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Jennie still didn't wake up. I managed to drive at the hospital and receive treatments for my cuts and bruises. Our parents are shocked to see me in this state.

Thanks to Jennie's friend, jeongyeon.. She already told our parents that I'm the real father. I'm glad because they aren't disappointed or mad instead they are happy for us but I got scolded for fighting with Kai who's a boy. But knowing the reason why jennie kept the truth to me hurts my heart. I should've told her that if I'm the father I'll do my best and I'll love her so much. She didn't trust me at first but Jeongyeon said that she regrets it now..

Jeongyeon already went home. I still can't believe that I'm the real father. I'm sitting beside the sleeping Jennie.. She's so pretty. Our parent looks at me holding Jennie's hand. My other hand is holding an ice bag, I need it for my swelling face. I think Kai suffers more that I do.. I took his happiness from him.

" I want to see the baby do you guys want to come with me? " I asked our parents and they nodded. I stood slowly and walked limping. Every step hurts. Even my heart hurts...

We went to see the baby at the nursery. We wear mask and entered the nursery.

"Here's baby Boy Kim.. He's quite healthy for a premature.. " The nurse said as she let us see our baby. Tears started to come out of my eyes. He looks small and cute. But seeing him having a tube to help him breath and some wires on his chest breaks my heart he looks vulnerable..I'm thankful that he's healthy despite of being born 2 months early.

" I'll take good care of you baby.." I said my mom patted my back. It's quite embarrassing to cry in front of our parents but I can't help it.

" You'll be a great father Lisa..  We all know you will" Mr. Kim said and smiled at me, I smiled back at him.


My phone rang and it's rosé. I got out of the room and answered the video call.

"Shit bro..  You look like a shit! " Jisoo said and I rolled my eyes

" You fighting with Kai is already all around the university " Rosé said

" We're ok now.. And I'm fine don't worry " I said "guys.. "

"Ok? How's that ok? You look like a-" Jisoo was cutted by rosé hand.

"What is it? " Rosé said

" I'm the real father.. " I said and I looked at their shocked faces. " But I'm worried about Nayeon.. She's a great girlfriend and i- "

"Choose who you love the most lisa and we will support you..." Rosé said

" But Nayeon is your-"

"It's ok.. Your life, your choice lisa.. Think what's best for you and your baby.. "

"Thank you so much rosé.. " I said

"What about me? " Jisoo said then I chuckled

"You too jisoo.. Thanks"

"Welcome! " Jisoo said "we'll always be there for you bro"

We bid goodbye and turned off the video call .

" You should rest lisa.. " My mom said and I nodded

" I'll be back after 4 hours then you can all go home..  I want to take care of Jennie."

"You can go back tomorrow morning... Make sure to put ice on your bruises ok? "

"Ok mom" I said and hugged her " Thanks for everything "

" Next time don't get into fights when you know you couldn't beat them"

" I told you mom kai's face was more worse than mine" I said

"Ok ok.. I get it " She said and laughed. I bid goodbye to our parents and drive home to rest.

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