Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Hi my name is Cassandra but I like it more as Cassie I'm seventeen and have green eyes with brown hair.

My life is as normal has a teenager life can be. I go every week to the church on Sundays. In the church there is this boy with a gorgeous blue eyes with little points of grey and brown hair his name Matthew but I don't understand why I am so attracted to him we never really talked it's usually always "hi" and "how are you?".

When I am getting out of the mall I find out that I don't have money for the cab and when I get to my purse I understand that I must have forgot my phone in Jo's house. SHOOT how could that happen to me... How am I going to to call Johanna btw Jo is my best friend she tells always the truth to me even if its bad. I see Matthew outside his car and decide to go ask him for a phone call to Jo.

"Hi" I said in a shy voice Gosh how am I going to do this I can barely talk to the guy.

"Hi" He said in a cool tone.

"Look I know you don't know me, but I really need to make a phone call but I forgot my phone in my friends house and now I can't get to my friends house becau-" I am cut off before I can finish, rude much!

"So.. you need me to lend you my phone so that you can make the phone call from my phone but do you know the number from memory?" He ask with a smirk the bastard has the nerve!

"You right Shit, Shit, Shit how am I going to get home now?" I asked more to myself than to him but he gives me the answer "I can give you a ride if you want?"

"Thanks but I am sure you have more interesting things to do than give a girl you don't know a ride am I right?" I asked with a hint of a smirk in the conner of my mouth "You right I have better things to do but I don't mind I'm sure it can wait." He opens the door for me to enter and a think what a gentleman and say thanks.

"So... where do I have the pleasure of take you?" I tell him in response "24th street number 42."

Matthew decides to break the silence with a question that I really was not expecting "You kind of like me right?" I think what?? Me liking him it's just a stupid crush but even though I can feel myself getting warm.

"What?? No, I mean you are nice and all but that's it!" I said trying to convince myself more than him.

"Well I though so, you get really nervous around me and that's kind of funny really."

"Well excuse me if I get nervous if I am in a car with a stranger that goes to the church but doesn't enter has if it doesn't has the courage to do so" I said getting really mad at this stupid bastard I can't believe that I actually have a crush in him, ugh!!

"Anyways it's here so thanks for the ride I would say have a nice day but I kind of want you to have a bad one today." I turn around to exit the car but he grabs my arm in record time before I have the time to get out.

"I have my reasons so know them before you start talk about things you don't know! Either way here, you have my number in case you need another ride have nice day and I do mean it, doll face." He says with a smirk and hands me a paper with a number that I assume it's his has I get out of the car he speeds up to the road show off, I think.

When I ring the bell I am more confused than ever Jo opens the door seconds after and say "Hii missing me already?" I snap out of my daydream just has she twists her fingers in front of me "yeah... I know you won't believe what just fucking happened to me!!"

"What?! Are you ok?"

"Yeah... I'm pichie just when I got out if the church I realize that...." And I started to explain everything. Jo has a expression no way and says "Well big step you didn't talk to the guy and now you catch a ride from him. Huge step really!! Well I can tell you already had a rough day do you want to go dinner with your dearest friends? I can call Liam if you want?"

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