Chapter 13

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The next morning I am greeted with Jareth's arm holding me close to his body. In my night dress I am feeling more than a little uncomfortable having him so close. I try to struggle away from him, but he sighs and pulls me closer to him, refusing to release me, despite my best efforts.

Angry, I hit him over the head.

"Wake up you idiot King!" I demand, trying harder now to get away.

"Hush now... my head hurts enough as it is..." He moans.

I reach out, seizing the bucket that had held all the ice last night. With little thought I dump the whole bucket of now moderately cold water over his head. The effect is almost immediate, as he leaps from the bed, gasping for air.

He drips from his head to toe. He looks very awake now, and I am able to slip from the bed only sustaining a little water from the attack.

"What was that for?" He demands.

"I wanted to get up, and you weren't letting me." I say  simply, retrieving my clothes from yesterday.

"You didn't have to do that!" 

"Oh well, what's done is done." I tell him, almost ignoring him completely.

He walks over the one of the dressers and retrieves a towel to dry himself off. I slip into the bathroom to change back into my jeans and a shirt I 'borrowed' from the bed stand. When I come back out, Jareth is still drying off on the bed.

"I can give you clothes to wear if you want. You don't have to wear those old things again." Jareth says when he sees me.

"I know, but I don't like the dresses you have. I've never been a big fan of dresses." I tell him.

"I'm sure I can find you something else to wear besides a dress. You could even borrow one of my shirts if it makes you feel better." He offers.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I would much rather wear a dress than anything you have worn before."

"Now why might that be?"

I just ignore him and continue walking around to get my things together. He chuckles softly to himself, dropping his towel to the ground.

"What's so funny?" I demand.

"Us," He sighs, "We are acting like a married couple. Sleeping together, arguing in the morning, borrowing clothes... Seems like we have been married for years, does it not?"

I roll my eyes. It seems just like him to bring up something as stupid as marriage. And as I am grabbing the brush to start combing my hair, I realize that I am able to move my hands a bit. They are no longer as numb as they were before from the medicine.

Amazed, I just stare at them while I flex them. Now that they are better, it means that I can take Toby home. But that means that he has to have his memory errased... And I still haven't figured out what Jareth plans to do with me yet.

"Look..." I say showing him how my hands are moving.

Normally I would have kept it hidden until I figured out what to do with him, but I know that I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to. Getting Toby home, memory or not, is a priority.

"Let me see them." He says coming over to me. 

Gently he takes my hands in his and flips them over as he observes. He looks grim as he observes them, and his hands begin to glow.

"What are you doing?!" I rip my hands out of his.

He steps back cautiously, looks almost ashamed. "I was just going to see if the medicine had worn off... That's all..."

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