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Lisa took seungjoo from jennie and jennie was confused why did lisa suddenly allow her to go when earlier the latter clearly said that she can't go.

" Babe you ok? You've been thinking deeply for a while " Kai said while driving at the mall where they will have their date. Jennie was startled and got back to her senses.

" Ah.. It nothing babe " Jennie said and smiled at her boyfriend.


While Jennie and kai was watching a movie in the cinema, jennie kept on checking her phone.

' something's not right.. Why didn't lisa even message or call me.. ' jennie thought starting to get worried

' she must've been doing well on taking care of seungjoo' jennie smiled at her thoughts despite of having a bit of worriedness.

After the movie ended jennie excused herself and went at the CR. She called lisa many times but the latter won't answer. She started to become worried.

" why isn't she picking my calls? " Jennie said to herself. After calling lisa multiple times jennie gave up and went back to her boyfriend who was waiting for her outside the CR.

" You ok babe? You don't look too good? " Kai asked worried about her girlfriend.

" Can you take me home.. " Jennie said and kai nodded

While driving kai held her girlfriend's hand.

"Are you comfortable living with lisa? Is she bothering you or something? " Kai asked out of the blue

" No she's good.. She often does all of the house chores so there's nothing to be worried about babe " Jennie said. " She also does her best taking care of the baby " Jennie said and smiled but it quickly faded when her worriedness strikes.


Jennie got home only to see the baby being carried by another person and not lisa.

" Lisa? " jennie called lisa and the woman carrying the sleeping baby looked at her. It was krystal.

" Oh you're already here! Hi! " Krystal greeted jennie.

" Hi. " jennie greeted back " Where's lisa? "

" She's at the kitchen cooking " Krystal said " I'll just put the baby to bed and I'm off to go "

" No you can stay here for dinner" Jennie said

" no it's ok jennie..I need to go home now. I just waited for you to come home " Krystal said and jennie nodded

Krystal went at the baby's room and put seungjoo on his crib. Then she bid goodbye to jennie.

Jennie went at the kitchen with her crossed arms and frowned face. She was mad that lisa didn't answer her calls. Lisa just finished cooking pasta when she realized that jennie got home.

" You're home early? " Lisa said " Did Krystal left? "

" Yes she did and can I know why didn't you answer my calls? " Jennie asked. Lisa noticed that jennie was mad. Her phone's battery was drained and she didn't charge it yet.

" My phone's battery drained and I didn't charge it yet" Lisa said

" You should've charged it, you didn't even message or call me. " Jennie scolded " I was worried. I called you multiple times, I got home early because of that"

"So you're worried about me? " Lisa asked and smirked

"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about seungjoo " Jennie said

" You said you're worried because I didn't pick up your calls that means you're worried about me" Lisa said making the little bunny become mad and irritated even more.

" Shut up ok? You even bring Krystal here to take care of the baby, can't you do it yourself? " Jennie scolded

" At first you're worried about me and now you're jealous? " Lisa said teasing the bunny

" Don't even dream about it pervert. " Jennie said and lisa held jennie's waist pulling jennie near her making the bunny shocked.

Lisa kissed jennie on the lips. After few seconds Jennie pushed lisa. Lisa saw how red the face of jennie. She smirked at the sight.

" Y-you.. " Jennie said

" Wae? You want more? " Lisa asked cornering the little bunny with her arms wrapped on the Bunny's waist.

Jennie's heart started to beat fast. Lisa's stare somewhat hypnotized her. She couldn't move her body. Lisa leaned for another kiss. Jennie tightly closed her eyes. As she feel how close lisa's face is to hers.

" Open your eyes.. " Lisa said and jennie complied. She opened her eyes seeing lisa's face an inch farther than hers. " Do you want me to kiss you or not? "

Jennie couldn't answer. Something inside her wants but she can't do it. Jennie knew to herself that she hates the latter but something's odd about her and she clearly noticed it at the moment. She held lisa's shirt. The intense stare of the two made atmosphere hot. Hormones started to get high.

Lisa closed the space between their lips. Jennie gave in and kissed the latter back. the kiss heated as lisa's tongue entered jennie's mouth. Making the little bunny moan. Lisa's hand entered jennie's shirt caressing the jennie's milky white stomach, it made the bunny surprised and get back to her senses.

Jennie pushed lisa, enough to not feel each other's body anymore.

" I- I'll.. I'm going to r-rest " Jennie said and can't even look directly at the eyes of lisa.

" O-ok.. " Lisa said as she hold her nape.

Their heart beats crazily after the heated kiss they did. Jennie went to her room. Both couldn't believe what just happened and both left wanting for more and confused of their odd actions.

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