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I intently finished cleaning the teachers faculty fast so I can clean the student council office to see jennie. I went inside of her office and saw her doing something on her table.

"Good afternoon bunny" I said and she looked at me and smiled. I started sweeping the floor first. " What you doin'? "

"Uhm.. Just doing my thesis " She said and smiled. She really looks hot when she smiles and at the same time busy doing something.

I've swept the floor, tidied their table and trash bins, and swept the dusty furnitures. I'm now seating on a chair looking at Jennie.

When suddenly the door opened. It's her fucking boyfriend.

"Babe.. " He said. TF! He just called my   crush. Yeah he's the boyfriend and so what? I can diss him whenever and whatever I want.

He noticed me and did he just glared at me?!

I gave him a deadly look and rolled my eyes.

" Are you ready to go? " Jennie said and closed her laptop.

" Sorry babe.. I can't go with you.. Our coach said that we'll be having our training for tomorrow's game and he said no excuses.. " He said and hug Jennie. My eyes! It burnss! Do they really have to do skinship in front of me?

Now my baby is pouting.. Because of that brat.

" It's ok.. I'll go by myself " Jennie said and give out a forced smile.

" I need to go.. Bye babe " He said and kissed Jennie on her cheeks then left  Ughrrr.

" I can accompany you" I said and she shook her head.  "Oh come on jennie! We're friends right? " I added and she sigh.

" Yeah but i-"

"Where are you going anyway? " I cut her

" Hospital for Check up.. " She said

" Then let me go with you.. Your BOYFRIEND didn't go with you..might as well accompany my friend " I said then I held her hand and went at the parking lot. I let her enter my car and she didn't say something or whine. "What hospital are we going? " I asked

"At St. Michael hospital" She said and I started diving.

After few minutes we already arrived.    I went with her on the 3rd floor , and went at the obgyn section.  She went inside on one of the rooms there and I just followed her.

" Uhm excuse me? Is Dr. Lee there? I'm actually scheduled for checkup today but I'm kinda late for 10 minutes, sorry" Jennie said to a nurse

" Yes Ms...? " The nurse said

" Jennie kim " I said

" Ok Mrs.Kim you can just enter in Dr. Lee's office there " She said and pointing at a specific room. I chuckled when I heard her call Jennie Mrs. " Don't worry Your husband can also enter there. " She added. I'd love to hear that everyday. Jennie looked surprissed but she didn't correct the nurse he hehehe.

" Come on baby let's go " I said to Jennie and wrapped my arms on Jennie's waist. She flinched a little bit to my touch. " Btw thankss" I said to the nurse.

Before we entered the room Jennie removed my hand and knocked.

"Come in" Someone said, that must be the doctor so we entered the room. We greeted each other and the doctor asked jennie to lay down on the 'dentist chair like seat' I don't know what it is but it looks like one.  Then Dr. Lee pulled a ultrasound monitor near him. Nice I'll get to see the baby. I don't know why I feel exploding because of excitement. Maybe because it's my first time seeing someone doing ultrasound. I looked at jennie. She looks nervous so I held her hand and smiled at her. While the doctor was explaining to her the things she should eat and do and the things she needs to avoid, I just keep on staring at jennie. She's so beautiful and I can't get enough of it. But reality strikes me.. I can't have her especially she's expecting a baby.

" So now let's see your baby.. " The doctor said while putting some kind of gel on the device then gets directly on Jennie's tummy.

We can't hide our smiles when the doctor showed us the fetus.

" Cute" I said and giggled


" Cute" I heard Lisa said. I looked at her and she was so happy. My heart flutters.. What if I tell her she's the real father? Will she be happy like what I'm seeing right now?

I came back to reality when she looked at me and signaled me to look at the monitor.

" Now let's hear your baby's heartbeat" Dr. Lee said and let us hear the heartbeat. I don't know why but I can't stop feeling a bit emotional.

" As you can hear the baby's heartbeat is normal and as we take a look at the baby's form is also doing great and there's nothing to worry about" Dr Lee said

" Thank you doctor.. " I said

" Your welcome  he said and smiled " Just drink my prescribed milk and vitamins to make the baby healthier ok? " He added and I nod.  He also gave me and Lisa  a picture of the fetus. He also thought I'm in a relationship with lisa.

Lisa gladly keep the picture in her wallet. Then my thoughts came back.. Will she accept me and the baby?

After we went for check up we got in the car.

" Is there anything you want? Or craving for? I'll buy it for you " She said

"Lisa you dont have to " I said and chuckled

" Come on I insist and I'm in a good mood" She said smiling widely. " Just tell me what you want? "

"Uhm.. I'm actually craving for bread since last week " I said. I really want to eat bread but I don't have the time to buy it and Kai kept on saying he's busy.

"Why since last week? Didn't Kai buy you breads? " She asked and I can see disappointment in her face

" He said he's busy" I said and Lisa's eyebrows frowned
"That's not a reasonable excuse for me.. Cravings are hard to resist you know, especially that you're pregnant.. " She said and started driving.

" At least you're buying it for me right now " I said and smiled. "I would eat any kind of bread you'll buy for me" I added excitedly then I saw her smile.

"Of course you'll be the one to pick the bread you want silly" She said and laughed

After we bought bread we went back at the university because I still have classes and Lisa has to go at the library and help the librarian return books on their places.

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