Chapter 4 : The occult research club and Old pacts from the past

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The next day came. I've noticed that Rias was very affectionate with me. I really don't know what we used to be, but I can see that she cared deeply about me. Maybe it was just the way she was. Anyway today I came back to school and met the rest of Rias's peerage. I already knew Akeno, but I have no clue who the others could be.

We entered the old school building, we climbed two stairs and we entered a room. There was a desk, two couch and a big red magic seal. At this instant Rias and me were alone in the room. She explained to me all the stuff that I should know about devils and how she resurrect me. Each members of her club was a piece in her game of chess, and I, was her pawn.

The first member who came in the club was a blond haired handsome guy. Kiba Yûto. I knew him, he was in the same grade as me. We never talked before but he seem like a nice guy. Most of the boys in school didn't like him because a lot of girl were attracted by him. He greeted Rias very respectfully.

« Hello president. How was your day ? »

« Good Afternoon Kiba, it sure was great. » She glanced at me while smiling after saying that. « What about you ? »

« Yes it was alright. So he is the new guy I guess. »

« Indeed he is, allow me to introduce you to Kazuki Hoshiyo, Kazuki this is Kiba Yuuto, my knight. »

« Hello Kazuki-Kun nice to meet you. »

« Hi... nice to meet you too, I hope that we'll get along. »

Sometimes I think that every time I speak I make things awkward... Well it was the same here but neither Rias nor Kiba seemed to care so I didn't apologise or anything and just moved on with the flow.

The next member who made his entrance was a girl with short white hair, and hair clips in shape of cats that hold her bangs. She had a stoic expression just like if she wasn't feeling anything.

« Good afternoon Koneko, have you met Kazuki yet ? »

« No. Nice to meet you Kazuki. » She said that as if it wasn't nice to meet me at all.

« N...Nice to meet you. »

"Koneko is my rook, Kazuki."

"Oh I see" If what Rias explained to me earlier was true, I better not mess with Koneko.

Then Akeno entered. « Good afternoon everybody. Oh ! The new recruit is there ! I don't think that we properly met yet. My name is Akeno. »

« Good afternoon, my name is Kazuki. »

Akeno oppened her eyes wide, looked at Rias, pointed at me and muttered something silently towards Rias, who nodded.

« So you are THE Kazuki... That's interesting fufufufu. »

« Huh ? What do you mean « the » Kazuki ? »

Rias stood up and come between Akeno and me.

« Akeno, that's enough already ! »

Rias was almost as red a her hair. Akeno chuckled a bit, and then everyone sat down and the reunion began.

« So, for today there's nothing that is urgent, so let's begin work ! »

Everyone started to move in their own direction, teleporting themselves thanks to the magic seal.

Rias took my arm and a tone full of worries. « Kazu, come with me, there are things we still need to discuss. »

We went in an isolated room next to the club room. The light was very dimmed and the atmosphere was cooler than in the other room. There was a couch and a little table.

I really don't know what we used to be when we were younger, but I found Rias really pretty. Well of course, but there was a side other that she only showes when it's just us two. When she would give orders to her peerage she would get kind of strict. Don't get me wrong she was very sweet and compassionate, but if I had to put it simple, I would say that her relation with the rest of her servants, Akeno aside, is similar to a mother-child relationship. Whereas for me it was a bit different. Firstly until now she never gave me an order, then she always hugs me and do that kind of stuff and finally she calls me with a nickname, and I'm the only person with whom she does that. It was almost like if she treated me as her equal even if I'm just a reincarnated Devil with no powers at all.

« Please Kazu, have a seat. » While I was spacing out in my brain Rias sat on the couch and invited me to do go seat next to her, which I did. She looked at me in the eyes and blushed a lot. Her hand who were just relaxed on her thighs a second before were now crisped and hanging to her skirt. I don't know what happened but I decided to initiate the conversation.

« Hum so what is that you wanted to discuss ? »

She swallowed her saliva, took a breathe and then regain her composure.

« It is about you...and me... »

« Something happened ? »

« No, not at all, it's just that I think that you should know. And since,... Akeno can be playful and overstep my boundaries sometimes, I prefer saying this to you first even if it can look a bit rushed. »

« Huh ? Well don't worry, I don't think that there's a thing that can shock me anymore at that point. »

We chuckled a bit together.

« Ah Kazu... always the right word to make me relax... »

« I'm glad. » She blushed again when I said that.

« Anyway, please don't freak out and don't run away. I'll only talk about how it used to be, I am not forcing you onto anything. So... when we were younger our families made a pact. Since you are... you were their only child, they wanted to marry you to someone with a good situation and a good position. As the next head of the Gremory family, I was chosen. When you disappeared it was decided that if you were found before that you turn 17, I was still gonna marry you, and if that wasn't the case my family was allowed to arrange another wedding for me. »

« But wait a sec, I'm 16... does that mean that...? »

« Oh my, it's so hard to talk about that... No it doesn't mean nothing, don't worry. Neither your family nor mine know that i've found you. Plus since your family cut ties with mine, my parents already arranged another wedding. » Her tone was know very dry. Like if she was disappointed or something.

I must admit that, even I was kinda sad that she was marrying someone else.

« But the guy in the new arranged wedding, do you want to marry him ? »

« Absolutely not, he is arrogant, he is disgusting and he only wants to marry me because of my title. He doesn't give a damn about who I am truly, about how I feel or about what I want. »

« I see... »

I was trying to process things in my head. I sat there silent, lost in my thoughts for a few seconds.

« Are you thinking about something ? »

« Well yes, but it might be completely crazy. What if we told your family and mine that I am back, since I'm 16 your parents will have to cancel the wedding they arranged for you. Then we marry each other, and later when you find someone that you love, I'll just 'disapear' again. »

Rias looked completely astonished at my sudden proposition.


Hey guys ! Thanks again for taking interest in my story ! I'm trying to update as fast as I can, but I don't think that I'll be able to publish everyday... Anyway don't forget to vote if you're enjoying it and see you in next chapter.

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