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okay but high key thx to everyone that keep on voting, I'm so happy that this shit continues to grow
bc now when I'm editing
I'm putting a lot of effort into it so that it won't be actual crap this time 👩‍🎤

jeongguk and taehyung are both in a state of shock — cherry lips parted and cheeks turning rose colored as their eyes meet, an electrifying feeling in the air.

“ w-what ? ” a timid voice ask under its breathe while hearts are beating together — as if it was a symphony.

jeongguk's mind was blank ( like an untouched paper ) and the room is quiet, nothing but whispers of the wind outside the window being heard, and maybe the neighbour's screaming from next door.

Taehyung's doe eyes blink, several times in confusion, cheeks heating up by every second passing.

jeongguk swallow the lump in his throat, grabbing Taehyung's hand and intertwining slender fingers together.

“ I like you in a really gay fucking way and I just want you to return my feelings because I know for a fact that I'm literally emberassing myself in front of my huge ass crush—”

suddenly lips are pressed against lips, warmth spreading trough bodies as their lips move against each other for a time that felt like hours. — the taste of the kiss was still left on their tongues as they pull away, breathe heavy.

“I love you so much”

the blonde admit, a giggle flowing over his lips at the line of words that left him shy. ( he just never thought that he would sit on jeongguk's couch, his lips glistening from being kissed by the other one. )

jeongguk smile, his hands falling down to the others lips, thumbs carefully caressing his sides as he look into the starry sky in the blonde's eyes.

“ God, it took me so fucking look to realize your beauty taehyung, way too long ”

he say, voice low as they slowly come closer ( there was this force pulling them together, not like they minded in that moment ) and taehyung end up on jeongguk lap, arms swung around his neck as lips breathe against his.

“ - bed ”

a voice ring in jeongguk's ears, making him wake up from the trance he had been in the moment taehyung got close. ( that's the power taehyung held "

“ what? ” jeongguk ask, confused since he only picked up on the last word.

“ I wanna cuddle in the bed. ”

Taehyung repeat, shyly biting his bottom lip ( that already was swollen due to the kiss the had shared just a minute earlier. )

jeongguk let out a laugh, bringing his hands around taehyung's thighs that felt like they belonged in the brunette's grip ( because of course they did ).

jeongguk leave another kiss on taehyung's lips, standing which result in the other letting out a squeak in surprise, a slight panic visible in his eyes.

“ god jeongguk you're gonna break your back— it will snap like t-those things that g.. glow! ”

jeongguk let out a laugh, amazed by how adorable taehyung was when he couldn't find the right words.

( jeongguk didn't mind at all, he loved that part of his angel, too. just like everything else, he had come to realize )

“ a glow stick, you mean? ” he ask, jumping the smaller boy up on his waist as he walks towards the bed room, ignoring the fists that's pushing against his chest.

“ yes, exactly! a glow stip! ”

jeongguk hums, not wanting to ruin taehyung's moment even though he could kindly try to tell the boy that he had pronounced the word wrong.

as soon as they are inside the dim room, jeongguk lay the boy down — carefully since taehyung's body was more fragile than the thinnest of glass and wasn't worth to be hurt. — but he himself get pulled down, being on top of taehyung as his lips turn into a cheeky smile and small laughs falling out his mouth.

there's a silence, and jeongguk feeling a need to break it blurt out whatever that's on his mind in that moment.

“ you look hot underneath me ”

taehyung being, confused frown before letting out a weak 'oh', slowly getting the pink tint back on his apple cheeks.

“ I-i do? ”

the blonde ask, eyes sparkling underneath the shadow of the brunette's body.

“ oh, if you only knew ”

taehyung's lick his lips, eyeing his boyfriends lips as he speak.

“ then how about you make me a bottom? ”


thx for reading bubs, I hope my editing doesn't disappoint too much, it's actually rly hard bc it takes a lot of time since I change a lot of story plot and all— I'm going ✈️exhausted from killing brain cells.

i hope everyone's feeling alright, ilysm, mwuah 💋

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