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It's been days since baby seungjoo's gone and I've visited him yesterday. He's still cute and he also become a little bit more chubby. I was happy that seungwan was doing great in taking care of seungjoo.

I was also planning to move out of Lisa's house since seungjoo isn't with us anymore. I haven't told her since I have a lot of things to do and I don't want Lisa to increase my stressful days. I was also not feeling well often especially in the morning. I also become dizzy at some time.

I can already feel the effects of so much stress. Later I had to choose the head people for each booth. The deadline of my thesis is tomorrow and I haven't done the last 2 chapters. Which is the most important part.

I was going at the canteen with seulgi when I suddenly felt dizzy again this time it's more worse. I had to hold seulgi's fore arm for support so I won't fall

" Jennie? Are you ok?! " Seulgi asked worriedly

" Maybe I'm j-just hungry.. I didn't eat anything for t-today" I managed to say. My dizziness is getting more worse and I'm feeling so weak.

" Seul-"


"Wake up jennie! " I said as Jennie suddenly collapsed. Luckily I got her  before she fell on the floor. I asked for help.

"SEULGI what happened?! " Lisa popped out and said. Let's take her at the hospital! " She said and carried Jennie in her car. We got the attention of a lot of students but we didn't care. Lisa softly put Jennie at the back seat as I seat at the front beside Lisa .

Lisa quickly drove to the nearest hospital.



It's been few hours and Jennie isn't awake yet. Seulgi went back at the university to excuse Jennie and inform the principal.

I'm getting more worried. I noticed her fingers move. I quickly went near her and held her hand. She slowly wakes up.

"What happened? " She asked

"Seulgi said that you got dizzy then passed out" I said. She sigh.

" I have a lot of things to do..what did the doctor say? " She asked

"Wait here I'll call him" I said and called the doctor.

The doctor went inside the room with a smile while holding papers. That must be the result of the tests taken by Jennie. Maybe it isn't a bad news.

"Congratulations Ms. Kim you're pregnant! " He said and that made us shocked.

Jennie's pregnant! Am I the father?!

"This can't be what are you talking about doctor? " Jennie asked

" The result shows that you're pregnant Ms. Kim for weeks and I had to remind you to avoid stress because it could highly harm the baby" The doctor said.

" When can I go home? " She asked

"You need to rest now and you can go home tomorrow. Will you excuse me I'll just check my other patients. The doctor said and smiled at us " Congratulations again" He added and left.

" What the fuck? " Jennie said

"J-jennie.. Don't worry I'll take full responsibility of our child.. " I said and held her hand but she removed my hand from her.


"What are you talking about? " I said as I know who the father is " Our child? " I added

"Isn't it? " Lisa said then I scoffed

" This isn't your child can't be"I said

" What do you mean I can't be? Something happened to us Jennie and it's also been weeks! " Lisa said

" You're not the father Lisa.. It's kai.. " I lied " I've been also active with him"

" WTF Jennie?! Why w-would you? " She said as I felt hurt from her voice.

"He's my boyfriend Lisa.. Why can't I? " I said " We've done it many times now so stop thinking you're the father" I lied

I saw tears run down her cheeks.. She sighed and left me alone in my room..

I also couldn't stop my self crying.. Why did I even let her enter my life? You did the worst decision of letting yourself with her Jennie! You're so fucking dumb!

Should I even lie to her in the first place when I am sure she's the father?
I don't know anymore... I cried and cried until Kai entered my room. He hugged me and I told him I was pregnant. He was happy about it. He even told me that he'll take good care of me and our baby.

I really just fucked up my life.. Good luck Jennie..

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