Chapter 1

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This will be the first time I actually try to write a sequel to a movie that already exists. I am trying to study the characters to get them as close as possible, but no one is perfect. There is so much complexity to them that I need to understand to do this right, so hang in there with me!

Hopefully this works out....


"Die you foolish human!" A dragon roars in an accent not of this world.

It's long leathery tongue darts out, tasting the flesh of the young man standing before him with his sword and shield raised. The pathetic thing shakes in his place, the tip of his shield scratching along the thick armour of his snout.

"Stay behind me, fair maiden..." The man's voice shakes, holding his shield up to protect the beautiful woman by his side.

"My daring knight... I know you will stand stand by me no matter-"

"Sarah! Are we going soon?" A voice calls from down the stairs, interrupting my thoughts.

I sit up, blinking away the images and place the book on the bedside table. That's right... I had agreed to take Toby to the haunted house tonight... Damn! I really wanted to finish this book too!

Sliding out of bed I grab my purse off the nightstand and head out into the hall. Toby is standing at the bottom of the stairs dressed in his Goblin costume that Dad had picked out with him at the local costume shop. If only he knew how close Toby came to being a Goblin...

"Can we go now?" He asks, excited.

"Will you hold on a minute? I just need to grab my coat." I tell him with a huff.

Dad is out with Karen tonight on another date, so I was left in charge of Toby. And it being Halloween, I should have known that I wouldn't get the chance to sit down and just rest for a while. Oh well, at least I don't have to sit at home and hand out candy. 

I grab a book from the kitchen in case I have to wait for Toby to go through, and then retrieve my coat from the closet in the front hall. By time I am out the door Toby is stomping through the garden with his arms raised, roaring like a maniac.

"Oh, would you stop that? We have to get going if we want to beat the line!" I tell him, irritated.

"Yeah!" He cries tearing off down the street without waiting for me to catch up to him.

I sigh to myself, check my reflection in the mirror and head off after him. My hair hasn't gotten too long since I last cut it, and it sits nicely at my shoulder blades as it should. I only picked a warm wool sweater to wear that Dad had bought me while away last summer, but it isn't too cold this time of year, so hopefully it will be enough with my coat over it. And for pants... well, who can go wrong with jeans, right?

The 'Haunted House' that Toby is so excited to go to is something that happens every year in this area. A local farmer sold his farm to be turned into the largest haunted house in the whole surrounding area. Kids flock there near Halloween, and as a kid, I too loved to go through with my dad. I would hold his hand and cover my eyes as the people jumped out at me.

It was fun, and Toby has never been since Karen and Dad are always too busy to take him. So this year, when one of his friends invited him, I said I would take him to meet up with them there. After all, just because I missed out on some of my childhood because of my 'parents', doesn't mean that he should!

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