Chapter Thirty One

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whats up losers, im back 😎

didja miss me? 😌

anyways, this story is almost done, how sad



Asano's P.O.V.

I leaned against my door, eavesdropping on my fathers phone call. He was all the way downstairs, but the sound still carried all the way up to my room.

He sounded stressed out and was barking out orders into four different phones.

Apparently, the school had been evacuated and he was ordering a special unit to investigate the construction wing.

I didn't know what kind of 'special unit' they were, but I knew they weren't the police.

They would find the hidden door in no time, and I would lose any chance at finding Karma. They weren't aware he was even there, they were only informed to evacuate the students and storm the wing. Who knew what their orders were if they stumbled upon a person?

I had to be the one to get there first.


I looked down at myself and all the bandages and bruises that covered a large portion of my body. I was in no physical condition to save anyone. I couldn't even save myself yesterday- I was lucky my father had shown up when he did. How the hell could I expect to save Karma?

I sat on my bed, biting my lip harshly.

Karma had saved me numerous times, and the one time he needed me, I couldn't do a damn thing.

And even if I was in perfect fighting condition, the door was still locked. I had never gotten the key, and I had no idea where it would be.

Despair crashed over me like a wave and I sunk into my bed.

I was useless.

A hopeless loser.

All my academic grades meant nothing now because I couldn't figure out a way to open that door without a key.

All my sports trophies meant nothing when I was stuck in this weak condition.

The prestigious, popular and perfect Gakushuu Asano was nothing but a pathetic mess without his grades and health.

What did Karma even see in me?

Well right now, all I see is a pity party.

I cracked open one eye to see a silhouette of a redheaded boy sitting at the end of my bed, crossing his arms and smiling.

"Shut up, you're just a hallucination from my meds." I mumbled.

You're just going to give up?

"I'm not giving up, I just can't do anything!" I whined. "Don't you think I would do everything in my power to save you if I had any power to work with?"

All I'm hearing is excuses.

"Great, even my own subconscious is beating me down." I sighed.

The Shuu I know would never lie down and accept defeat without even giving it his all.

"Go away, you're mean." I rolled over, burying my face in my blankets.

Hey, if you see my badass, beautiful and intelligent friend named Shuu, let me know. All I see right now is a little bitch baby.

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