Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

I found myself jumping for joy and crying almost hysterically, and I walk over to matt to give him a hug, as he walks off stage. As the crowd settles down, Simon asked, “So how does it feel to win?” “Honestly it’s very crazy, because I never thought that I would ever do it,” I say smiling ear to ear. “Do you have anyone you would like to thank?” he asked. “Well, my family and friends for believing in me, everyone that voted for me, and of course you guys for giving me the chance to do this.” I say. “Well it was great to hear you sing, you really have talent. And you better take it and run.” Simon said. “Thank you so much.” I replied. “Well if you want to hear more about her, you’ll have to watch the Xtra-Factor!” Ryan said stepping in. I smile and wave as I walked off stage to find, my whole family. And all I gave was hugs. And to have them all there, was just amazing. And then after I went to go find Simon, because the manager told me he needed to talk to me. But I was stopped to find the boys. I ran and just had a giant group hug with them. “You were great babe,” Niall said smiling. “Thank you so much.” I replied. “I would love to chat, but I can’t I have to find Simon, he needs me I guess.” I said. “Alright, go ahead don’t be late.” Liam said moving out of the way so I could go. “Thank you again guys, it’s great to have met you guys!” I say as I give them a hug, and start to walk away, “I’ll find you guys when I finish talking to Simon, but my family is heading back to the hotel, so you can’t meet them, I’m sorry.” I say frowning. “Don’t worry we’ll get to meet them, go find Simon!” Zayn said laughing. I just smiled and kept walking. Finding Simon’s dressing room, I knocked on the door. “Come in!” Simon exclaimed. I walked in, and Simon gestured me to sit down on the couch. “Well, I’m going to give you a record deal, for my company.” He said with a smile. “What!? No way! That is the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Am I dreaming?” I squealed. Simon started laughing, “No, you’re not dreaming, and yes the contract is right here.” He moved over to a desk, and pushed it towards me. “oh my goodness thank you so much.” I say starting to cry again. “Why are you crying?” he asked. “This is just the greatest thing that’s happened in my life.” I said whipping away the tears. “Well I’m glad that you are excited,” he started. “You’ll get to go on tour in about a year, and you’ll have about 12 songs, and my record is big, so some of your songs will make it big, and you’ll probably be opening acts for someone at first, but I’ll make sure it’s for someone big. And with your voice, you’ll need to have someone to open for you, and I promise that!” he said. “Thank you so much, this is just amazing.” I reply. “And I was talking to the boys earlier, and they really think your great, and they asked if you would wanna come on tour with them, is that okay with you?” he asked. “Yes, yes, yes!” I found myself squealing again. “Well I’m sure you wanna go party or something, and their tour starts in two weeks, so be prepared. But you will be on the same bus as them. But their better not be any babies, your too young!” he joked. “I’m for sure not ready for a kid, I LOVE them, but I wanna be a role model for young girls so I don’t wanna show them that it’s okay to be pregnant at 15.” I laughed. “Good, I’m glad, I don’t know about you, but I’m tired, and I wanna go home, but all you gotta do is sign this, and then you’ll be recording with them for 5 years, but most likely you’ll be able to re-sign, once it expires, and if a bigger record label comes around, all you have to do is talk to me, and I’ll have you switched to them. Is that alright?” he said smiling. “Yes, that’s perfect!” I say signing the contract. “Well get out of here, and go have some fun!” he said getting out of his chair. “I sure will, thank you so much!” I say walking out of the door. Now it was time to find the boys, because I was really tired. I was getting ready to go past my dressing room when Louis jumped out and screamed. I was so scared I fell. And I started to laugh with the boys. Louis was cracking up as he put out a hand to help me up. As he helped me up he gave me a hug, and apologized. “I’m so excited to go on tour with you guys!” I exclaimed. “With you around, it should be a lot more fun.” Harry said with a wink. “Oh yeah?” I asked, “It’s not fun without me? What do you mean?” “Well it’ll be different with a girl.” Harry answered. “Oh, okay.” I said smiling, “Can we go back to the condo? I’m tired.” I asked. “Yeah!” Liam had been the first one to answer, and I think we all know why. Going out to the limo, Louis asked if we wanted to drink, me and Liam said no, but the others wanted to. Liam can’t really drink because he only has one working kidney, so he has to watch it. But the boys talked me into just having a sip. So I had him get me Mike’s hard pink lemonade. I was always scared to drink and party because two months ago, I went to a house party, and I got wasted, but the worst part is that the cops got called and my parents almost didn’t let me try out for the X-factor. And I don’t want them to try and come to the condo, and me be really drunk, so that’s why I just had them get me a four pack. Finally getting home, I went upstairs to put on my pajamas, while Louis went to go get the alcohol. When I went downstairs all the seats were taken, but before I could do anything Zayn said “Here, come sit on my lap.” And he patted his leg, “Alright.” I say with a smile, and I sit down. As I sat down, he looped his arms around my waist and gently pulled me backwards to where I was laying my head on his shoulder. Louis finally came in with the drinks, he walked into the kitchen, and set the bags on the counter. “Hey where are the cups at?” Louis hollered from the kitchen. “In the cupboard above the sink!” I answer. “Thank you!” he replied. “Mhm.” I retorted. Louis finally walked out with my hard lemonade, and his cranberry juice and vodka. “For you my love,” he said as he handed me the drink, “The rest of you can help yourselves.” He joked as he sat on the floor. Harry and Niall went to the kitchen to get drinks. “I don’t want to seem rude, but will you get up for two seconds so I can get a drink?” Zayn whispered in my ear. I get up in response to his answer. “Thank you,” he replied with a smile. Sitting back down, I grabbed my drink off the table, and started trying to open it, but for the life of me, I couldn’t. Niall and Harry both came back out with drinks in their hand and began laughing at me along with Liam. I was trying so hard to open the bottle but I couldn’t, Louis then chimed in with the laughing, and Zayn came out with his glass and was laughing at me too.  I sighed as I set the glass back on the table. “I give up.” I say with a pout. Laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes, Niall leaned over and opened the bottle like it was nothing. Which made us all start to laugh even harder than before, “Oh my. How did you do that!?” I asked. “You’re like a god!” I joked. Harry then piped in “But, at least I’m the god in bed.” Niall looked over at him with a nasty glare. “You guys are crazy,” I laugh. Finally after the boys had two more glasses of what they had been drinking, and I was just starting my first, I suggested to have a three legged race! The boys laughed and kindly agreed, but since we had no rope or anything to tie to each other, we just held hands, but since Niall and I are so short, we partnered together, even though he is still 7 inches taller then me, it would still be better. So Louis and Harry partnered together, and Zayn and Liam too. We went in the basement of the condo, because it would be easier to run down there. We all lined against the back wall, and intertwined our hands together, but holding Niall’s it gave me chills. It brought me back to the times, where I would die, just seeing pictures of him. But I had butterflies running all throughout my stomach, but honestly I thought that maybe it was just the buzz I had. “Ready, set, go!” Louis shouted and we all began to run, with Liam and Zayn in first, and Niall and I in second Liam grabbed his water bottle and dumped it, causing me to slip and fall first and Niall to slip right after and land next to me. I couldn’t stop laughing and neither could any of the boys. As we finally stopped the laughter we went upstairs. I looked at the clock and realized it said 2 am. “I’m tired, I’m gonna go lay down,” I say. “Right behind you, I’m just gonna clean up, so it’s not as messy tomorrow.” Liam said with a quick smile. “Okay.” I replied. “Goodnight beautiful, get your beauty rest, even though you don’t need any!” Niall exclaimed as I walked up the stairs to the extra room. “Thank you, beauty sleep or not, I just need sleep.” I laughed. Going into the extra room, I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I was rinsing out the toothpaste from my mouth I felt two hands cup around my waist and the warmth of another body. As I looked behind me, it was Liam. “Ready for bed?” Liam asked while pushing my bangs back. “Yes, but can we watch a movie or something?” I ask “I brought paranormal activity 1 and toy story 3! Which one?” Liam asked with a smile. “What do you think?” I ask in response. “I feel in cuddle mode, so how about paranormal activity 1?” he asked. “Alright,” I say with a smile.

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