A Disability {Part 2} ~ Deciet x Dr. Picani

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Summary: after the events from part 1, they go to the hospital where their love is tested.

Warnings: paralysis, mentions of PTSD

Prompt: "No! I-I still love you deci...... but do you still love me?"


A week later, deceit and Picani were in the hospital. After the crash, Picani couldn't barely move. He found his phone, which surprisingly worked, but not well as the screen was messed up and it glitches often.

Deceit sat in the room, where Picani was getting fluids and drugs through the tubes connected to his arm. He was able to breath fine, so he had no tubes that went to his nostril, but he did need to be put to sleep, for the many surgeries he had gotten to fix his legs. So far, nothing had worked.

Patton and Roman had often visited, which he known Picani since he was little. It didn't help since Patton saw Picani as his kid. Of course, Patton had to eventually go home since his job didn't let him stay out for to long.

Logan came as well, with his current boyfriend Virgil. Logan was one of Deceits close friends, but deceit did despise Virgil. But he learned to get over it.

Deceit held his new phone, watching a video that he posted on social media of him and Picani were in, which was just a week before the car crash. 

Picani smiled and laughed, as he hung out with his friend Elliot. Deceit ran up behind him, holding the phone and scaring Picani, which made him scream and Elliot laughing as they were in the prank to.

"Deceit!" He said, angrily and playfully punched his side as he laughed loudly.

Deceit held up the camera to where all three were in the video. "Love youuu." He held his lips out, as Picani rolled his eyes and kissed them.

Elliot made a disgusted face. "Gross." He said as they both laughed. Deceit in the present, felt many tears go down, as he watched it. He smiled softly and sniffed, hoping that one day they could have more moments like these.

He turned to where Picani was, who was sleeping peacefully. He held his hand and squeezed it softly. "I-I'm sorry picani." He said softly and sniffed, rubbing the tears off.

He hardly ever cried, Hell from all he can remember, he never cry's. He always shows a tough persona, and lies and like the lying bitch he was. But on the inside, he just wanted to be respected. He assumed after he figured out about Patton's depression that they aren't as different as he originally thought.

Picani made a soft groan and slowly opened his eyes, as he woke up. Deceit sniffed and looked at him. "Your awake, finally." He smiled softly at Picani who smiled back. "How are your legs?"

Picani looked down at them, and tried to put all his effort into moving them, but they didn't even move a budge. He frowned and sniffed.

Deceit frowned and wore a worried expression on his face. "Hey, it's going to be okay, okay?" He said, sitting closer to him.

Picani looked up at him and sniffed. "A-Are you sure?" He asked, genuinely needing reassurance.

Deceit nodded and smiled softly, secretly hating he had to see Picani like this.

Picani sighed. "S-So, how long have I been out?" He asked, he remembered the car crash but everything after, it's all a blur.

"A week. But they kept you asleep, making sure your body was okay and to see if you can live." He sighed and looked at him.

Picani nodded. "S-So, can they fix my legs?" He asked, a small hint of hope in his eyes.

"I-It's to early to tell, but they hope that maybe a year of physical therapy, your legs should start to work. Worse case possible, they won't every work." He looked at him, as he hoped everything goes as planned.

Picani nodded and stayed silent for a moment. He sniffed, as his mind went in dark places. "So what now?" He asked.

Deceit shrugged and sighed. "Now, the doctors are gonna check your vitals and-" Picani interrupted him.

"That's not what I mean.... I'm talking about us." He finally looked at deceits eyes, his own eyes watery.

deceits eyes widened. "what do you mean?... do... do you want to breakup?" he asked, feeling his heart break from his assumption.

picani quickly shook his head. "No! I-I still love you deci...... but do you still love me?" tears started going down his face, looking at him.

deceit looked at him, heartbroken that Picani doubted his love. "O-Of course i do!! i may lie about it sometimes but i joke like that, why would you ever think that?" he asked, looking at him with concern.

picani pointed at his paralyzed legs. "look at me, i cant even fucking walk...... who would love me?" he started crying, and sniffed, as he put his face in his hands.

deceit felt like he could cry any moment, but he had to stay strong for picani. he gently grabbed picanis chin, with his index finger and his thumb. he made him look at up at him. "losten, no matter what happens, nothing will EVER change how I feel about you, because i love you Picani." he rubbed the tears off his face, and smiled softly at him.

Picani immediately hugged him back. "I-I love you to!!" he sniffed and nuzzled in deceits shoulder, who hugged back. 

"i promise," Deceit said, as he rubbed his back. "i will never, leave you.." he said, and stayed beside his side, until picani fell asleep, and even after, he never left that room, until picani left.



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