Chapter 7 : Back together

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We entered into a big living room. Everything inside was huge. There were a bunch of person standing. I saw Rias's Parents, and her brother with the maid from before.

And they were chatting with, I guess, what had to be be my family. There is a man who looks as if he was in his early twenties, with short black hair, sharpen ice blue eyes and a little beard. He is very tall, maybe even taller than me. Beside him there is a beautiful Lady with hazel long hair, pink eyes, the same pink as me, a small upturned nose, like me.

The butler who leads us there, spoke.

« Princess Rias and lord Kazuki are there. »

The ambient sound that their discussion made before vanished and the room was dipped in a total silence. They all turned around and looked at us, there was a second of hesitation and then the lady with the hazel hair dashed to hug me while shedding a lot of tears, ans then the silence broke.

« Kazu ! You're back ! I've missed you so much, you can't even imagine ! »

« ...i'm sorry to hear that... »

« But look at you ! You're all grown up and beautiful ! »

« Well, thanks ! »

Rias then spoke to the lady.

« Yumi-Sama, Kazuki hasn't recover his memories yet, maybe you should introduce yourself. »

« Yes you're right, thanks Rias. »

This lady had a lot of sweetness in her voice and she seems very nice. For the little exchange they had with Rias I can see that there was a lot of affection between the two of them. At least there used to be.

« Well, My name is Yumi Forneus and I am your mother. »

« Uh...It's nice to meet you...again... »

We then burst out of laugh Rias, my mother and me, because the strangeness of the situation and the awkward answer I just gave.

« Alright, you should go see your father Kazu »

« Yes you're right see you later. »

I went to see the tall man, whom I guessed was my father. He was chatting with Rias's family, he look rather upset. I didn't heard everything but it seems he was talking about the wedding. Rias wasn't there, she was still discussing with my mother, it seems like those two had a close relationship and that they missed each other. I stepped forward and then the man, I mean my father talked to me.

« Hello Kazuki, I've heard that you haven't recovered your memories yet, so let me introduce myself, My name's Daiki Forneus and I am your father. »

« Yes, I guessed it ! Anyway it's good to see you ! Hope you're not too disappointed about my fuzzy memories. »

« Well, i can't deny that this is rather upseting, but I'm relieved that we finally found you, and I we will find a solution about your memory, i'll settle that myself. »

He spoke with a cold voice, but I could tell that he as glad to see me, maybe he is just uneasy with that kind of stuff. I can't blame him it's quite the same for me. It's a little bit akward now, but I think that the situation will become smoother with some time.

After chatting a bit with everybody we all sat down and began discussing the terms of the wedding.

Rias father, Zeoticus, began to speak.

« So, more than 8 years ago we agreed that we shall marry our Kids together, but since all the stuff that happens, can we say that the agreement is still valid ? »

My father then spoke.

« I'd like to think that it is still valid, but, well, we cut ties for a very long time, so even i we keep the agreement we'll have to rediscuss the terms. Moreover, our son Kazuki, doesn't remember everything and we don't want to put him in a Marriage that doesn't suits him, since he disappeared for a very long time we want to take a decision that would make him happy. »

I glanced at Rias, she blushed a bit and looked a bit sad. I don't know why but I became bold somehow and I took her hand, and then her sad expression turned into a dumbfounded one and she blushed even darker.

Zeoticus spoke again. « I agree with you. Our daughter is already engaged with the son of the Phoenix. So we would understand if you don't want to marry your son with our Daughter. But be aware that the door is opened on our side for now, but you'll have to take a decision anytime soon because we can't keep Riser Phoenix waiting forever. »

My mother then spoke. « We understand perfectly. But I think that after losing our son for so long, we can only leave the decision between his hands. »

Venelana then said « So for now the wedding topic is delayed, if everybody agrees with it. »

Everyone nodded, and then rise their glasses of Champagne and drank.

The night then fell. And I had to go. I was waiting in a room for my parents to be ready. I was deep in my thoughts when someone knocked at the door.

« Come in » I said, and then Rias entered the room.

« Oh Rias, I thought that you were with your parents. »

« Yes indeed I was, but I left. I wanted to talk with you before you go. »

She sat next to me and hugged me. She smelled like rasperry, she was very warm and very soft, my left arm was stuck between her chest. As we looked at each other in the eyes, I could feel and electric tension between us. She must've felt it too because she blushed.

« I...You're not in my peerage anymore. You have to be the king of your own peerage, so you're not my pawn anymore. »

« So... that means that I am not your slave anymore. »

Our mouth drew closer.

« You know I never saw you in that way Kazuki... »

And then our lips met. We kissed, it wasn't a small kiss it was a french kiss. Our tongue intertwined. Rias pushed on my chest so I was lying down on my back and she was on top of me. Devouring my mouth. She made small pauses to take some air, and came back to my mouth. My hand was behind her head, cover in her crimson hair, she was holding my neck. She finally stopped kissing me and a saliva thread linked our mouth. She was red, out of her breath, and she was smiling. Her hair was a total mess, but still she looked amazing.

« You drive me crazy Kazuki. You can't imagine how long I restrain myself from doing that ! »

« That...that was amazing... »

I was completely astonished by what just happened. It feel like fireworks were exploding inside my head. We looked at each other unable to talk when we heard someone's voice behind the door. « Kazuki, come here, we're taking our leave. » I had to quit the room and leave Rias behind, with I didn't want too. She waved at me while smiling. « See you tomorrow Kazu ❤️ ! »


Hey guys ! It's been a while. My appologies, I just didn't fell like going on with the story for a little while. I just didn't want to write some rotten stuff because I had too. But don't worry after that break of 2 or 3 weeks, I'm back on business with a lot of new ideas ! Anyway don't forget to vote and to follow me if you're enjoying the story :) see you next time !


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