Im not the only one

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-Chapter 1-


After my sentencing I was sent to this juvie where young criminals, girls and boys coexisted with the other. Carl promised me he would come and visit everytime he could. And he did keep his promise.... at least for a while.


I remember telling everyone I was gonna make juvie my bitch. I was really confident at that time but everything changed really fast. Things didn't really turn out the way I wanted them to. 

The first few nights were rough, I will never forget them hut I'll remember forever how I used to lie to anybody who came by to see me. I tried to play it cool, and I believe I was really convincing at that point, maybe that's why Carl stopped visiting. He wasn't around to see how I lost myself to these walls. 

Anyways my stay wasn't completely negative. I learnt plenty of useful things like making fake ids and other businesses. But the best part of it was meeting him, Tyler. 

I gotta be honest, I did not like Tyler at all when I first met him. He was cocky and bossy and everything I hated on a man. And of course, he wasn't Carl. But he grew on me after a couple of times he saved my ass. 

In Juvie girls and boys had separate cells but we did see each other the rest of the day at lunch, outside, during work and for "time out". That was where I saw him the most, we weren't the best-behaved inmates there so the guards sent us a lot. 


"Here again princess? I'd say I'm surprised but really, I'm not."

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm nobody, just someone who's been watching you."

"Well then, I'm gonna have to ask you nicely to stop, it's creepy."

"Oh, so you do know how to be nice?"


"Kind of. I'd love to know more about you"

"Look Mr Creep, I'm really not in the mood"

"It's fine, we don't have to talk right now, I'd rather do it on a date"

*end of flashback*

Right after that we did have a date, he set up a picnic on our patio and it was beautiful. He made me feel normal again at least for a couple of minutes. And after that he always made me feel like that, it was like he knew how I was feeling without even asking and he knew exactly what to do to help me forget. 

I found some comfort on Ty, but I never got into something romantic with him cause my hopes were still on Carl. I thought he was gonna come some day with a good explanation that probably explains what I did once I got out.


"Cell number 2444 you're free to go"

"That's not possible, I've still got like 4 months".

As much as I missed Carl, I didn't want to face reality. I didn't want to confirm that he had moved on... cause... I clearly hadn't.

"Well, if that's your choice" the guard said as he began to close the cell.




The doors oppened and revealed Tyler standing next to his bike smirking at me.

"Need a ride princess?"

"I don't get it, you're out to?"

"Yeah. My lawyer's been visiting me these last few months, he moved some strings for me and I moved them for you"


"You can thank overcrowding if you want"

"Or I can thank you instead" 

"There's no need to, I needed my friend out here with me"

"Of course, you did" I said as I hopped on the bike.

"So, where to princess?"

"Home, I wanna show you around"

"Your wish is my command princess". He said and we rode off.

 He said and we rode off

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Author's note;

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter from BOOK N2!!!! I'll be updating new chapters every week so stay tuned :))

chapter: I'm not the only one by Sam Smith

ps: this chapter has been edited :)

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