Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cassandra P.O.V

After the movie Matthew takes me to an ice cream store and we take a walk while we the ice creams. Matthew says “I can’t believe you didn’t ask vanilla and strawberry it’s what every girl ask on a date.” I take a deep breath and answer “If you compare me to another girl you took on a date one more time I will castrate you and then make you eat your balls with fries got it?”

He looks a bit surprised and answers “Yes ma’m but in order to do that you have to let me taste that coffee ice cream of yours.” I furrow an eyebrow and answer.

“And why would I do that you lose not me.” I say in a joking voice and Matthew replies.

“Because you will have a great desolation one certain day if I don't have my balls.” He reply with a smug smirk in his face.

I choke on my breath and hand him my ice cream and say “You can keep it now shut up!” I say feeling incredibly embarrassed and very very warm. Matthew whispers in my ear “You are very cute when you blush, doll face.” I nod in agreement and he chuckles in amusement. Then one old lady in a flowers shop says “Hello my dears do you want to buy some flowers?” She says with a warm smile and I look at some tulips that are beautiful with a gorgeous red in the petals and full of live but say “No, thank—“ And I am cut off by Matthew that says “Yes please one dozen of the red tulips.” The lady nods and makes the bouquet while I look at Matthew with a face that says ‘What are you doing?’ and he shrugs it off. The lady hands him the bouquet with a knowing smile and he hands them to me and says “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady.” He says this with so much kindness in his eyes that I take them and say “Thanks, but don't think I’ll sleep right away with you just because of this.” 

He puts his hands up in surrender and says “A man must have hope…”

“You are lucky that I liked the flowers or else it would have been up your ass right now.” He chuckles and shakes his head, and asks “How much is it?” To the lady. 

The lady replies “Nothing it’s a offer you two really do an amazing couple my dears I used to be like that with a boy and in the end we ended up married.” 

I stare at the lady with wide eyes and want to say that we are not together and must definitely are not going to marry each other but Matthew beats me to it and says “Thank you is very kind of you." I give him a WHAT THE FUCK look and we start walking in silence and I ask “Why did you say that?”

He replies “Because the lady though that we are together and was giving me flowers for free so why not?”

I stare at him a little hurt because I actually can see myself spend the rest of my life with him. Wait what?!, What is wrong with me?! It’s Matthew Jones we are talking about he is a player that only know how to break hearts nothing else I can’t fall for his crap when he gets me to bed he will leave like the others. “Yeah you are right us together? Please we are completely different look at you and then look at me you can have every girl you want without a pin of sweat while I only am good getting drunk in some bar and then fuck a guy like you for a night just for the pleasure and leave.” 

This time it’s Matthew that has hurt and pity in his eyes and out of the blue he says “ I’m sorry for being like this there is only one girl that I want and she isn’t very far from me you are gorgeous beautiful every man would be lucky to have you with them and you don’t have to put you through what people like them and me do I really don’t like what I do but I think it’s a way of easy the pain I feel about things that have happened to me by causing pain to somebody else.” And he gives me a hug while I cry in his shoulder and hug him back burring my face in his neck and starting to feel much better in his arms with the urge of staying there in this shell forever and don’t let him go don’t let him feel pain ever again. “I’m sorry for crying like a fool but some times is so lonely I don’t have grandparents or uncles and aunts or a sister or a brother I don’t even have a father and hurts some times be so lonely I only have my mother with me and if something ever happen to her I think I couldn’t take it I can’t lose another person in my life I’m not that strong in fact I’m weak.”

Matthew shakes his head and says “Cassandra you are strong stronger than Jo or me and you are not alone you have your best friends and now you have me you can count on me for every thing that you need and I can help you with and you won’t lose anyone I’ll do everything I can to protect you from every bad thing, I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep you can’t control the future.” I say cleaning the tears.

“I promise I’ll try is that enough?”

I nod and look in his gorgeous blue eyes and start to lean in to kiss him I don’t know I have this urge to kiss him so big that I can’t even explain. He looks surprised but leans to and we kiss he tries to deepen the kiss with his tongue and I allow him the hole entrance for him to search my mouth and we move our lips in sync everything is perfect and has cheesy has this sounds I forget everything it’s just the two of us in this world nobody else and I can actually feel the sparks in my lips it’s amazing but, I have to pull away with the need to breath. 

Matthew breaks the silence and says “Well look at the time it’s really late I better take you home before your mother flip off and send half of the town in search for you don’t you think?” I nod in agreement but inside feeling a not in my heart that he is acting has if nothing happened but if he wants to pretend two can play that game and say “Yeah, she will get crazy if I don’t get home quickly. The last one to get to the car is going to buy lunch to the other!” And took of running to the car. Matthew looks surprise and quickly starts running but I’m already getting to the car. “I win. You’ll have to buy me lunch and I get to chose where it is.” Matthew gives me a smile and says fair enough and enters the car. 

Matthew P.O.V

She is so beautiful, so carefree the way she runs with the flowers in her hand like nothing happened that's what is really pissing me off she can’t admit that she likes me that the mate-pull is taking her to me okay she doesn’t know about the whole vampire thing but she should be able to admit her feelings for someone I don’t pull an afford on the run and let her win. In the car she is in silence playing with the flowers with so much care that it impress me “I always liked flowers it’s almost has if I can feel them growing up I know it’s crazy but it’s true.” I smile in reply and she says  “Aren’t they beautiful?” She asks with her green eyes shining and I answer “Yes, they are.” Looking at her in all honest I could’t care less about the flowers it’s her beauty that amazes me every day she can surprise me in the good way she is really beautiful.

Here is chapter 5 I hope you guys like it I might not publish another chapter in somedays because I'm going on vacation so I might not have internet. 

<3 Take care

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