Don't stop the music | Chapter two

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Lance pov |

This kid was cute despite the mullet, but as his textbooks called him and his species,
Humans were a primitive species fueled with greed, lust and anger.
But this one wasn't like what the textbooks said, he'd offered him medicine and a place to stay and didn't call Division Angel while he slept.
Lance couldn't ignore the feeling in his chest when Keiths violet eyes looked at him.

"So um, you ready for today"

"Absolutely riveted for a day with people who want to kill me, riveted"
He said, aggressively putting on a pair of pants Keith had lent him.

"Then why don't you not go then?"
" Because it sure is fucking better than A.U.A"
Keith laughed "An Angel swearing? I thought y'all were supposed to be all sweetness and light"
"Oh shut do I put this on?" Lance asked pointing to the right shoe he'd put on his left foot.
" Quiznack, um left shoe for left foot and visa versa"
When Lance had finally finished he surveyed himself in the mirror, a blue and white shirt a jacket, blue jeans and sneakers.
"Human fashion is weird"
"Well you better get used to it"
Keith muttered slinging a satchel over his shoulder.
"Where's your books"
"Principal Iverson said he'd keep my books in his office for me"
"Christ, Iversons an asshole, what'd you do to make him so nice"
"I worked my magic, literally"
Lance saw Keith shift uncomfortably,
"About the whole magic thing, don't tell anyone you're an Angel"
"What do you think I'm an idiot?" I said defensively striding out the door.
"No" Keith said "Wait up" Keith said jogging to keep up.
After 10 minutes of Keith getting the silent treatment we finally arrived at Garrison university, a large whitewashed building the seemed to go on for miles, Lances mouth dropped in awe as he looked at the humongous double doors that boasted a steady stream of students going in and out

"Keith, Keith!" Lance looked back to see Keith get ambushed by several people, A small girl that looked like she should be in elementary school,
a tall dark skinned woman with flowing white hair, and a large boy who looked to have Hawaiian heritage.
"Keith what the hell, we called you for ages last night" The tall dark skinned girl said crossing her arms.
"We were really worried after the news last night" The smaller girl interrupted, jabbing Keith in the arm.

The smaller girl followed the direction of Keith's gaze and landed on me.
"Is this the reason you weren't picking up?" Keith blushed, his whole face going tomato red,
"Are those your clothes Keith? Omg"
The small girl squealed, dragging Lance over to the rest of them
"Um my name's Lance" I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.
"I'm Pidge, she's Allura and he's Hunk"
Allura beamed at me with a warmth I'd never really received from a female figure and Hunk gathered me up in a bear hug.
When Hunk finally let me go, I clutched at my chest winded.
"Well uh Lance and I have places to be" Keith said wrapping his arms around my neck and urging me away
"Who the quiznack were they"
"My friends, You have to get your books from Iverson right" Keith asked letting me go
"See you in Class"
Turns out I'd used my magic a bit too liberally and Iverson was still a bit out of it when I got my books, most of the day passsed in a boring blur but one class that stood out to me was
Angels: A history.

"We all know Angels are depicted as peace loving winged creatures" The professor, Chirped,far too excited about such a depressing subject.
"They're not, Angels may have wings and halos but their not godly.

Their known to love fighting and bloodshed, their halos also serve a purpose, we think they enable an Angel to use a special type of magic.

Their magic is different to each Angel, Some have fire focused powers and some wind etc, Angels all share the common ability to dissapate and to do simple things like, Levitate things, alter someones memory, make their wings and Halo disappear but only for a short while and the ability to manipulate some substances.

The most common way to identify an Angel is by their Wings, but if their wings aren't on display,
another way to identify one is by their Silver blood and eye's.

Their eyes symbolises the power they have, for example red eyes equals to fire powers, Golden eyes to symbolise light powers.

The rarest eye colour is blue since blue isn't linked to just one specific power for them.
It's said Angels with Blue eyes can do anything they want with their magic, though at a cost. Using too much of this 'Special power' Could lead to them having our equivalent of a heart attack or a 'Magic overload'
but thats just a myth.....probably" Coran chuckled.
"Now we all saw the news last night?" The class nodded, most of them half
"The eyewitness account said the Angel had blue eye's but we're not certain, I want an essay on ways we can regulate Angels,
stay safe kids, class dismissed"

Keith didn't speak to him all the way home and when he finally did it was to ask the question he'd been dreading.
"Is it all true?"
"Well yeah I guess..."
I turned away and took off my shirt letting my wings rip free in a poof of smoke, Keiths eye's widened.
"And please tell me your blue eye's are fucking contacts"
"Keith I-" I hung my head,
"No their not"
"'s sorta cool I guess"
My head snapped up did I hear him correctly, Keith was smiling
"Do something"
"Y'know do some magic?
Keith said, looking at me with fascination in his eyes.
"I don't know um" I looked around the room and set his computer on fire.
Keith rushed forward to put out the fire when he realised the fire had no heat, he pulled back gaping

"That's amazing Lance, so you can use water powers and other stuff too?"
"Yeah" Keith rushed over and beamed at me "That's awesome" Keith chirped, forgetting what Krolivan said about it coming at a cost.

"You mean you're not afraid?" I asked,
"No, why would I, Lance look at me" Tears tracked down my face "I guess I've just be so a-afraid of you rejecting m-" Keith crushed his lips to mine, silencing me, his arms wove around my neck pulling me closer,

This was wrong,
I shouldn't be doing this, but my hands found their way into his silky hair, after what felt like minutes he pulled back
"I shouldn't have done that I-"
I grinned foolishly "Yeah you shouldn't have"
I pressed my lips to his neck, eliciting a slight moan from Keith, I wound my arms around his waist, caressing his back lightly "Well I have to go work on some homework" I said winking leaving a red faced, dumbstruck Keith standing impishly in the centre of the room "Uh yeah me too um"
Maybe Human life with Keith wouldn't be so bad.

Chapter two and the boy's already Klancing it up;) My poor Klance deprived heart been itching to write that since sentence one.

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