19. Escort

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N/A - Apologize for the mistakes below, I reviewed this almost falling asleep. Any update from this specific chapter is a very embarrassed author correcting her mistakes.

Who are you kidding you're broke. Just take it.

The harsh truth crosses her mind but she refuses to accept it. She wasn't in it for the money, she wouldn't put herself through all this trouble for it.

She had decided not to use it and wait until he got there.

Madison followed the minutes on the clock until it hit 4 pm, Theodore was always punctual and she was ready to get everything off her chest. Maybe she was wrong to feel this way? She just wanted to hear from him, because a part of her felt like he was rewarding her after sex.

She sighs.

And there's three knocks on the door, Madison gets up. Finally.

"Hey. I've been expecting you." Her tone is dry as sand.

"You look... stunning." His eyes travel down the long silver dress fitting her body perfectly. "Are you ready? We're leaving soon."

Madison pushes him inside closing the door behind them loudly.

"What's wrong?" Theodore's confused expression offered some sort of relief to her taunting question.

"Why did you leave a check?" She asks calmly, shaking her leg impatiently. "Why didn't you ask Theodore?"

"Are you mad because of I left you that?" He was either really stupid or purposely playing stupid.

"You leave money after we just had sex..." She laughs. "It's hard not to feel like a "

"Stop." He paused her.

"It wasn't my intention, forgive me, my only concern was that you needed to go to a hairstylist for tonight's event. I was just trying to help." His gaze was full of remorse.

Puppy eyes. He was doing puppy eyes and it was so painfully beautiful.

"I don't want your money! I would fix something!" She says making her point.

"Ok Maddie, I'll ask next time okay?" He tries to calm her. "I really didn't mean to upset you."

"Okay, I just wanted this to be clear between us... I mean thank you but no thanks." Madison hands him back the large amount.

"Ok can I ask you something back now?"

She nods.

"Use it, take it this time please baby. Instead of going through the trouble of fixing your hair yourself, the Marriott has an excellent salon downstairs."


Only because he was asking so nicely, and I really had absolutely no clue what to do with my hair, that I accepted his offer. My girl-power side wasn't used to this easy life provided by him, nor was I going to over do it, I wasn't going to get used to this.

But one thing he was right, the Marriott's salon was excellent, I didn't recognize my final result.

Theodore drove us tonight and the whole ride from the Marriott to The Peninsula was filled with Theodore intensely gazing on me from time to time, I liked this silent attention, it was a huge ego boost, I've never seen him amazed like this before, there was a hint of sparkle and lust. The same look he had last night.

I put one hand on his thigh, rubbing lightly on the dark grey fabric, successfully distracting him, I could see Theodore's self-control holding by a thread.

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