Craving the Love of A Star (Little Duckling)

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You came into my life as a meteor crashes through Earth's atmosphere;

Burning hot and falling fast.

You said you cared for me, that you would be by my side for eternity.

And with those words of gold you granted me I fell.

Like a duckling imprinting on any who gives it the smallest sliver of attention.

I fell.

My downy feathers not holding me up as I tried to fly.

But you were there to lift me, and so I let myself fall;

For your eyes; and your smile.

For your laughter; and your tears.

The stars in my eyes shone for you,

Like the planets I orbited around your sun.

But then the sun went dark,

Taking the light and warmth.

And once again I struggled to fly,

Flapping my wings but they would not support me.

Falling, falling, falling; I crashed to Earth like the meteor.

But then I grew up, I was no longer that little duckling,

Struggling to fly,

I was grown and my wings could now support me.

I was my own sun, my own moon, my own stars.

Orbiting around my own shining heart.

I don't need you to care for me any longer.

I am grown, I am strong, and I am flying free.

On the wings of a duckling who once craved the love of a star.

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