The Reaping

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At ten o'clock Katniss, my Mother, and I left the house and walked into the town square. My mother held back in the crowd as Katniss and I stepped into a line of children. 

"Don't worry, It does not hurt," Katniss said, noticing that I was half-heartedly putting forward my finger for a lady to prick. The lady pricked and, Katniss was right, it did not hurt. The lady pressed my finger to the paper.

"Goodbye Katniss!" I said as I walked towards the section for twelve-year-olds, behind the thirteen-year-olds because we were the least likely to be chosen.

A few minutes later, a wigged woman with too much makeup for anyone to like came onto the platform. Too much for anyone but the Capitol to like. This was Effie Trinket. Haymitch, the only living victor from District 12, and as far as most people knew, the only victor from District 12, was staggering around onstage, drunk. After the games, Haymitch Abernathy had wasted away. People say he sleeps with a knife in his hands, because, after the games, he does not trust anyone.

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games! Now, before we begin, we have a special message brought to you all the way from the Capitol!" Effie exclaimed as if we were in for a real treat.

I had seen this "special message" ten or more times. 

The video concluded. 

"Oh! I just love that! Now, as usual, ladies first!" Effie walked over to a small glass ball with the label "ladies" written on it in the fancy Capitol font. Effie snatched a small piece of paper, unfolded it carefully, walked over to the microphone.

She is reading a name, and it is not mine. It is

"Katniss Everdeen!"

No, it could not be.

Katniss walked slowly and stiffly up to the stage with the biggest look of terror shining in her eyes. I do not know what made me do it.

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" 

Katniss turned around, horror-struck.

"Prim! No!" Katniss screamed, she was being shoved back by peacekeepers as I walked forward to the stage. Katniss's screams became quieter and more distant the closer I got to the stage. Then I was face to face with Effie Trinket.

"Well, dear, what is your name?" Effie asked.

"Prim...Primrose Everdeen," I responded shakily.

"Well, I bet my hat that was your sister, Primrose Everdeen, was it not?"

"Y...yes. Yes, it was."

"Verry noble," Effie smiled, "Well now for the boys." 

If it was Gale, Katniss would lose her mind. It better not be Gale.

"Peeta Mellark." 

A boy walked up to the stage, as stiffly as Katniss had.

"I volunteer!" It was Gale. No. This has to be a nightmare. I am going to fall asleep on a fancy train and wake up in my bed.

Peeta Meelark looked as though he had just been given a lifetime more to live after given a death sentence, which he basically had. Gale walked up the stage, his hands shaking.

"Well, well, well," Effie said, approvingly, "First two volunteers in District 12, all in one Hunger Games! What is your name, boy?"

"G...Gale H...Hawthorne, Gale Hawthorne."

"Well, go on, shake hands," Effie said.

"Katniss is never going to forgive you for this," I said as I shook Gale's rough hand.

"She is never going to forgive you," Gale muttered back.

Peacekeepers were leading Gale and me into the Justice Hall, seconds later Katniss burst into the room, furious tears on her cheeks.

"What the hell did you do that for?" She screamed. My eyes glazed over and silent drops of water rolled down my cheeks.

"I...I...I do not know. I was not thinking straight. Please do not be mad!" Tears were coming out of my eyes rapidly now.

"Gale and you, even if one of you do come out alive, I can not live a month without either of you." She was acknowledging that we, Gale and I, had no chance of winning, we were going to be fighting people that had trained their entire lives for this.

She pulled me into a hug as a peacekeeper in the doorway said, "Five minutes left, Everdeen."

My mother walked into the room and put herself in Katniss and my embrace.

"God, Prim, what were you thinking?" She asked, as she too started crying.

"I do not know."

"I have to say goodbye to Gale, I love you Prim, goodbye."


"Goodbye Sweetheart!" My mom yelled as peacekeepers pulled her out of the room.


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Any suggestions? Should Gale die or should Prim die? (I can not choose!!!!)

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