Chapter 9

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Finally we landed. and all of us grabbed our luggage, and the boys went to their hotel. And I went to my house. To be greeted by my WHOLE family. we spent about 2 hours eating and talking, (Niall would love my family. lol!) Once everyone left it was 9:30. p.m. and I had an hour to get ready. I slipped on a TIGHT black dress that went mid-thigh, and I curled my long blonde locks. (look at outfit on side,(:) and did my makeup. and I was on my way to some club in Detroit my friends rented out for the night. 


Nialls P.O.V.

I was going through my huge black suitcase trying to find the perfect outfit. "I have to look perfect for her, I don't care how gay I sound, I don't give a fuck. I love her. more than anything. and tonight is gonna be the night. I'm going to ask my princess out. She's more than perfect. And I need her." I thought to myself.

Miranda's P.O.V.  

The limo driver pulled up to two red velvet ropes, and a club that's name was 'Bleu.' it had a bunch of crazy flashing lights, but it was still kinda dark in there. As soon as I walked up several spotlights came on me.

"MIRANDA IS HERE!!!" I heard over a speaker and flashed a smile. I seen Daniel, Maddison, Jade, and Melissa running towards me. They were my BEST friends. We all got into a giant group hug. And walked into a club that was already filled with sweaty, dancing people. Jade drug me out to a giant grind line, and I began dancing like a crazy slut. About ten minutes later I went to a table with Melissa and Maddi, they aren't partiers. I pulled my phone out of my small purse. 'TEXT FROM HARRY,<3' I opened the message to see that the boys were on their way, which made me excited. But we didn't want to tell anyone so they didn't freak out. I went back onto the floor with Maddison, Melissa, and Jade. I had no idea where Daniel was. We began dancing, and I felt a pair of strong hands gripped on my body. I turned around smiling expecting it to be one of the boys.

But it wasn't at all what I expected. It was Jake. Oh God.  

"Look who's smiling! Glad to see me?" he smirked.  

I tried to push myself away from him, but his hold on me was to tight. "Oh wait, that's right. Your too busy with those one direction faggots, huh?" He laughed trying to kiss my cheek.

I turned my head. He smelt like he had WAY to much alcohol. And last time he was this drunk, he hit me. And it was the exact reason we broke up.  

He grabbed a tight hold on my blonde locks.  

"Jake, stop it! Get away from me!" I screamed trying to pull away. No one could hear me over the loud music, and we were in a dark corner. My back against the wall. I closed my eyes, waiting for the blunt feeling I would soon feel on my body. I heard someone else get hit. I looked up to see Lou.

A mad expression on his face, and Jake was holding his, as he rocked back forth in pain.  

"Come on, we have to go. People are gonna notice. The paparazzi are already here. Run!" He intertwined his hand with mine, and I took my heels off, prepared to run. We stopped at the bar to grab the four other boys and we all ran in separate directions, me and Lou towards the side door. Harry and Zayn towards the front, and Liam and Niall towards the back.  


After running about 10 blocks Lou and I ran into a back alley, I collapsed on the ground out of breath, and Lou fell down close to me. Breathing heavily.

"Thank you so much Lou!" I cried laying my head on his thigh.  

He bent over, kissing my forehead.  

"Your welcome babe, who was that asshole?" he panted.  

"My ex-boyfriend." I sighed. Lou glanced down at me. And laid his head against the wall, looking at the sky. "I think it's gonna rain," I frowned.  

"Me too babe." He said not taking his eyes off the sky. Just then a few drops of rain feel. And it was soon a downpour.  

Lou and I both got up, and began walking through the rain together, he rested his arm firmly around my waist, and he called Harry, so he could pick us up.  


Harry picked us up and all the other boys were in the Range Rover, we got in the car and I sat in-between Lou and Zayn, we were both Drenched. 


Louis's P.O.V.  

I should of fucking told her. She needs to know. I love her with all my heart. And I'm not showing her. I know damn well Niall loves her too. I can't lose her. I just can't. She means too much to me.  


We pulled up to her house, and I got out of the car to let her out, and I walked her up to her house. She walked inside, and I walked away. Still dreading I didn't tell her. Ughh.  


Miranda's P.O.V.  

Lou walked me up to my door, and gave me a goodbye hug, I walked inside, and all the lights were off. Everyone was sleeping. I slowly creeped through the house, using my phone as a small light. Even with the light, I managed to kick the coffee table. "Shit." I mumbled hoping I didnt wake anyone. And than I heard the baby begin to cry. Damn it. I thought to myself. My cousin had a baby, and the father left her, saying it wasn't hers, and in the contract to who kept the baby if anything went wrong was us.

So we were babysitting her wheny cousin said she was just going out for a night, but instead of going out that night. she commited suicide. And we kept baby Alicia. I took care of the baby a lot in the summer to give my parents a break. Walking upstairs I went into her room and pulled her out of the crib. I sat down in the pink chair that was in her room, and slowly rocked her back to sleep. She was only 5 months old. And only 2 months when her mother commited suicide.

She finally dozed back off, and I laid her back in her crib.

Finally I walked into my room, and I took off my dress and tights, slipped on a new pair of underwear and turned the light off laying down on my bed, looking at the clock it read 1:30. And I slowly went to bed. 


Zayn's P.O.V.  

I slowly climbed into bed, and I covered myself with blankets, and Miranda crept onto my mind again. She was all I thought about, seriously. Before I went to bed, and when I woke up. All I wanted was too fall asleep with her in my arms, and too wake up with her next to me. A sleepy smile on her wonderful face, as I pressed my forehead against hers, giving her a small goodmorning kiss. That's all I want.  

For her too be mine. I have too make her mine....  


Liam's P.O.V.  

I sat down on the edge of the hotel bed. As Miranda crossed my mine, I love you. I imagined her cute small voice saying that to me. But what I really need to do is tell her that first, and she'll be mine. Forever. I'm going to tell her, first thing when she lands in England for tour. Only a week. That's it. 7 days. You can do this Liam. 


Harry's P.O.V.  

Why in the hell did I have to fuck things up between us. I was an idiot. Making the lads think that I almost fucked her. Putting her out there as some sort of slut. What the hell is wrong with me. I should be running my fingers through her beautiful long blonde hair. Why can't I be doing that right now? Oh yeah, that's because I let the love of my life slip through my fingers. Like an idiot. I'm going to make it up to her for being a dick. In England, I'm going to win her heart over. 


A/N; Hey guys hope you all liked the story. Next chapter I'm pretty much just gonna skip to London,(: okay?(: But its gonna be much more interesting! I'd love it if you gave me your opinions! :) So who do you think she should go out with? o: Come out with ship names cos' I think mine are cheesy. lol I have;  






Ziranda! xD omg!  

Tell me what you all think tho!d;

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