Is this victory? It does not feel good...

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I see metal claws scoop me up and I have been lifted hundreds of feet into the air; into a hovercraft where Effie sits crying in a chair. My eyelids drop. I have not slept in so long...

I am in a white bed with white blankets in a white room. Machines are ticking all around me; women and men dressed in white, with white masks are touching me. A lady pricks my arm, and I fall into a happy dream, where Gale and I celebrate with Katniss, we have been spared another year of happiness. 

I am escorted onto a train, which takes me home. I hardly notice the hours I spend on the train. I am escorted off of the train and reporters with huge microphones are yelling questions at me. I start crying into Cinna's arms. I did not know where I was going, but I know I fell asleep at some point, somewhere.

When I wake up, I am in a bed with blue sheets and soft pillows. Where am I? Have I woken up inside of a dream? Am I having a dream inside of a dream?

My mother walks in with a tray carrying tea and sugar cubes. She sets a cup down next to me and looks at me, her face is red, she has been crying. She smiles sweetly and asks me if I would like some, and how much sugar I would like. 

I reach out for the tray and pull a sugar cube off of it. I turn it over and over, has the Capitol poisoned it? Is this really my mother?

I put it in my mouth and felt the sweetness explode on my tongue. This is my mother, this is real life, I am in one of the rich houses in Victors Village. 

"Where is Katniss?" I ask.

"In the woods, gathering his weapons, snares, everything," she said. I felt immediate guilt. Gale should have lived, he deserved it, and now, my life will be hell, Katniss will always be sad.

I heard a door shut, presumably the large oak front door I had looked at for all of those years, as Katniss entered the house. I sat up and I could feel my flesh stretching across my ribs tightly, surely the Capitol could have given me a few pounds or something when they made my skin so perfect it almost glowed? I walk into the sitting room in our house and see Katniss sitting on a plush couch. Her face was red. She had been crying.

"Katniss?" I asked her. She turned to me and started crying. I walked to her and gave her a hug, she held me tightly. "Gale should have won. He loved you, Katniss. He loved you."

"The last time I saw him...I yelled at him for volunteering. I hate myself. He probably hates me."

"He loved you..."

Katniss pulled me in tighter and I did not refuse. She kissed my nose.


Authors note (like 5 years post writing: Hello!!! I am. so sorry for what you just read. I logged into wattpad for the first time since publishing this story and saw its read count and was blown away so thanks for reading i guess? i was like 11 years old when i wrote this and i promise my writing is so much better now i'm actually traumatized from what I just read.

shameless plug time: i'm vivianechoparis on instagram and parisecho on snapchat.

Prim's Games: A Hunger Games FanficWhere stories live. Discover now