The Train

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Gale and I sat across from each other on a train that was so luxurious we could take hours just examining its beauty. Chandeliers, plush couches, (two of which were occupied by Gale and me) TVs that were ten feet tall. It was everything we could have imagined.

"Well, it was the fanciest train the Capitol would provide, One and Two's trains are far better," Effie said, breaking my reverie.

"It is marvelous, Effie," Gale said, dully.

"What is wrong, Gale?" I asked I knew Gale all to well and when he talked like this there was something wrong. He could have not caught enough rabbits for dinner or lost his mother and he would sound the same.

"Katniss," he said.

"What about her?" I asked; Effie had left sensing a personal conversation.

"Your sister had a real go at me after I volunteered, I only volunteered for that Mellark boy because I doubt he would have given a crap about your life. If Katniss wants either of us home, she wants you."

"Peeta saved our lives a few years ago."

"What? Are you saying you would have preferred the Baker's son over me? What did he do?"

"We were starving, Katniss was trying to sell things our mother had knitted when she gave up. She fell on the street that just so happened to be outside of the bakery and started crying, we were all much too weak to walk, but you know Katniss, she was the strongest. Peeta intentionally let two loaves fall in the fire. His mother told him to give them to the pigs, but he threw them at Katniss, she got them and ran right as she saw Peeta's mother smack him."

"Oh, wow, I guess you would prefer bread boy."

"I never said that Gale! You are just mad about Katniss! But how would you feel if your brothers and only friend was being shipped off to a death match?" I ask, yelling now.

"I don't know..."

"Well, well, well, look at this year's pair," a man said, standing in the corner of the room. It was Haymitch. 

"Do you have any advice for us when we are in the arena, Haymitch?" Gale asked, hopefully.

"Stay alive," Haymitch said, he laughed at his words as if he had just heard the funniest joke, then he started howling in laughter, he dropped the wine glass in his hands, watched it shatter, and vomited.

"Effie!" Gale shouted down the other cars.

"What, Gale? You just made my ears positively explode!" Then Effie saw the scene, "Ugh! He does this every night, cannot control himself, no one ever wins the Hunger Games, no one comes out of the Arena smiling with a victory, most wish they were dead, there are horrors in that arena you could never dream of."

"Thanks for the support, Effie," Gale said sarcastically.

"Primrose?" Effie asked me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"You are being quiet, what is the matter?" Effie asked, sweetly.

"Effie! What do you think is the matter? We are being shipped off to a death match! Her sister is now alone because of my idiot choice to volunteer!" Gale screamed, I had only heard him scream once before, and it was when he thought Katniss, my mother, and I had starved to death. 

"Well...," Effie said, clearly not knowing how to respond, "I think we have a fighter in this group." She grinned.

"SHUT UP, EFFIE!" Gale was raging.

"Go get some sleep, Gale, we will be in District five or four tomorrow morning," Effie said.

"Fine!" Gale got up, purposely turning the expensive chair he was sitting in over and storming out of the room into the sleeping cars.

"Well," Effie said, "Your friend has quite a temper!"

I stood up and turned my chair over, slamming the train door behind me as I exited the car.

"You've got some nerve," Gale said, his door was wide open and he had clearly been watching, "That was great, Prim."


The next morning Haymitch and Effie made us watch the awful reapings of the other districts.

Marvel and Glimmer from one.

Cato and Clove from two.

Ian and Kate from three.

Max and Anna from four.

Andy and a fox-faced girl from five.

Dan and Sophie from six.

Esme and Daniel from seven.

Jonah and Charlotte from eight.

Jack and Sofia from nine.

Logan and Astrid from ten.

Tresh and Rue from eleven. This one was the most heart-stopping, Rue looked about my age.

And last of all, me. I saw Katniss's name pulled from the jar, then me screaming to volunteer, them Peeta's name pulled, and Gale desperately volunteering. We won't be forgotten.

"I am so sorry," Effie said.

Yes, as if she knows what we are going through. She is getting paid by the Capitol to do this so she can get herself a new ugly wig and some bright makeup.


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