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Taehyung held Jimin's sleeve, a habit he had developed when he's nervous

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Taehyung held Jimin's sleeve, a habit he had developed when he's nervous.
He looked around the corridor, hoping that no one would for some reason look for him. And of course no one did.

" Taehyung, calm down, my sleeve will tear at this rate."

Taehyung lightly blush and let go, bowing as an excuse.

"Sorry Jiminie.."

"Nah, it's fine. Don't sweat it" the dark haired say with a small chuckle.
He knew Taehyung still haven't gotten used to the Korean language, or the school either.
He understood that much.

As they turn around the corner a small smile make its way to Taehyung's lips, spotting the boy he already had gotten a huge crush on.
He was sitting on a bench together with his group of friends, laughing and conversation like every normal person do.
As the two friends pass by a boy looks up at them.

"Baguette boys, am I right? " he say and burst out laughing at his own comment, his friends joining him.
Jeongguk on the other hand snap at his comment, rather gently slapping his friends arm.

"Shut up, it's cool. At least they speak other languages compared to you that can barely spell in your own fucking language."

Jimin lightly chuckle at his comment, making Taehyung look at him in confusion. He had no idea what Jeongguk said and why Jimin found it funny.
Was it about Taehyung himself?

"Pour quoi?"


Jimin say and shake his head, knowing that he would need to tell Taehyung about how they had gotten mocked.
And that wouldn't really be the greatest idea since Taehyung is already anxious enough.

Taehyung look back at Jeongguk, and when the miracle of Jeongguk meeting his eyes back happen the boy immediately look forward again.

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