Cadence of My Heart

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Such a small word.

But when you say love me, my heart begins to flutter like the wings of a bird.

They lift me into the sky and I feel like I am finally beautiful.

That one little word triggers a change inside me.

It is the catalyst that triggers the reactions within my body.

Turning caterpillars into butterflies; their wing beats matching the cadence of my heart.


They say I am too young to know what love is.

You hardly know the boy!

It's just some school yard crush!

School yard crush?

This is no crush, this is a volcano bubbling and smoking inside my body.

On the edge of an eruption but always, always lying dormant.

Because of love, I will never explode.


It's the rain that causes flowers to bloom in the scars on my hips.

Like sonnets, and poems; Gospels of God falling from my lips.

I was never a poet.

Until I met you.

And I became Shakespeare, and Byron, Neruda and Shelley.

Love; like the dulcet tones of a song crooned into a microphone in a dark cafe.

It is an ethereal, indescribable feeling that is impossible to convey.

I love you.

3 words; 8 syllables.

And they cannot begin to explain the way I feel for a boy from a small town far away.

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