Chapter 15

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"What the hell are you doing?" I demand, hoping from the bed and stalking towards the mirror, "I thought you said you weren't going to be able to see me anymore once I came back!"

He smiles taking a step back from the glass so that he is standing at equal distance as I am. Despite the fact that I know he can talk, as he already has, he remains silent, watching me.

"So what, you are stalking me now? You can't get me in trouble with my stepmother again. So what are you doing here?" I ask again.

Still he remains silent, but now he wears a knowing smile. 

"Fine, then I guess I will just go and let you do your thing..." I turn and act as though I am going to go through the door.

"Sarah..." He calls.

"Oh, now you are going to talk to me?" I demand, keeping my back to him.

"Come here Sarah." He says.

I turn around and he is standing in front of the door in the mirror. When I step towards the glass he follows. He manages to keep perfect rhythm with me as I close in on him until we are standing face to face once again.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"It isn't as though I don't know where you live, dear." He smiles.

I frown. "You know what I mean."

"It is too complicated to explain and involves a lot of magic. But just know that now we can see each other again. Aren't you happy?" He smiles.

I just stare at him refusing to answer. This was the last thing I had expected after coming back. Is this why he didn't bother to erase my memory, because he knew he would still be able to see me through my mirror? Why would he lie to me before asking me to stay or I would never see him again?

"You know what?" I take a step back and put my hands in the air, "This is bull. Why don't you just go back to ruling your people and leave me alone? You said before we wouldn't be able to see each other again. Let's not push this."

"Sarah." He calls, stopping me from leaving the room again.


"You are angry, I understand that. Please don't be upset. I didn't mean to lie to you." He says.

I don't dare turn around to face him. His eyes burn into my back but I won't look at him. My emotions are running wild right now and I can't control them. All I want to do is run away, and I don't understand why I haven't yet.

"Sarah, come back and talk with me." He temps.

"You have a minute to explain yourself before I leave." I warn him.

"You can run all you like, I will still be here when you return. You can't even sleep on the couch without calling the attention of your stepmother. So, what will it be?" It is nothing less than a challenge towards my resolve.

Slowly, I back up keeping my back to him and sit down on the bed. I am being very obvious in my avoidance of him. I don't care what he thinks, as long as I don't have to face him with this. Maybe he will give up if I just don't react...

"Sarah, Sarah, you can't keep running from me you know. Before you had a way to defeat me to get me out of your hair, but now it is just the two of us. So what will it be dear? Will you face me as you did when you were younger, or has age taken away your spine?" That kind of hurt a little.

I have been trying to convince myself that I am still as brave and determined as I was when I was a child. This only proves that I am more childish than before. 

The Labyrinth SequelWhere stories live. Discover now