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"How long do you plan to mourn for nothing, Sarah!" Imran asked as he threw a pillow with which he was sleeping at me. Irritated at me, even after them trying the whole night to cheer me up. I am still being moody. I so want to glare at him or even throw back the pillow at him. But, All I could do is sit still and I couldn't do anything. I am angry, frusted, sad and mostly hurt that I feel like I got shot.

"Sarah! He seems to be really sorry!" Madan said again for zenith time in the past five days and continues to the sixth day today. It's not I don't hear them. It's just I can't believe him as I still can feel his gaze at me as how mad he looked at me.

"Sarah! At least drink something" Shruti said as she placed a coffee mug before my mouth. I turned my face away from it.

"Ranvir say something na!" She threw the stirrer at him in the anger on me as I avoided her again for the tenth or more time. Ranvir moved the files and computer to save those and that lead him to get hit. He glared at her

"Happy?" He sarcastically asked making Shruti catch her ears and do sit ups making me smile a little.

"Did you just smiled now?" Madan asked and that turned everyone gaze at me and I turned away to look as if the sun is rising just now and not an hour back.

"Sarah! Hear me it's not that I didn't want to say good morning. I came out that day to say good morning to you and exact time Rahul brought the files for me to see and then when I came to meet you, you left to have a walk. And when I came to see you haven't returned at all. We all started to get tensed.

You should have seen advith face when I said 'Sarah is missing!'. He just like that left the phone to Umar to handle and as if it doesn't matter to him and he was scared.

He shouted to Sheela to call security to look around and see camera to locate where you are, that I really got tensed too. 

when they said you were in cafeteria, he ran to see you there forgotten there is thing called lift too. He must have been feared something have happened to you when you are in his responsibility. How do you think he could feel? Obviously angry na!" I turned and glared at him.

"Okay! Fine he is wrong and he is being punished for it. Do you know what happened after you ran?" I looked at him narrowing my eyes.

"Gowtham uncle slapped him hard before the workers! Could you believe how embarrassed he must feel?" He asked looking at me and that made everyone gasp at the realisation.

"He deserved it!" I said and everyone looked at me as if am I crazy.

"He didn't Sarah! And you know it. He is CEO of the company and godsake, heir of  Vidal! you think him getting slapped before his employers is something he deserved? If I was at his position I could have hated you.

you know what he does every morning as he come to work, he is looking for you. And to add it up Gowtham uncle stopped speaking with him." Madan said and I rolled my eyeballs at him.

"If you haven't heard, know it that he freaking shouted at me and more than that he said Sarah meant an idiot and a headache! Before all the workers and you say he is not deserving it when he is the one that asked me to leave!" I shouted back at him and I felt my heart lightens a light.

"But, Sarah...."

"Please don't but me Madan! I don't want to hear anymore of it." I said and I went to the washroom.

"Madan why are you pushing her, just leave it na!"

"I don't know you guys get it or not guys, he just meant leave the cafeteria as everyone are standing in queue to make their orders and she is just blocking their way asking for coffee childishly when there is no milk in the kitchen.

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