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Madison's POV

October 2018

"I wanna try again." He said remorseful, looking me in the eye, almost convincing me that this time was true. This time he wasn't going to choose his girl friends over me, nor put them above me. This time he was committed to us, but he still needed time to change.

Thing is, I was good without him.

The two week break we took from our relationship, were the best days of my life since we started dating three months ago. That means something, right?

When we no longer miss that person that we longed for so dearly in the end of the day a few months ago, there's no longer that feeling of emptiness in his spot, there's no more stress nor constant minutes of mental struggle every time he'd be out with his friends, more girl-friends than guy friends.

That's the problem of dating younger guys.

They're never happy with one woman, because there's always someone prettier or more exotic that they haven't tried.

The problem with being young is that, you're always looking for novelty and new adventures, and the new, quickly becomes old.

So here I was planning to go solo this Halloween, burning Paul's costume so I wouldn't feel so single. I asked Jules to fill in as Clyde but she was going as vampire-french-maid.

Theodore stopped texting me months ago as expected.

"You know, you could go as cat woman." Jules suggested.

"I never wore so much leather and latex in my life Jules, I feel like a condom."

"You're such a creepo Madison, it's hot and Paul is gonna be there. Show him what his sorry ass lost!" She was looking for a fight, while I was looking for a hangover and free chocolates.

"Definitely not." I said, scrolling through pinterest looking for ideas, finding nothing. My head was almost wrapping around the fact I should go as a bitter lemon or the banana I was eating.

Theodore Han
Sent you a photo 10:20am

That's when I chocked on my banana.

"Japanese Entrepreneur, Theodore Han, believes in South Africa's Potential." I read on the magazine cover of the picture.

Old Madison would've sent an insanely long text accusing him of having the nerve of texting me after months of silence, but instead I took some time, what would I say? Because after all, we weren't a thing, not even remotely.

"Why are you drooling?" Jules interrupted.

"Theodore texted me, I'm trying to look casual." I said biting my lip nervously.

"What? Hot Asian Stuff? Well that explains a lot." Jules jumped off the couch grabbing my phone, I try to fight her but it's useless, she's answering him.

Fuck Jules.

"This totally explains why you wouldn't finish that banana." She giggled. "I would be thinking of his dick as well." She finally let out one loud laugh.

I slap her arm.

"It's done." She hands me the phone.

"What's done?" I desperately ask.

"You got yourself a date with Mr. Entrepreneur of the year."

"WHAT?" I shout, "Are you insane Julia? I don't even know if he's married!" I couldn't believe what she had done.

"Well honey, go and find out. Thank me later."

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