Chapter 10

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I never could have guessed that the high and mighty Goblin King would ever be 'lonely'. He seemed to always be busy, in my mind, kidnapping children, running a dysfunctional country, or just messing around like the Goblins do. It never once occurred to me that perhaps this whole time, all he wanted was someone who wasn't a Goblin to talk to, to have a real conversation with.

All this time I just thought he was an idiot who never thought of anything but himself, but who else was he to think about? He doesn't have anyone to take care of, and the Goblins are just going to get into trouble whether he cares about them or not.

And what he said was true, I really did believe in him. For so long my life had revolved around the Labyrinth, around him, and all the stories I told, I never thought could ever come true. Until I actually got here, I never thought such an amazing place could exist.

I bet he was so excited to show me everything too... 

The more I think of it, the more I understand what he did. Had he shown up one day, at my door, and told me who he was, I wouldn't have believed him. Even if he had taken me to the Labyrinth, what reason would I have to believe he was who he said he was, and wasn't playing a prank on me?

But when I said the words, and when Toby disappeared, then everything became real to me. He played the character he was written to be, because that is all I would have recognized him as. And he continued playing the villain so that... So that what?

What did he think would come out of it? He could offer me the world, but he had to play the villain, and because of that, I could never have seen him as anything more. He should have tried something else... He should have known that what he was trying wasn't working.

But he must have been so excited... So caught up in his plans...

I will never understand how he thinks, just as he may never fully understand where he went wrong. My head hurts just from thinking about all of it, and I let my hands cover my eyes for a few minutes, which doesn't work because my hands are nothing more than useless saggy balls of skin right now.

After another moment I figure it is best to go back and check on Toby. While I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen to him, I am certain he is probably worrying about me. 

Getting back inside the castle proves to be more of a challenge than getting out. Without the use of my hands opening doors becomes more difficult, and I end up kicking the door until an angry Goblin lets me in.

"Who is it- oh, hello Sarah!" The Goblin stutters when it sees me.

"Is Toby around?" I ask, giving him a sideways look.

"Oh yes, him," The goblin rolls his eyes, "He is running around the throne room pretending to be the King. His Majesty said to humor him, but he is tiring."

"Where is the King right now?"

"The King went to his room. Said he didn't want anyone disturbing him while he was on his own. Don't know why he's upset, but I am not the one getting bogged because I asked." The Goblin says defiantly looking away.

"That's okay, thanks for your help." I say, hurrying off.

"Hey, wait!" He calls after me, "Are you going to come to the party tonight?"

"What party?" 

"The whole kingdom is coming to the castle to celebrate the King turning back to normal. There is going to be a big feast, and dancing, and lots of drinking! Are you going to be coming?" He asks, his ears perking up with excitement.

"Will my friends be coming?" I ask, a little unsure at the thought of going to a party held in the Labyrinth.

"Of course! The entire kingdom has been invited, so they will most likely show up. The goblins are already working on a dress for you to wear, and a suit for Toby as well. You will come, won't you?"

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