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The next day jennie woke up because of the knock she heard from her room's door.

She opened the door and saw her mom carrying baby Seungjoo. 

" Honey is it ok if I bring baby Seungjoo with me in Jeju? " Her mom said while happily cuddling baby Seungjoo on her arms.

" Sure Mrs.  Kim that would be great " Lisa said suddenly approached the two with a smile. 

" I told you can call me mom, lisa " Mrs. Kim said " I want to spent time with my grandson. I'll bring him back in 3 days "

" Ok mom " Jennie said " I'll just fix his things "

Jennie fixed all the things needed by baby Seungjoo in 3 days. While lisa and her mom is talking at the living room. 

" Lisa your mom told me that she can take care of baby Seungjoo for 3 months before she go back to Canada " Mrs. Kim said " Did she tell you already? "

" Uhm no she didn't " Lisa said " Maybe she just forgot to tell me " Lisa said and shrugged her shoulders.

Jennie finished fixing baby Seungjoo's things and put it at her mom's car compartment.

Lisa fixed the baby seat in the car and put the sleeping baby on its seat.  Jennie kissed baby Seungjoo and smiled at her mom

" mom take good care of him " Jennie said " And make sure he gets to drink his milk after he take his bath and always check his diapers "

" As if I don't know that honey " Mrs. Kim said and chuckled at her daughter. She hugged her daughter and lisa tight " Have a good rest while baby Seungjoo is with me "

" We will mom " Jennie said and they bid goodbye.

After Mrs.  Kim left with Seungjoo.  Lisa and jennie fixed themselves to school. 

Lisa was driving and things are still awkward between them because of what happened last night.  So lisa decided to talk to jennie while driving.

"We haven't eaten breakfast in a while since Seungjoo came to us. " Lisa said " Let's eat something before we go to school " She added

" I need to go at the University early. " Jennie said looking outside the car's window.

" Don't make excuses bunny " Lisa said " And let's not be awkward with each other ok?  Well I know that you also liked it right?"

" W-what are you talking about?!  I never l-liked what happened last night " Jennie stuttered

" Yeahh..You don't like it but you responded on my kisses " Lisa said  and chuckled

" Just shut up lisa " Jennie said and crossed her arms.

" See?  You also admit it that you liked what happened last night "  Lisa said liking the sight of jennie get irritated.

Jennie groaned and didn't reply to lisa who was making fun of her.

" Don't worry we can continue what happened last night someday " Lisa added

" Never over my death body " Jennie said

" Yeah.. Me over your hot body " Lisa said and chuckled.

" My goodness!  If only I have something sharp with me..I'll cut your tongue " Jennie said.

" Well it's not your day bunny.. " Lisa said and laughed.


At break time lisa run quickly at the canteen leaving rosé and jisoo behind because she didn't have breakfast since jennie said she needed to be at the University early.  As she saw how long the line was ,she groaned.  She had to wait in a long line but as a trouble maker girl she didn't hesitate to move in front of the line to buy her food. She heard students complaining but it didn't stop her until she heard a familiar voice. 

" You should be fair and wait in line lisa.. " Kai said and lisa looked at him

" It's none of your business little boy" Lisa said to kai who was few steps away from her.

" I'm afraid that I'll tell jennie about this and get you punished " Kai said.  As the two are having an intense staring other students are starting to look at them.

" Then tell her..  I'm not afraid " Lisa said " I'm already used of her nags"

" Look how shameless you are.. You don't think that I know what you did on my sports wear " Kai said starting to get angry at lisa.

" Why?  You want me to buy you a new one? " Lisa said "you don't have enough money to buy your cheap sports wear? "

Kai loses his temper and  was about to approach lisa when a small pair of hands stopped him.  It was jennie. 

" Hi bunny " Lisa said " Your boyfriend here is starting a fight,  make sure to teach him well " She added and smirked

" You little! I'm n-" Kai was cutted by jennie

" Just let her pass this time babe " Jennie said

Lisa took her ordered food and go out of the canteen.  She went outside  and sat below a tree. She texted rosé and jisoo to come after buying their food so that they could eat together. 

While waiting for rosé and jisoo lisa recall what happened earlier at the canteen. 

"Just let her pass this time babe~" Lisa repeated what jennie said and giggles thinking that jennie choosed to help her rather than helping her boyfriend who is losing his temper. 

Rosé and jisoo came and got the attention of lisa. Rosé invited jisoo and lisa to go at the club later at night since they don't have any classes the next day. The two agreed and lisa told rosé and jisoo what happened at the canteen. 

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