Waiting for the Sun

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I see you everyday

In the halls, class, library.

You are everywhere

Forever in my minds eye

Appearing in my life and disappearing again

Like a jack in the box,

Winding up over and over again

Popping, winding, popping, winding

Startling my heart into erratic beats

A frantic rhythm ringing through my ears

And then you're gone

And my heart freezes again

A winter wind like an Arctic storm chills my soul; the summer that momentarily thawed me, you

Moved on.

I daydream of the moment that your light will return

Your warmth breathing life into me again

But the Earth keeps turning and the winter will always come again

I hope that one day the sun will stay,

Ending the winter and melting the ice

Maybe then you will see who I am

Not the winter,

But the moment the winter ends, the beginning of spring that comes with the sun

That with you I am the beauty of spring,

Without, the harshness of winter

That although beautiful will always be a time that is an in between filled with anticipation;

Waiting for the sun to return.

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