Chapter Twelve

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Asano's P.O.V.

I came back to life with a piercing headache and a faint feeling something was wrong.

Time had been stolen from me, but I wasn't sure how much.

I was blind, but not deaf. My body may be stuck in place, but my mind was still working.

Soft, muted whispers came from a few feet in front of me, and I could hear the shuffling of feet as they paced anxiously.

They may be E class, but they were still just kids. They weren't experts in kidnapping, and I began to form a plan. They were inexperienced, and didn't know what they were doing. They let their emotions get in the way of their mind, and now they were in too deep to pull back.

I smirked to myself. You should never let your heart rule your head. I learned that a long time ago.

I experimented with my fingers, seeing how much they could move, and focusing on what they could feel. Touch receptors told me my hands were still bound behind my back, as well as to the back of the uncomfortable chair I was sitting on.

Judging by the pain my back was in, I had been out for at least half an hour.

I waited, not daring to move any more. I wanted to let them keep thinking I was still knocked out. It wouldn't be long until one of them came to their senses and started to panic. That's when I would strike.


I didn't have to wait long.

The silence was pierced by a male's voice.

"Guys, what are we doing?" He asked, and I could hear just how deep his anxiety was rooted. "What the hell are we doing? That's the principals son we have tied up right there! And why did we think the dance was the best time to grab him? He was supposed to give a speech ten minutes ago! Everyone is going to be looking for him! We're stupid! So stupid! We're all going to get expelled, and we'll be lucky if that's all that befalls us!"


Somehow I knew it would be him.

"Calm down," a voice I didn't recognize said. "No one knows he was taken, or that we had anything to do with it. And after that fiasco on the dance floor they'll probably assume he ran home to cry to daddy." A girl's voice laughed.

"They'll know the truth once we let him go." Isogai argued.

"Who said we we're letting him go?"


It took all my willpower to not react in disgust and anger at his voice, and even more when I heard his steps walking closer to me.

A hand grabbed my hair suddenly, yanking my head back and I couldn't prevent the surprised gasp from leaving my mouth.

"It's rude to spy on people, Asano." He smirked in my ear.


Nagisa's P.O.V.

I glared in contempt at the orange haired boy under me.

He didn't react to me besides that muffled gasp, and that made me more mad. How dare he act like he had any power here?! That's the principals son for you, I suppose.

"What are you talking about, Nagisa?" Isogai laughed nervously. "Of course we're letting him go...we are letting him go, right? That was the plan...we were just going to tell him to leave Karma alone and ask about the monsters. We weren't going know..."

"Plans change." I announced, letting Asano's hair go.

I glanced at the tied up boy, but he was still and calm.

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