Chapter 17

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As my dad makes his way up the driveway towards us I can see Karen smirking from the corner of my eye. This is just what she has been waiting for.

Jareth seems uncomfortable. It seems as for the first time he has noticed what he is wearing and seems to disapprove of it for my fathers sake. But to my surprise my dad seems indifferent to the fact that there is a man standing in front of our house.

"Honey, I'm glad your home. This is Jareth, one of Sarah's friends." Karen says, putting too much emphasis on the word 'friend'.

"That's nice," Dad says, not even looking at him, "I will be in my office until dinner is ready."

As he passes by he pats Toby on the head who is more than a little excited to see him. But as his father passes him by he grows depressed that he wasn't paid any attention. Jareth breaths a small sigh of relief that he was ignored for once.

Toby lets go of Karen's hand to move back into the house after dad. Karen stares after him in amazement before following after him, forgetting about Jareth and I.

"Well, that was a bit of a let down." Jareth mumbles.

"Just be happy that Dad doesn't care enough to make a big deal about it," I sigh, "He barely even noticed that you were here thankfully."

"Is he always that... blank?" He asks, staring at the door as if watching him.

I nod. "He works a lot lately, and when he isn't working he is going out with Karen to make sure their relationship doesn't fail. He doesn't really have time to notice us anymore."

Jareth walks over to me and forces me to look at him by placing his index finger under my chin. His eyes are sad.

"Don't look so down, Sarah." He says.

I realize that I must look awful thinking about my dad all day. I whip away the tears in my eyes and stand away from him, not wanting him to see me like this. No one is normally around when I think about how little my dad is there for me. He was one of the reasons I ended up in the Labyrinth the first time.

Jareth wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. 

"Don't cry. You don't have to be alone anymore." He whispers.

I push him away slightly. "Don't pity me, Jareth. This isn't anything new to me."

"I know," He takes my hand and kisses it softly, "But I wish to take care of you. Won't you let me be the 'boyfriend' that you deserve for just a couple of days? Let me take care of you. Let me tend to your wishes. Let me chase away those dark places that leave you feeling alone..."

Wow, doesn't that sound tempting? Instead of answering I just stand there blushing, hoping that he will disappear with all of his rose colored promises. How else was I supposed to react?

He straightens up, smiling knowingly.

"Sarah, why don't we go for a bit of a walk? I am sure that once we return your mother will be done preparing dinner for you." He offers.

"And what are you going to do after that? You have to find somewhere to stay while you are above ground and it can't be with me. I don't think my mom would be very happy about you staying for dinner every day before I go back either." I tell him.

"I know. We will find time for ourselves, I promise you. In the short time we will have together I will try my best to convince you and your family that I am worth your time. Do you not have any time alone in the house? Do they not ask you to baby sit Toby anymore and leave you for hours unsupervised?"

I think about it.

"I don't know. Before Halloween I had only been home for a couple of days. That was the first time in a long time that they have asked me to look after Toby. Karen doesn't go out with my Dad as much anymore so..." I pace around trying to think of something.

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