Chapter 4

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to IndyaS because she was the first making a Comment in this story :))

Chapter 4

The next day when I get home with Johanna my mom is already home with some special homemade soup for her, my mom always treated Jo has a daughter and Jo always saw my mom has the mother she doesn't have anymore.

My mom hands her the soup and says "Eat my dear you'll feel better after."

"Thank you Isabella, I appreciate it."

"Don't mention it Johanna you are like a daughter to me I hope you know that." My mom says with sympathy in her voice Jo nods and starts crying in this last days she has been pretty emotional. I take her to my room and say "Get some sleep I'll be back in a minute."

She lays down on my bed and I go to my mother she is in the kitchen writing some things in her notebook like always, I thinks it's a kind a journal.

"Mom I don't know what to do, Jo can't go back to that place."

"I understand dear but we can't keep her here she's a minor and I can get in trouble if she stays here to long but she can stay until she feels better."

"Mom I understand all that but you can't let her go to that house, we could talk to a social assistant and let her stay here obviously her father can't take care of her."

"Cassie you have to understand that she is a human being and with that comes responsibilities we can't take her and then just let her go again, I can barely keep everything in order for both of us I can't keep another person here and with your 18th birthday things will come to surface and you will have a lot in mind, sorry honey."

"I understand." But I really don't understand that part of the things that will surface but decide to let it go.


Jo is already much better but is still staying at my place I think she is a little afraid of going to her place again. No, scratch that she is terrified of going to that place again but my mom is right we can't keep her until she moves out for college or something.

When I am getting out of my art class Matthew is at the door waiting for me with his sunglasses on, I don't see the point inside the school isn't sunny so when I get to him I take his sunglasses and put them on. He snaps out of his daydream and smiles I smile in return "Do I look good?" I ask and do a pose to him. He licks his lips and answers "You always look good to me, doll face."

"Thanks, I guess you are being incredibly nice witch I find odd." I said and furrow one eyebrow "I don't mean to look rude but what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to invite you to the cinema!" He says excited

"When?" I ask

"Tomorrow at 9pm is that ok?"

"Yeah I guess but is it like a date or are you you bringing friends?"

"I was thinking just us but if you want you can bring Li and Jo." He says with a look that says if you bring them you will ruin everything.

"No that's ok so pick me up at 8:15pm."

"Ok will be there" He says excited I am just has excited but I hope that I can cover it better than him.

"Bye." And turn around but he says.

"Aren't you forgetting some thing?"

I turn again and answer "No I'm not. See you tomorrow." And exit the school before he can catch me with a smirk plastered in my face.


When Matthew rings the bell I am already ready and put on my black leather jacket with my denim shorts and black top plus my combat boots. When Matthew sees me he says "You look great doll face you have to use black and leather more times black you look really sexy and badass in it."

And I answer "Honey, I'm sexy and badass you just don't know it yet." I say with a smirk in the conner of my lips.

My mom mom clears her throat and says "Honey, I love that side of you but not in front of me ok? I'm to old for that!"

"Bye mom." And close the door "let's go."

"So what are we going to see?"

Matthew answers "Breaking dawn part 2."

"I didn't know that you know that you liked that type of movies."

He shrugged and says "I don't but the girls always love this type of movies so..."

I must have give a look that says you are kidding me right?! Because he says almost immediately says "I didn't meant it like that you understood right?"

"Did I?" I say just teasing.

"Gosh why do I always screw up everything?! Sorry I didn't meant to offend you."

"You didn't but I have the answer to your question you screw up because you are a dork and that's what dorks do and the biggest factor is you are nervous and I don't understand why but you are..." He keeps silent and I continue "I know that because you keep moving your hands in the steering wheel and you keep doing that thing with you leg up and down witch is pretty annoying so stop please" He stops immediately "And you keep moving your hair back when it's already in the place, so I would say you are a tiny big bit nervous but I won't tell anyone that the big Matthew Jones is nervous in a date." He looks expressionless but quickly covers up and says "So this is a date now, good to know!" He says with a smirk.

"In a second though I might tell some people that you are nervous has shit!"

"Don't do that really it'll be very embarrassing, please." He begs.

I answer "I'll think about it now I want to enter and see this fantastic movie, but I'm telling you I don't get scared easily."


During the film I'm absolutely terrified I start to snuggle in Matthew arms for comfort and he laughs while I send him a glare for laughing at me and he whispers "And you were saying that you don't get sacred easily!" But I don't care I feel much better in his arms.

Matthew P.O.V

Cassie looks sacred like shit during the film and snuggles in my arms but I don't mind because I really like the feeling I get with her in my arms it's so right so perfect and really really corny. Gosh what is this girl doing to me I know she is my mate but we don't even start the process and I already feel all horny I don't think I can take it anymore.

Here is Chapter 4 hope you like it sorry if it's short COMMENT what you think VOTE and FOLLOW please

<3 Take care

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