Chapter 6 : The Travel and The arrival

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It has been 2 or 3 weeks that i'v joined the ORC. I have been getting on well with everyone. Kiba and I are very good friends and we spend most of the time at school together. Akeno was the person to whom i'd go whenever i needed help or wanted a good conversation. Koneko was cold with me but she was with everyone so i didn't worry, besides, Rias told me that Koneko liked me.

We were on the train to go to the Underworld. Since it was an official travel, Rias wasn't in the same car as us. She was alone in the official car whereas we were in the car of the peerage. We were playing cards with Kiba, Akeno and Koneko. The travel was kinda long. The others ended up falling asleep. I sat near a window and looked at the purple sky of the underworld. The past month has been crazy. When i think about it, my life totelly changed. That's mesmerizing. As i was looking at the sky someone sat beside me and seized my arm and put their head on my shoulder. It was Rias.

« I was getting lonely alone in my car, and i couldn't sleep. »

« Oh I see, i couldn't sleep either. »

« Do you like the landscapes ? »

« Yes it seems almost familiar. »

« You're coming back to your home after all. »

« Yeah, i must say that it's kinda stressing. You know, like, meeting people that know me but that I don't know. It's... frightening. »

« Don't worry Kazu, i'll be with you all the time. You shouldn't be scared. »

Unbelievable. She knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. Maybe that's why I've fallen for her.

« Thanks, i really apreciate your kindness. »

« Good for you since we're getting married. »

I blushed. It was true but saying it that way... makes it really weird. I didn't completely realise that i was going to marry Rias. This was real, and this was happening.

« Sorry Kazu, it wasn't really a funny joke. Don't be akward please. »

« Ahah no don't worry, it's okay. Better laughing about it than crying right ? »

« Yeah... Oh you see the forest over there ? We used to play out there a lot ! »

« Really ? What kind of games ? »

« Well you know childish things. We played hide and seek, the game of the wolf, and the game of the prince and the princess. And when we were kids, you kissed me in that forest. »

« Wow ! really ? »

She yawned, and she tighten her hug on me.

« Yeah, it was our first kiss for both of us. But since you don't remember it, it doesn't really matters. Don't put to much importance on this, Kazu. »

That was the last sentence she said before falling asleep using me as her hugging pillow.

Me, on the other side, i couldn't sleep. So, yeah i used to be inlove with her when I was a child. My theory was right, the curse didn't erased my feelings. I put my head above Rias's head a,d i put my arm around her and i closed my eyes. Maybe she was inlove with me and couldn't forget her feeling either ? Well i guess that i will see.

I woke up a few hours later, Rias was gone, and I felt lonely. We were about to arrive, so she probably had to get back in the official car before anyone sees her in the peerage's one. A man in an uniform came and checked on my indentity and to register me in his computer. Akeno told me that it was because it was my first time in the underworld as a member of Rias's family. We got off the train and Rias joined us, she glanced at me with a big smile and a light blush on her face. We were welcomed by a huge red carpet, and a limo to drive us to the gremory's castle.

It sure was very luxurious. We finally arived at the castle, and that's a grey haired maid who welcomed us.

« Welcome Home Rias, and welcome Akeno, Kiba, Koneko and Kazuki. »

« Thanks. »

We all answered at the same time. She knew me ? Well not very surprising, I decided that I'll just go with the flow for now on.

We entered the castle and a Lady who looked exactly like Rias except for the eyes and the hair come to meet us. It was Rias's mother, Venelana Gremory. She had mid-lenght brown hair, and sharp and purple eyes, she was as beautiful as her daughter. She greeted everyone, and then she took me and Rias in another room to discuss.

« It's good to see you again Kazuki. You sure have grown up a lot since the last time I saw you. »

« Thanks, and I am very pleased to meet you. »

« So first of all, you should know that I have warned your family that you have arrived and they should be here anytime soon »

« Mother, isn't it a bit rushed ? I mean Kazuki didn't have the time to settle here. »

« Tell me honey, you didn't believe that Kazuki would have stayed here, did you ? »

« Well... I mean since he is part of my peerage and that he doesn't know anybody beside me and the members of my peerage, i thought that it would have been mor' confortable for him. »

« Sorry Rias but he will stay at his parent's castle, period. »

Rias took my hand, and lookes at me with a sad look.

« Don't worry Rias, i'll be okay. »

« Yes but I promised you that i would be with you... »

« Don't worry, it's alright. »

Venelana then continued.

« When they will arrive we will discuss the terms of the wedding, so be prepared. »

We took our leave, and Rias showed me a room where i'll be able to rest a bit. She gave me a suit to fix my appearance before my parents arrival. We then sat on a little couch, and we waited.

« Kazu... you're freaking out aren't you ? »

« ...yes...kind of... »

« Well I understand, but you shouldn't be. I'm sure your parents will be nice. »

« Yes you're right. »

« And don't worry even if we won't be together during the nights, i'll be there first thing every morning. »

« That's very nice ! But you don't have to... i mean there are business you need tonattend to. »

« Don't worry about that part... »

A butler then entered the room.

« Princess Rias, Master Kazuki, Mister and Misses Forneus have arrived. »

« Well, Kazu we should get going. »


Hey Guys ! Well it wasn't a very interesting chapter, but don't worry, things are getting funnier ! Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote if you like the story, and also follow me to be sure not to miss the updates :) see ya


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