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I'm at the club having a drink alone. This day surely breaks my heart.. I didn't mean to hurt her but what can I do? I love jennie and our baby more..


*slap* she slapped me hard on the face and have been hitting my body but I won't ever stop her..

I just confessed to nayeon about me being the father and I actually made it worse by breaking up with her...

" I'm so sorry.. " I said trying to hug her. She was crying and it really breaks my heart.. " You deserve better  nayeon.. I'm really sorry " I added as she calmed down and hugged me back crying on my chest.


I want to be alone for now so I went home and drag myself on my bed.

Few weeks left and it's our graduation day.. I'll be working at my father's company and soon after I'll have to replace him. 

I didn't want to but he's my dad and it's our family business  and I'm their only child how can I refuse? I told myself to just go with the flow and do what I have to do.

What I'm thinking about is what will gonna happen to me, jennie, and our baby caiden. I thought a lot of great things in our future and I can't wait to make it all come true..


After few days

I told Mr. and Mrs. Kim that jennie and caiden will be staying at my house, now that they'll be discharged from the hospital . I'm glad that they're happy for us. They told me to fetch them at the  hospital while they fix Jennie and caiden's things while I'm gone.

I took my keys and the baby carrier basket with me

I took my keys and the baby carrier basket with me

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and drove to the hospital. I went at Jennie's room and saw the two of them ready to go. Jennie's things are already fixed. She was carrying caiden while she was seating on the corner side of her bed.

" Woah.. You already fixed your things? " I asked jennie as I come near them and gave her a kiss on the cheek. " I told you I'll be the one to fix your things.. You'll only make yourself tired" I added and smiled at her

" I don't have anything to do anyway that's why I fixed it earlier " She said and smiled at me.

"Put baby Caiden here so we can go home " I said and put the baby carrier beside her. She carefully lay down baby Caiden. I took her bag and carried it on my left hand while I carry the baby basket on my right hand " I won't let you carry for now. You should rest hehe"

" Aww you're so sweet " She said using her cute voice and softly pinched my cheeks.


We got home safely and now I'm looking at the sleeping  beauty beside me. Gosh I still can't believe that jennie kim will be the one for me. We even have a cute baby boy.

Some of her hair was on her face so I put her hair off her face and caressed her cheeks. "I'm so lucky to have you my cute enemy.. " I said and chucked and took a glance at baby caided whose crib is beside our bed. He'll be staying here in our room for his first few months.

I lay down comfortably on my bed getting ready to sleep after a long day. Right after I close my eyes I heard something that i am sure that wouldn't let me sleep.

I quickly stood up from the bed and went to baby Caiden. I carried him and soothe him to stop crying. Jennie woke up

" You can go to sleep babe.. I'll take care of him " I said and Jennie nodded and smiled at me and get back to sleep.

Here goes my sleepless nights again... I did miss this nights hahahah it reminds me of baby seungjoo.

" Sleep tight baby Caiden.. " I said as I carry him with my arms.

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