This is Gospel | Chapter one

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Keith Pov |

I mean what would you do if one minute you were working on a boring  essay and the next somebody with wings lands in your lap, I mean shouting would be the reasonable response right?

"The extinction of Magical creatures as decreed by section #890 of the Constitution of the democracy of Garrison- " Keith typed into his computer, when a large feathered creature landed on him sending him and the thing crashing backwards
"What the quiznack... Wait a second that's a- You're a...?"
Keith gasped,
He had caramel skin that contrasted his blue eyes.
His hair looked baby soft as it shined in the moonlight pouring in from his window,
large feathered wings and a halo hovered above his head,
The boy, he guessed was around his age with Large white wings lined with gold, blue eye's seemed to toss like an ocean.
"Hey buddy sorry 'bout that"
The thing brushed it's self and what looked to be a white tunic off.
"Names Lance" The thing, an Angel
. A class A magical danger, was standing above him with no intent to kill was asking him his name? He didn't accidentally take drugs did he?

 Keith shot to his feet pressing himself a wall as far away as possible from 'Lance'.

Lance snorted at his attempts "Well I asked your name didn't I.
Kinda rude to leave me hanging like that"
The Angel strode across his small apartment, plopped down on his bed, his wings spread out like some surreal painting against the black sheets, Keith noticed the silver smears seeping through the Angels clothes.
"My names Keith...Is that blood?!"

"Mhm? Oh yeah" Lance wrinkled his nose.
"Who did you hurt? Leave now or I'll report you, I swear" Keith said flattening himself more against the wall.
Lance nostrils flared, and his feathers bristled "Me? Hurt someone no. It was one of your kind who hurt me" Lance pulled up his tunic, exposing a knife  slash against his side.

"Go ahead check the news if you want" Lance jerked his head towards the Tv.
Shakily, Keith picked up the remote and switched to the news channel.

"Today a magical enforcement officer was attacked by an Angel. He received no injuries but if you see this thing anywhere report it immediately"
The screen panned to the blurry image of a barely recognisable Angel disappearing in a poof of smoke, it was dissipating as some called it
"Angels only have a five mile radius to pop back up in when they dissipate so  anywhere from Garrison state university to the park are all possible places for it to be"

"So do you believe me now" Lance grumbled. Keith had never agreed with the extermination or treatment of Magical beings but having one bleeding out on your bed was a different matter altogether.
"Well uh let's get you cleaned up, Um I know Angels can do that thing with their wings where your wings and stuff disappear "

Lance sighed and snapped his fingers his wings and halo disappeared in a puff of smoke, "Like that?" He smirked.
"Yeah um the bathrooms this way"
"Oh okay" The angel yawned scratching its nose. Keith had never seen an Angel domestic.
All the news reports showed them to be feral creatures worth nothing more than a sack of shit.
Lance followed him to his small bathroom. "There's a first aid kit in the cabinet and that's a bath. Well first of all you flick on the switch-"
"I know how to work a bath"
Lance shoved him out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Sometime later when Keith had washed the bed sheets and finalised his essay, Lance finally left the bathroom.
"Mhm I felt so icky ugh" Lance said emerging from the bathroom a towel tied around his waist.
"Uh yeah alrighty" Keith mumbled throwing him a shirt.
"Where're you gonna go?" Keith asked Lance, blushing as he lay down beside on the bed. "I'm going to go to school with you obviously. Also my phone was in my tunic...aha!" Lance said swiping his phone from the bedside table.
"Wait what you have a phone? School with me no way"
"Pfft I'm already enrolled"
"You're what now"
"Well I went to Magic school obviously but I went to elementary and high School in your human schools. I studied human history and stuff part time. I put in a registration form for Garrison university a while ago, i wasn't able to go the first few months 'cuz I wanted to finish my research, plus I already asked they had no problemo with me coming in late" Lance happily chatted while playing candy crush on his phone.
"Magic school?" I asked gaping
"I mean obviously,
It's up in the forests and it's I super secret, It's called the Academy of Unseen Arts Or A.U.A,
Only Angels and Vampires go. Since we're the only 'Class A dangerous magical creatures' " Lance said darkly swiping aggressively at his phone.

"Well that's alot to take in but what're you taking"

"History of Magical creatures, Angels: a history, Advanced literature, engineering and Genetics"
"Quiznack, that's what I'm taking as well"
"Fantastic! Seems like we'll be seeing each other alot. Nighty night" Lance put down his phone switched off the light.
"'re sleeping with me"

Keith gulped, To think this Angel trusted him with the location and name of his school without even knowing what his family did, especially since his brother worked in the council, in the department of Magical law enforcement: Division Angel.
Division Angel worked to exterminate and regulate the Angels, If Keith was found with one he'd be branded a traitor.


Shit lmao

Also yeah I used the name 'Academy of unseen arts' From The Netflix original series 'The chilling adventures of Sabrina' Check it out

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