Chapter 13 : "Yuck !"

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Kazuki's point of view

I have been walking for several hours now. The way was tough, my backpack was heavy and my throat was dry. And the more I was going forward, the more I thought that I was going to die for sure. Every drop of my strength were slowly boiling away. I didn't know where I was exactly going, and I didn't know how the thing or the person I was looking for looked like. I decided to sat beneath a tree at some point. I thought that the behaviour of my father didn't made sense at all. The evening when I met him he said that he wouldn't force anything onto me because I was missing for a very long time and now here I was walking alone to go see the very entity who nearly killed me the first time. There was a fly in the ointment. Anyway, it was too late to deal with that now, but I couldn't help to find myself a bit gullible.

The sun made me dizzy and I felt asleep. I was so hot, and all that i could see was a lot of dunes. Everything was dry.

I finally opened my eyes again. It was a sort of miracle because I thought that I would sleep forever. Everything was plunged in darkness, it wasn't a problem for us devil, but it meant that I had slept for a very long time. I decided to began to walk again. I tried to stand up but I fell. I couldn't feel my left leg. It was super strange so I decided to pull my left pant to look at the state of it. When I saw how it looked like I almost threw up.

My leg was completely red and soacked with some kind of green mucus. I thought that some kind of parasite have bitten me while I was asleep, but I couldn't be sure.

The only thing I surely knew was that I couldn't walk with the state of my leg. I searched in my bag for something that could be useful. I found a plaster roll, but there was nothing to heal the wound.

« Shit... » I sat and bowed my head down... What could I do now ? « If only Rias was here... » I couldn't help to think.

Rias's point of view

Kazuki had only left for some hours and I was already missing him already. I wish I could have make the trip with him, he is so vulnerable in the state he's in. The only thing I was able to do is place some kind of tracker on him thanks to a spell. I could at least sense where he was and... if he was alive. Even if I missed him, I was still mad that he was about to leave without saying goodbye. What if I had not catch him ?

Sometime I wonder what am I exactly to Kazuki. Even if he says he loves me...

The truth is that I'm insecure. Maybe if I find his memories back, he will remember that he was absolutely not in love in me when we were children, and maybe he'll dump me ?

No... Of course not... But what if ?

Anyways... The spell allowed me to perceived that Kazu hadn't move for several hours now... I hope he's okay.

The rest of day went smoothly. It was a bit boring, but at least it was calm. I decided to check on Kazu before heading to bed. He still hadn't move from where he was at the beginning of the afternoon. Maybe he felt asleep ? But 8 hours... It's a bit long for a nap...
My guts were telling me that something was wrong with him. I don't know if I have a motherly instinct like but deep down I knew that he needed help. I had a decision to make. Should I snuck out of the castle and go meet Kazuki ? It shouldn't take long since I have demonic powers... And I could have a chance to check if he was okay, so I could sleep tightly knowing that everything's alright.

Well in the end it wasn't a hard decision to take.

Kazuki's point of view

« I'll die here » I was thinking. I couldn't move, I didn't have any magic at all, and not enough food to survive while waiting that someone finds me. I was going to die, and I was going to break the promise I made to Rias and to my Mother. Shit. I can't stop to let people down, I'm a fucking moron.I mean what kind of dickhead wouldn't bring an emergency kit to a trip that dangerous ? Well apparently my kind.My brains started to play tricks on me , I saw a red light that came out of nowhere.

« Yuck ! » A figure came out of the light and shouted.

« You leave for a day and look at your leg ! You can't be left alone ! »

I couldn't believe my eyes ! Was Rias really here ?

« Wh-What are you doing here ? »

« I'm helping you of course ! What's with that face ? Aren't you happy to see me ? »

« Yes of course ! But I'm surprised that's all ! I couldn't be happier to be honest. »

« ...What happened to your leg Kazu ? »

« I do not know. But it doesn't hurt, cause I can't feel it. »

« I'm not a doctor but in my opinion it's bad. You need a Magic Kiss. »

« Uh... In state of it I wouldn't kiss my leg if I were you and Humph— »

She kissed me deeply on the lips. « I wouldn't kiss your leg either... I mean, I love you but it's super disgusting. » Rias put her hands above my leg and use her magic to heal it. After a few moment it was completely heal. Rias sighed and lied down on my belly.

« Ah... It was exhausting... »

« Thanks a lot, I don't know how I could make it up to you some day... »

« ...You don't need to make it up to me or anything... I love you it's normal that I help you... »

Her voice sounded kind of melancholic.

« Is everything okay Rias ? »

« Yeah... But... There are some things that I wonder... »

« Oh.. Maybe I can answer some of your questions ? »

« Humph... I don't really have questions... But well what if you don't love me anymore when you find your memories back ? »

« Huh ? I fell in love with you even though I barely knew you... I mean that's way more probable that I'll adore you even more. »

« Yeah... »

I leaned in to kiss her on the forehead.

« Anyways Kazuki you can be sure that I'll love you no matter what. »


Hey guys ! Sorry for the sudden Hiatus, I wasn't really inspired and it took me a while to write this chapter, plus my vacations are over so I have a lot less of free time. I don't know why I keep on excusing myself though because nobody follows this story really X)

However I had a question. (I'm takink a huge risk because it's very likely that nobody will anwser :')) Would some of you people be interested in a French version of A Crimson Kiss ?

Anyway, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter, to comment if you want to and to add the story to your list if you feel like it. We're getting close to the end so if you want to keep hearing from me and my future other stories you can even follow myself ! See you next time !


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