Chapter Four

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Asano's P.O.V.

Meet me at the 3-E campus during lunch.

I had to read Karma's text three times before it sunk into my mind what he said.

Are you joking? No way in Hell. Everyone will see me walking there and walking back, how will I explain that? Plus everyone over there made it clear what they think of me.

Since when do you give a shit about what 3-E thinks of you?

My father is angry enough at me, the last thing I need is to give him a reason to yell at me more.

Is that where the bruise on your hand came from?

My breath caught in my throat at his last message.

I shoved my phone into my pocket. I couldn't answer that. But I also knew no answer was an answer in itself.

A few minutes later, my pocket vibrated again.

I need to talk to you.

You have my phone number.

I need to talk to you in person.

I sighed, but couldn't bite back a smile.

Fine. You have five minutes at lunch. And we meet halfway on the hill.


Karma's P.O.V.

Lunch took ages to come, but when it finally did, I hurried out the door before anyone else was out of their seats.

"Wait, Karma-kun!"

I groaned internally, halting my steps.

"Yes, Nagisa?" I gave him a smile as I turned to face him.

"What was up with that scene this morning?" He asked, tucking a stray blue hair back into place. "With Asano? Since when are you guys friends?"

I don't have time for this! Asano could he waiting for me at our halfway point already.

"Just trying to be friendly," I answered. "Isn't that something you would do?"

"Yeah, but, it's defiently not something you would do." He said.

"Times change. People change. Look Nagisa, I have an appointment to get to before lunch is over, so I really need to get going." I gave him a hint.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can walk with you if you want!" He smiled brightly.

"Thanks, but I'm going to run and we all know I'm the fastest in the class." I said.

"Right. Hey, Karma..."

For fucks sake!

"Yes?" I faced him again.

He was giving me a dark stare- something I had never seen before from him.

"You can make better company than Asano." He said.

I grit my teeth. "Thanks for the advice."

Quickly turning away, I finally hurried to meet Shuu.


Asano's P.O.V.

I checked my watch again.

Lunch was over in less than half an hour and I still had to walk all the way back to the main campus.

"Why am I always waiting on you, Akabane?" I complained loudly.

"Aw, am I not worth waiting for, Shuu?" A voice grinned from behind me.

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