11. Meet my New Boyfriend

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At some point, we all felt a little bit overwhelmed bringing our sweethearts home to meet the parents. We were scared they would do something embarrassing or maybe even leave that task for your parents! Or worse case scenario, your parents disliking him for the smallest things.

That's how Madison felt, uneased, anxious and clueless.

It's nerve wrecking enough to have a perfectly normal boyfriend come home, now imagine, a 42 year old boyfriend.

"Jesus" she sighed. Shaking her legs nervously, there was no grand master plan or way out.

Madison got up, walking calmly in circles in her room, her mind racing by the minute - what was she thinking? - and all because of Shanghai?

"You're such an idiot!" Madison said, slapping herself. She grabbed her phone, deciding to cancel everything, it was better to waste food and then to give her parents a heart attack on a Saturday lunch.

"Maddie?" Her mother got in without knocking.

"Ha!" She startled. "What mom? I'm kinda busy..."

"Busy with what? Being lazy? It's almost lunch time, your boyfriend is coming and you're still wearing those ridiculous pajamas!"

She couldn't argue, her mother was right.

"I think it's best if we cancel, he isn't feeling quite all right." Madison lied.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with him?" She inquired her, with those shrewd eyes only mothers have.

"He... Is, ah... Sick, like... feeling nauseous and a... bad headache." She stuttered.

"You used to lie better when you were 6. What's up?" She leaned against the door waiting for an explanation.

"It's not a good idea." Madison confessed.

"What do you mean?"

"Theodore is not a boy." She sat down on her bed feeling defeated.

Her mother blinked. "Are you saying it's a girl? Are you gay Madison?"

"No! No! No! What I mean is, he's not young, my age." She corrected her.

"Oh. Then, what's the problem? We always agreed that the younger they are, the more likely is for you to have a stupid son than a boyfriend."

"No ma, you don't get it." She spoke in an assertive stance "He is not in his twenties."

"Can you please be clear?!" Dora now was losing her patience.

"He's a bit older than usual, he's no longer 30 either. He just turned 42." Madison spoke in a lower voice.

The silence between them lasted an eternity before Dora could react.

"Wait. What?"

"He looks really young mom! You should meet him, he's a nice guy, he's old school and he's so smart." Madison got up trying desperately to convince her mother of Theodore's qualities.

"But... 42 Madison? And his wife? His kids? Are you his second one?" She was in shock.

"No, he doesn't have any." She smiled trying to ease the situation. "Wait ok, look!"

She handed her phone with his picture opened, Dora's fears soothed, he was indeed young looking and actually pretty, not a bad first impression.

"He is just as scared as you and as I am. Please be kind to him." She begged.

"Do you really like him?" Her facial expression wasn't the happiest.

"I do."

"Okay then, just answer me this and I'll be out of here. Why do you like him Madison?"

"He is old school charm mom, he actually cares about me and my opinions on several different topics. It's so nice to have someone that can keep up a conversation, advise you and not call you a smartass." She answered sincerely, digging in her soul everything all the other young guys couldn't do for her. "He's so calm and mature and he's always so concerned about my well-being, that it drives me nuts."

Dora sighed.

"Get dressed, he's gonna be here any minute now and I have to hold your father." She said nervously smiling and left the room.

Ok, there was no turning back now.

What to wear, what to wear, what to wear. She looked into the depths of her closet trying to find a decent dress. It didn't take long for her to hear the familiar sound of the Mercedes parking in front of her apartment.

Show time.

"Let me get that!!!" She ran to the door, before anyone could reach, her heart pouding throw her chest.

What if I panic and close it in his face?

"Hi." Madison opened shyly.

He was breathtaking, wearing his dark blue jeans, white t-shirt and a beige jacket, all matching those magnificent ray bans on him. Damn.

"Hi beautiful." He kissed her quickly, after looking around making sure nobody was watching them.

"Madison Claire, you answer the door and don't even introduce us to the boy..." George said and right behind him was her mother.

"Good afternoon sir." Theodore shaked his hand, her father looked like he'd seen a ghost.


"You're..." He started.

Oh shit here we go.

"You're Theodore Han, aren't you?"

"You two know each other?" Madison was so confused.

"No." Theodore frowned.

"Yeah, you're always on the news! Such a pleasure to have you here Mr.Han!"

"Please, call me Theodore."

To be continued.

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