Chapter Three

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Karma's P.O.V.

I munched on a strawberry Pocky stick as I walked up the hill to the off campus location that 3-E had their classes at.

Semi lost in thought as I ate my snack, I didn't hear the person come up behind me until they grabbed onto my arm suddenly.

Reacting without thinking, I grabbed them and flipped them over my shoulder, the same move Shuu had used on me last night.

But this person wasn't prepared at all for my attack and instead of landing on their feet gracefully like I did, they let out a pained, "Oof...ow..." when they hit the ground.

I came to my senses when I recognized the blue hair.

"Jeez, Nagisa. You know better than to sneak up on me like that." I said, lowering a hand to help him up.

"Yeah but you went overboard, Karma-kun." He complained, rubbing his head. "Why are you so jumpy?"

"Sorry." I said simply.

He walked beside me as we approached the old campus.

"Where's your jacket, Karma-kun?" He asked me.

"In the wash." I lied.

"That's odd, what's he doing here?" Nagisa didn't pay much to my answer as we arrived in the clearing in front of the school.

I was surprised too, when I saw what he was talking about.

Asano, the better one, was standing in front of the steps to the school.

A couple of our classmates were surrounding him, jeering at him and giving him a hard time.

"What are you doing here, principals pet?" Terasaka growled, his arms crossed. "Not satisfied to make fun of us back at the main campus, you had to come see how much of a dump this place was in person?"

"I thought you were smart, Asano." Itona said, monotonal. "Why would you come to a place where we all hate you?"

I had to give Asano credit, he didn't seem affected at all by the insults and taunts being thrown at him.

I walked over. "Hey, give the guy a break. I don't hate him."

Everyone stopped and stared at me.

"Karma, you're joking right?" Maehara asked, his voice soft. "Out of all of us, shouldn't you be the one to hate him the most?"

"Why?" I asked, giving them all each a stern gaze.

Everyone looked away uncomfortably, no one could give me an answer.

The bell rang then, and most of them seemed relieved to use it as an excuse to run inside.

Asano stepped up to me, and I saw he was holding a wrapped box. His face was emotionless as he held it out to me. "Here."

I smiled, placing a hand over my heart. "Aw, Shuu, you shuu-den't have!"

He scowled, and I saw a light blush bloom across his cheeks. "Just take it, baka."

I did, accepting it with both hands.

It looked like he wanted to say more, but he cast a side look at Nagisa, who was staring at him with big blue eyes.

"Nagisa, why don't you run in and tell professor bitch I'm going to be a little late, I just need to talk to Asano for a second." I said cheerfully.

"Uh, sure Karma." he said, clearly confused and wanting an explanation. But I just gave him a blank smile until he finally ran inside with the rest of my classmates.

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