs. “Goodnight beautiful!” he hollered back. “I hope my mother doesn’t find out about this.” I say with a laugh. The boys laugh. “It could be like a giant Orgy!” Harry exclaimed. “What?! Oh my goodness,” I say with a smile while shaking my head. “I’ll pass, I’m still a virgin, and I don’t want to lose it with four different guys at the same time, I’m not trying to be rude,” I say. “You haven’t lost your virginity yet? But your flawless. I don’t get it.” Louis said. “I guess I wanted to save I for the right person, at the right time.” I reply as I looked down. “It’s not a bad thing!” Louis said while pushing my chin up slowly, and then looking me right in my eyes. “It’s a good thing, trust me.” He said with a smile. “Well I get wall.” I say running towards the bed. Niall you lay with your head down there, Harry up here, Zayn down there, and Louis up here. While everyone else was sleeping I was talking to Harry, “It’s really hot up here.” I say. “I think it’s just you.” Harry joked. I just smiled, “Will you come find the air conditioning thing with me?” I start “Well go on an adventure!” I say giggling. “Alright, well I have to admit, your turning me on right now.” He said with a wink. “What do you mean? I have to tell you this now, I kinda get slap happy at night. I’m not sure why though.” I say giggling at myself a little harder. “That’s exactly why.” He said smiling. “What me giggling?” I ask with a slight smile. “Yes, I love it.” He said. “Alright, let’s go find the air conditioner before I have a heat stroke.” I say. “I agree.” He says. I slowly slide out of bed and grab Harry’s hand, “I know where it is! I saw it earlier!” Harry said as he guided me through one of the hallways. But it wasn’t too long before I tripped and fell. And I just started hysterically giggling, Harry asked if I was alright first, and then he was laughing so hard he fell. “We have to quiet down,” I say trying to catch my breath. “Liam is sleeping right in there.” Harry didn’t want to make much noise so he nodded and stood up, then he helped me up. We start to run again and we find the stairs, we rush down them and finally find the thermometer, I turn it all the way down to 65 degrees. Then Harry said to follow him. Leading me into the kitchen he slowly started pressing me against the counter, and he put his arms around my waist while I loop my arms around his neck. “You don’t mind if we kiss right?” Harry whispered. “That’s fine with me.” I say with a wink. He slowly presses his lips to mine, and it was instant butterflies, and then he pressed his body up against mine, and kissing slowly started to turn into making out, and then finally he lifted me up onto the counter so that we could see eye to eye, and I didn’t have to stand on my very tiptoes, and he didn’t have to scrunch down. We stopped making out slowly and now it was a lot of making out, and Harry stuck his tongue in. But when I looked over at the clock I seen it said 4 a.m. and then I pulled away. “Did I do something wrong? Is this too far?! Oh god, I can’t believe I made you do this!” Harry started to panic. But I just kissed him on the cheek. “Do you see what time it is?” I say with a slight smile. “Oh god. I’m so sorry, you have X-factor finals tomorrow. And I kept you up till 4 in the freaking morning. I’m terrible.” He says looking down. “Yeah you might have, but you also gave me a good time.” I say with a smile. Harry looked up and then lifted me off the counter. I grabbed his hand again and we went into the spare closet to get two pillows and two blankets. We walked over to the couch, and Harry sat down, pulled the recliner up and laid back. I put my pillow on his leg, and fell asleep almost instantly. Harry woke me up at 2. “If you wanna get in the shower, you gotta get up.” Harry said calmly. “Crap!” I say and immediately sit up. I look at the clock, and run upstairs. I go into my room, and find out that 3 out of the 4 boys were still sleeping. Louis had gotten up. Maybe he was the one that woke up Harry, I owe them both my life. If I’m late, I’ll be in so much trouble. I start franticly looking through my suitcase for an outfit to wear. I find a pair of light blue capris, and an yellow tank top that had sparkly pink flowers on it. I run into the bathroom, and lock the door behind me. Not paying any attention I start undressing very quickly, and then i notice Louis was in the bathroom. I look at him, and stop myself from screaming so that I don’t freak out. But I pick up my pajamas and put them over my half naked body. “Well you don’t have to throw yourself out there,” he said with a laugh. “I’m sorry! I’m just tired. And I’m not trying to be mean, but will you get out so I can get in the shower?” I say very fast. “Don’t be sorry it’s perfectly fine. And I’ll get out. I’m the one that’s sorry.” He says with a laugh. I scooted over to let him out of the bathroom. I finish undressing and I get in the shower, I wash out all of the hairspray and curls. I get out and then I brush my teeth and get dressed. I bring my brush downstairs so I could talk, while I tried to get all the left over tangles and snarls. I should of taken a shower last night, I think to myself. “Ow, ow, ow, owwwww.” I let the pain slip out of my mouth. “Are you alright?” Liam asked. “Yes, I think so. I should have taken a shower last night, but I guess I got caught up.” I say. “With who? Harry?” Zayn started. “How did you guys end up down here?” He continued. “Yeah, you were sleeping on Harry’s leg. You’re lucky I was nice enough to wake him up.” Louis chimed in. “Guys you aren’t her mum, calm down.” Niall said. “I was really hot, so I asked Harry to come find the thermometer with me, so we could turn the air down, and then I said I was cramped and asked him if he would sleep down here with me.” I answered. “Oh and absolutely nothing happened?” Zayn said with a confused look. “No! You guys act like I’m dating someone!” I get up and run off to my room. “Good job Zayn! You won the asshole of the year award!” Niall called out as he ran after me. Sliding down against the wall, I started to cry and I cupped my hands over my face as Niall walked into the room. “Don’t listen to him, even if you guys did do something, it’s yours and Harry’s business, not his.” He said knelling down, and taking my hands from my face and holding them inside of his. I just slowly sobbed, I had nothing to say, I was like stone. But Niall got closer and closer to my face, and we were staring into each others eyes. He leaned into kiss me, but then Liam hollered up “The limos are here you guys! Come on.” And Niall pulled away, and stood up, then gave out a hand to help me up. He went to turn around and walk out, “Niall,” I said. Looking behind at me I hugged him. And whispered “Thank you.” He looked at me and smiled. “Lets go, before the suspect something.” He said with a quick laugh. Walking downstairs I go to grab my purse out of the kitchen, and Zayn jumps out and hugs me. “I’m sorry! I really was being a douche bag.” I pulled away. “You don’t mean it.” I say grabbing my purse. “What the hell are you talking about? Of course I mean it.” I turn around and I walk out of the room. I find my pink sparkly toms on the floor, I slip them on and walk out the door. Zayn comes running out, “Please….” He started, “tell me if something is wrong, we won’t be able to fix anything.” “Zayn, there’s nothing to fix, because it’s already broken.” I say getting into the limo. I go to the front sitting in between Louis and Liam. “Are you pumped for tonight?” Harry asked with a smile. “Yes! I’m very excited.” I reply with a smile. I laid my head on Louis’ shoulder, and fell asleep, “Were here! Wake up Miranda!” Liam said with a smile. I blinked and looked around. Once the limo driver opened the doors and we all got out, Zayn had asked me if I was mad at him, but this time I just said no. sometimes it does a lot better. Going into my dressing room, Serenity handed me a dress, here you go honey. This is what they picked out. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen, it was a salmon pink, and it was feet length, thank god. No showing off that ugly bruise. I put the dress on, and walked out to find Liam, “you look stunning.” He said with he mouth wide open. “Thank you!” I say with a bright, but tired smile, and then I give him a hug. “Do you know where Serenity went?” I asked slowly pulling out of the hug. “Um, I think she went to get a bow or something like that.” He said, “Oh, alright. Are you gonna be in the crowd or backstage for the show?” I asked. “We’ll all be in the front row.” He said with a smile. “Don’t make me laugh. Or I’ll kick all of your butts!” I said with a laugh, Liam laughed. “I’ll be dressed as Lady gaga, and Niall will be Nicki Minaj.” He said laughing, “I wouldn’t be able to look at you! Please don’t!” I say giggling, as I imagined Liam in the lady gaga meat suit. “I would never do such a thing, maybe Niall. But not me.” He said with a laugh. Serenity walked back in with a silver sparkly bow. “Good luck beautiful, look for me!” he said walking out of the room. “I will!” I holler back at him. But he didn’t respond. “I’m going to spiral curl your hair, is that alright?” she asked. “Of course! You’re the stylist, you do whatever.” I say with a smile. “You’re always in a great mood, I love it! Your always just so bubbly!” she says laughing. “I try not to be a grouch, there’s no reason to be!” I say back, “But today I’m a little tired, so If I’m a bit out of it, then it’s just cause I’m tired.” I say with laugh. “You know you could take a nap while I do your hair right?” she said a smile. “You’re kidding right? Are you sure?” I ask. “Yes, go ahead, I might need you to move so I’ll move your head sometimes.” She replied. “That’s fine! Thank you so much!” I say closing my eyes and slowly falling asleep. “Hey, it’s time to get up. I finished.” Serenity said with a smile. Looking in the mirror, I jump up and give her a hug. “Thank you so much!” I start, “If I become famous, and I need a personal hair stylist you’re the girl, and Cacey she will be make-up.” Serenity’s jaw dropped. “Are you kidding!? No way, that would be awesome!” she said while jumping up and down. “Of course I’m serious. I wouldn’t joke about it.” I reply. “Thank you so, so, so, so, much!” she said hugging me. “You’re welcome.” I say with a smile. Cacey had walked in, and asked what all the commotion was about. And once we told her she was also jumping for joy. Finally once we settled down, Cacey began doing my make-up. And once she was done, I felt like a princess. And I knew that no one, not even Simon, could change that feeling. Walking out, to find my mom and dad with a bouquet of pink and yellow roses I ran and hugged them. “You look beautiful baby girl!” my mom said starting to tear up. “That’s one fact that no one could prove wrong.” My father chimed in. “Thank you guys so much!” I say as I hug them. “I don’t have much time before I have to go up there, so I don’t wanna chat it up, and have you guys miss it.” I say. “Yeah, we know, but you did amazing with the boys last night baby!” My mom said. “Yeah, but you better not have done anything with them.” My dad said joking. “Dad, I’m not like that, they were in a hotel across town.” I replied. “Well that’s good.” He started before being interrupted by management, “Miranda we need you back stage hun!” “Well I love you guys, and I will look for you,” I say trying hard not to cry, but they were already in tears. “We both love you very much, and no matter what place you take, your always a winner in my heart, and we’ll make sure that if you don’t get a record deal, that we’ll find you one!” My mom said. “Thank you so much for all your support, and I’ll see you once I get off stage.” I say giving them one last hug. “You’re welcome baby, you go girl!” my dad exclaimed as we both walked away from each other. Waiting back stage, I started rehearsing, and I was very confident in myself. I knew I was ready, and hearing “Miranda you on next!” excited me so much, I almost started crying. I saw Skye walk out, and she was crying. But I couldn’t ask her why, so I walked onto stage. And I began to sing California King Bed by Rhianna. And the judges faces lit up. And I always got a different look from Simon each time, I thought they were all good, but this, this was the happiest I think I ever seen his face. As the lights went down, I heard a mass amount of clapping and whistling and screaming. It was wonderful. But management told me to stay on stage, as Matt and Skye walked on. Skye’s face was still red and puffy from when she was crying. And you could tell that her make-up artist was trying her hardest to cover it up. But she was hysterically crying. I looked at her and mimicked “What happened?” and she mimicked back the worst thing I could ever see or hear, “I forgot the whole song.” All I could do was hug her, and I did. Until they had us walk back onto stage. I was in the middle, Matt was on the right, and Skye was on the left. Simon began talking, “So, we loved all of you from the start, and we hate to have to pick one of you to win, because we think all of you should.” He paused for a second and continued. “But sadly we can only pick one, so were going to pick the third place winner.” He paused again, and said “We’re sorry that we have to let you go, but Skye, you have to leave.” Looking at Skye my heart dropped, and everyone was silent. I couldn’t believe it, they couldn’t have given her a chance? To try and sing one more time? Is it that hard? I guess so. “And I think that we should just announce the winner,” not on the outside but on the inside, I was shaking. “So the winner of the 2013 X-Factor is Miranda Brown!” Simon says ecstatic. 

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