Chapter Six

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Karma's P.O.V.

The next day, I made my way into town, a paper clutched tightly in my hand.

I was meeting Shuu here at a library, to look up any information about 'Creation Enterprises'.

I texted him, and already, he was inside. Fucking nerd.

I found him in the back where the computers were. He was deep in concentration reading an article with really small print, and didn't hear me approach.

I knew I had to mess with him before we settled down into investigation business. I was two strikes down already, I had to even our score, especially since I was the one who came up with the stupid bet in the first place.

However, before I could even think of anything to do, he suddenly whirled around and pierced me with a violet glare.

"Ah...Shuu," I let out a nervous giggle, my hands raised.

"You know I could see you in the screen reflection, right, Akabane?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

I chuckled and slid into the seat beside him. "You're no fun when you're in serious mood, Orange."

He faced his screen, typing furiously. "We have important work to do. You could be a help and get into serious mode too."

I stuck my tongue out and slouched in my chair. "You know I'm smart, but I prefer physical action." When I glanced at him, I was surprised to see he had a slight blush across his cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" I questioned.

"I'm not, shut up." He faced his screen. "By the way, I've already found something while you were late goofing off."

He pushed his screen to me so I could see what he was pointing at.

Creation Enterprizes was typed into the Google search bar, but he hadn't hit enter yet.

"If you type in 'Creation Enterprises', nothing shows up. I went through over a hundred pages on five different search engines, and found absolutely nothing. No videos, no blogs, no Wiki page, no articles, nothing. It's like somebody made a virus that wipes out anything to do with those two words together." He explained.

"Hmm," I narrowed my eyes and leaned in closer. "They must have done something really bad to make history erase them."

"Precisely my thoughts, which is why I came to the conclusion that a lot of articles had to be made about them, and the more that is written, the more likely there is to be a typo in one of the headlines."

I beamed when the realization hit me too. "Shuu, you're a genius!"

He looked away. "If you're just now realizing that, I win another mark on our bet."

I shook my head, still smiling. "I always knew that, Shuu."

He scowled. "Pay attention, Akabane."

He hit the enter button, and the page loaded.

One hit.

"Creation Enterprizes exposed for inhumane human experiments."

"Inhumane is an understatement." he continued, scrolling down the article. "The virus didn't delete this one because they spelled enterprises wrong."

I scanned the paragraphs, and to my horror I picked up a few phrases that made my skin crawl.

"...victims were found with missing limbs, extra limbs, and animal limbs..."

"Over a three hundred suspected dead at the hands of Creation..."

"More than five thousand different species of animals found- confirmed to be the missing animals-"

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