Chapter 2 : A bitter night

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« I'm sorry I think i've misunderstood that »

« I said that you were a devil, but don't worry, I am one too. »

I decided to stay quiet and to keep my composure. Maybe that's just a way of talking.

« Don't worry i'll gladly explain to you. Well do you remember falling from a cliff last night ? »

I nodded. She continued.

« You were sinking into the sea and you nearly drowned. I guess that you remember it. »

« Yes but hold on, how can you know that, it was just some stupid dream of mine... »

« It wasn't a dream darling. What you experienced was real. Anyway, I happened to pass by and to see you, and since you were going to die, I dived to save you. Unfortunately, when I brought you back to the surface, It was too late and you were already dead. »

I blinked twice as I was trying to understand.

« But... If i died, how can I be there today ? »

« That's the most interesting part, you were lying dead on the beach, and I decided to save you, using my powers. I brought you back to life as one of my demonic servant. In other terms, from now on you belong to me. »

She grabbed my arm and she hugged me.

« You are mine now, we're gonna stay together for ever. »

I thought that I was going to faint, first of all what the fuck did I just heard ? And secondly did Rias Gremory just hugged me ?

She then stood up. « I'll let you process it tonight, I can understand that it's a lot to take in, I will now take my leave, but don't worry I will get in touch with you again tomorrow. Good night Kazuki. »

And then she left.

I sat on the bench a little while trying to understand what happened. I mean, her story seems real but it was quite hard to believe. I realised that staying on that bench won't help and I headed back home.

I took the usual way that leads me to go pass the cliff that I fell from. I took a stop to look at it, staring at the void like that made me kind of dizzy. I was losing myself in my thought when something that looked like a lightning almost hit me in the head. I was completely stunned at the sudden attack, and I looked around to see from where it was coming.

That's how I saw a woman with jet black wings above my head. I thought that my eyesight was joking on me, so I rubbed my eyes, but no she was still there. She landed 10 meters away from where I was standing.

Despite frightening me, I have to admit that she was beautiful.

It was very gloomy because of the night, and her deep violet glance which was brighten by the moonlight met my eyes. If she wasn't trying to kill me, and if she wasn't wearing some kind of SM outfit, it could almost have been a romantic atmosphere.

« So you survived your fall ? You're tougher than I thought... »

I wasn't sure to understand. The discussion that I've had with Rias a few hours before crossed my mind at this instant. I must admit that I didn't believed her story of devil, or whatever, but well I was seeing a supernatural being in front of me at this very moment so I reconsidered the question.

« Hum I'm sorry Miss, but I'm not sure to understand. What is that you want from me exactly ? »

« I don't owe any explanation to a weak and pathetic being like you. You had the insolence to survive, and to make me waste my time even more that you already did simply by existing. »

Crap... She was coming towards me with a lightning in her hand. If Rias was telling the true, and if I am a Devil, having some kind of magic powers would be appreciated right now...


« You're such a shame, having that great power within you, It's such a waste. I must admit that god's jokes have been very doubtful lately. »

What the fuck was she talking about ?

As she cast her lightning towards my direction, a red flash appeared in the sky right before the lightning reached my chest and projected me out of the cliff.

...Shit I don't want to fall again... It was such and horrible sensation... And before sinking in the water someone or something caught me, and tighten me against them with the intention of not letting go.

I opened my eyes and I saw Rias's face. She was holding me firmly. She had wing too but whereas the psychopath's wings looked like raven's wings, Rias's were more like bat's ones.

We landed gently on the beach, and even if we were safe on the ground Rias didn't let go.

« I was very worried ! I sensed that something was wrong with you ! So I dashed here to help you, but when I saw that you were already falling I thought that I hadn't made it in time ! I'm so glad that you're not dead, my precious servant... »

When she let go of me, I collapsed on the floor because there was a hole on my chest, and it had pierced my lungs. I wanted to say something, but all that I was able to do was coughing a lot of blood.

Rias kneeled beside me and put my head on her lap. « It'll be okay. You'll be okay, just hang on ! I swear that everything will be alright, I'll make sure of it myself ! » Rias was stroking my forehead gently, I could sense that she was kinda freaking out. My body hurt like crazy, but I felt at peace. If I was going to die, I was glad that it was in the lap of such a cute girl.

Something rammed into the water. And then another girl with one wing like Rias and one wing like the other crazy chick made her entrance.

« Rias I made her fall like you asked me, but you sure, that you don't want me to kill her ?»

« Yes Akeno, I want to make sure that this bitch dies myself. Could you watch over Kazuki while I go kill that miserable whore ? »

« Sure, just leave your precious new minion to me, I'll take care of him fufufu. »

The Akeno girl's lap remplace Rias's, and I turned my head to the side to see what was going to happen. Rias flew above the sea and she caught the black winged girl, and threw her on the sand. She ended up a few feet away from where I was. She put her foot above the girl's head and then said with a frightening voice. « Apologise to my servant this instant ! Nobody can talk to one of my precious slaves this way, And No one have the right to try to take what's mine this way ! »

« I won't apologise to such a piece of crap ! He'll die anyways, so my mission is accomplished ! »

« Allright, Be gone then ! »

A red aura covered Rias' body, and a giant sphere of black energy was emitted by her hands.

« Kill me ! But you shall know that, me, Raynare, is someone important, and that there will be reprisals of my allies if you do so. »

« I don't give a damn ! »

The energy was released, the Raynare girl vanished and thousands of black feathers were scattered on the beach.

Akeno said « Nice move Rias, but what will we do about him now ? » They were talking about me, they must have thought that I had lost consciousness because I didn't have enough strength in my body to close my mouth, or to move any muscle.

« We must bring him back somewhere safe. I can't allow him to die. Especially now, I've just found him again. »

Huh ? Did Rias knew me from before ? What the hell was going on ?

« Alright then, let's take him to his house and heal him. »

It was the last thing that I was able to hear.

Hey guys ! Thanks for reading chapter 2 ! Chapter 3 on it's way, I think that I'll publish it later today, or tomorow morning ! Anyway I hope that you're enjoying my story so far :) I'm sorry for the eventual misatkes I may make, english is not my mothertongue..., if you spot one, just let me know.

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