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I've been thinking for a week if I could give Lisa a hint that she's the father of my baby. I'm planning to tell her after our philosophy class ends.

After half an hour the class ended and our professor dismissed us. I was about to approach Lisa when she quickly fixed her things and went outside. I followed her only to find her with her.. I don't know.. Girlfriend?. I laughed at my self how stupid I am. Why did I even thought of giving her a hint if she's busy flirting with other girls.

She's slowly moving away from me.


I received a text from nayeon and she said she's outside the school. I quickly fixed my things and want out to find her. I saw her leaning on my car, wearing a beige short dress. She's beautiful as always.

" Hey! " I called her excitingly and at the time she recognized me , she come near me and hug me tight.

" I missed you " She said and I giggle

"You just saw me yesterday and now you already missed me ? " I said while I looked at her eyes. We've been dating for weeks now and I'm glad that I am able to slowly get over jennie.  " Are you hungry? Wanna eat something? " I asked her and she nodded

I opened my car's door for her and before I could enter my car I saw jennie from afar.. Is she looking at us?.. I waved at her but she didn't react.. Maybe she's looking somewhere. I run to her and she quickly saw me.

"Jennie" I said " Do you want anything? "

"Uh no.. " She said

"Me and nayeon are ea-"

"Is she your girlfriend already? " Jennie said

"Yeah" I said happily and at the same time confused.

" You just met her.. " She said

"Yeah but she's a grea-"

"I-i need to go.. " She said and walk away

"Ok.... " I said. Why are you acting so weird these days Jennie?



I bought a banquet of flowers and her favorite bread. I went to Jennie's house to surprise her. I make sure I didn't forget the ring box in my car. I was planning to propose to Jennie today, next week will be our graduation and in  2 months she will give birth to our baby boy.

I was about to open Jennie's room door when I overheard her crying. Is she talking with someone or she's on the phone? Why is she crying? I was about to open it again when..

" I hate my life jeongyeon.. I'm living my life full of lies and I can't take it anymore! I-i fell for her I know shouldn't.. But.. Can't I fall in love to the real father of my baby? " Jennie said. Tears started to fall from my eyes.. D-did she s-no I must've misheard it.

" Jennie I'm sorry to say this but you should've told Lisa that she's the father and didn't drag kai into thi-.." Jeongyeon said

I couldn't take it anymore. I opened the door only to see the both of them shocked to see me. I scoffed

"Kai.. " Jennie called my name while crying. I couldn't think straight. I just laughed of what I heard. Lisa? A girl? The father?!

" Tell me what I heard is not true.. " I managed to say calmly.

" I'm s-sorry k-kai.. " Jennie said and went near me to hold my hand but I didn't let her.

" Shut the fuck up Jennie! How could L-lisa? " Tears kept on flowing out of my eyes " You cheated on me! With a girl? Are you nuts?! And you're saying she's the father? "

" She's telling the truth kai.. Lisa is the real father of her baby.. " Jeongyeon said . I throw the flowers on the floor.

" Why?.. Is there anything I don't have? That I can't give you? Why did you cheated on me? ! And the worst you're even planning to make me raise a child that wasn't even from me?! " I shouted at her as she couldn't do anything but cry.. " WTF! Jennie! I was suppose to propose to you today but thanks to you I wouldn't marry a cheater! We're over! DON'T EVER SHOW YOUR FACE INFRONT OF ME! " I said and slammed the door hard.

"Kai! " I heard her calling me but I didn't mind it and quickly left.

I went outside and started to punch my car. I punched it hard to the point my knuckles bleed and my car dented.

I'll definitely beat you Lisa for getting what's mine!

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