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The 3 trouble makers entered the club.  The loud party music and flickering lights makes their night even more happier.  They danced like crazy at the dance floor and got to enjoy drinking with 3 other gorgeous girls named chaeyoung, seohyun and  seulgi who was surprised to see the 3 in the club.

Lisa sat beside seohyun.  Jisoo beside seulgi and rosé beside chaeyoung.  They were having fun talking with each other while drowning themselves with different kinds of alcoholic drinks.

"Yah seulgi I can't believe a person like you who is an  student officer goes to places like this " Lisa said to seulgi who was now wrapped in the arms of jisoo.

" I also need to have fun and enjoy my youth you know" Seulgi said and pouted

" Yeah right " Jisoo said

Rosé and chaeyoung who is obviously drunk started to make out making the atmosphere hot.

" Hey you two! go and get yourself a room! "  Jisoo said making the two stop making out

" She's right let's go! " Rosé said making the others laugh

Rosé and chaeyoung left the other drunkies followed by jisoo and seulgi.  Leaving seohyun and lisa alone.

Seohyun started to become clingy and touchy right after the other left making lisa turned on. Seohyun sat on the laps of lisa and wrapped her legs around lisa's waist . They are both too drunk to care about the men who are looking at the two beautiful girls having a heated makeout.

Lisa cutted the heated kiss as she can feel that her member is  getting hard.  She excused herself and told seohyun that she had to leave. 

" Uhhh~ don't leave we're still having fun" Seohyun said

" S-sorry but I need to go before I my friend go nuts "  Lisa said and moved the confused seohyun from her touch and stood up.  She needs to go before her member become recognizable by anyone.  She covered her bulge with her hand while the other was carrying a bottle of soju.  She managed to walk straight and got out of the club completely drunk.  She went to the parking lot to get her car.  She groaned in frustration because she was so turned on.

" Aishh! Stupid hormones! " Lisa said to herself " You can't even control them! " She added then she take a sip of her soju. She get her phone and called jennie.

" Hey bunny!  Get me out of heree~" Lisa said " I'm at the parking lot at xx club"

" What the hell lisa!? " Jennie said " Don't get drunk if you can't even take yourself home"

"I'll be waiting bye~" Lisa said and turned off the call.


Jennie came at the parking lot and saw lisa seating on the ground leaning on her car while an empty bottle of soju beside her.

" Hey bunnyyy~~" Lisa said and waved to say hi

" Give me your car keys.. " Jennie said and bend down to find lisa's car keys and something caught her attention. It's lisa's clothed member obviously standing tall.

" Like what you see? " Lisa said and smirked

" W-wtf lisa! " Jennie said as  she finally found the keys on one of the pockets of lisa.

Jennie helped lisa go in the car even if she feels uncomfortable seeing the bulge of the latter. She drive them back home. While driving lisa kept of mumbling nonsense words.

" Shit I'm so turned on right now!" Lisa said making Jennie shocked and blushed.  Jennie looked at lisa who looks frustrated and probably having a hard time to control her hormones.

When they got home jennie had a hard time bringing the drunk latter in her room.  After successfully bringing lisa in her room,  jennie went to her room. But as soon as she closed the door.  The door opened jennie felt someone back hugging her.

" Yah lisa get back to your room! " Jennie said then she shivers as the latter started to caress her sides and felt the bulge touch her back.

Jennie turned around to push the latter but the latter is too fast and kissed and held the hands of the bunny.  Lisa cut the kiss and looked at the eyes of jennie lovely.

" I love you jennie.. " Lisa confessed and leaned for a kiss but jennie stopped her

"Go back to your pervert! " Jennie said.  Lisa cupped the cheeks of jennie and leaned for a kiss not minding what the bunny said earlier.

" I love you for're so beautiful.." Lisa said sincerely and closed the gap between their lips.  Jennie couldn't move her body even if she wanted to. It's as if her body wasn't doing what it should be doing. She got carried away by the sincerity of lisa's words.
She felt the latter's arms wrapped around her waist as she gave up once again and returned the latter's kiss. Jennie was fully aware that this could affect her relationship with her boyfriend but she can't do anything if her body wants to do the opposite of what she thinks she should do.

  As the kiss becomes heated and deeper, soft moans can be heard.  Jennie wrapped her arms around the latter's neck and lisa carried jennie and letting jennie's legs wrap on her waist making the bunny feel her clothed bulge. 

Lisa walked to the Bunny's bed and threw themselves on the bed making jennie under lisa's body. 

Lisa started to get down on the Bunny's neck sucking her soft milky skin that she craves since that night they make out.  Giving the bunny obvious Hickeys while caressing her tummy the bunny gave out a loud moan making lisa even more turned on. 

Jennie removed her shirt making the latter smirk and start removing their clothes until they are completely naked.

" Someone's too excited.. " Lisa teased as she suck the Bunny's earlobe.  " Tell me what you want me to do" 

Jennie was to aroused at the feeling of lisa's member slightly touching her wet cavern.

" Stop teasing and make me yours.. " Jennie shyly said

" Will do bunny " Lisa said and kissed jennie on her lips.  Moving her hands on jennie's sensitive part.  Softly caressing the wet clit and making jennie moan between their heated kiss. 

Without reminding jennie, lisa pushed 2 fingers inside jennie. 

" Ahhhgggg.. Shit.. " Jennie moaned.  Lisa fasten her fingers "ughhhh f-faster"

Lisa continued to fasten her pace until when jennie said she was about to come,  she intentionally stopped making the bunny angry.

" Grrrhh why did you stop?! " Jennie said and groaned and was shocked to feel lisa's member in her without even reminding her.

"Uhhhh..  You're so tight! " Lisa said sa she started to move faster inside jennie who is now moaning mess because of the pleasure she's feeling.

"Pls..Don't stop.. Uhmm faster" Jennie pleaded and lisa didn't hesitate to fasten her pace until the both of them came at the same time.

The night went fast as the two was enjoying the pleasure they're receiving from each other.  Didn't mind what could happen the next day. 

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